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Posts posted by murasaki17

  1. This is not going to be an interesting post but i'm really worried.


    I have been a part time glasses person for 3 years now. Half a year ago, i visited my optomoterist and discovered that i was 300 degrees on both eyes(short sighted). It may not seem suprising but i feel as if my eyes are worsing quicker than it should be. I am now way more dependant of my glasses than i ever was. I cannot see the computer screen without them, and i'd feel insecure if i don't have them with me when i go out. Apart from that dependancy, i am in constant discomfort. My eyes are always itchy. When i watch tv or read books, i'd be forced to close them for a rest because it'd be so sore. Also, there is this little ball growing inside my left eyelid. It feels like it's growing on top of my left eyeball. I can't see it but i can feel it with my fingers. It's tiny and it doesn't cause me any pain or anything. If my problem continues, will my short sightedness worsen? Am i lacking sleep or is there something seriously wrong with my eyes?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Thanks a lot for the helpful advice ^^

    It made me realise a lot that i didn't notice previously

    You's are right, i should not change him into what i find as 'perfect'.. I thought that things could be a little better with him after reading my first reply. I was hit in the head. To my surprise, i called him up and apologized about my actions of controlling his social life .. hoping that things would get brighter since i am keen on getting back with him because i really do love him. But according to what he represented to me (which includes attitude, speech etc) over the fone call and today at school, i think all my hopes should have sunk by now.

  3. I've posted in this category recently about the same break up situation that i am going to post today.


    The situation is generally like this. I don't like the girls that hangs around with my bf. This is truly not relating to a matter of jealousy but because they're loud, inconsiderate and big mouths. My bf is totally aware of my aversion towards them but he still prefers to hang out with them even though they back chat about him. This caused the two of us to conflict many times but i always think the problem does get solved when he apologizes, but it never has. At the same time, i don't want to lose him because i love him.


    My bf and i are already in a cold state. Last night, what he said to me over the fone, was a nightmare. I have previously wanted to break up with him, but never once i have meant what i've spilled. I admit i am a rushy person; i say what i don't mean. Well, last night... he asked if we can separate for a period of time and the reason was: i am not respecting the girl friends that he hangs around with and i am constantly telling him to not hang around them; which is not completely true.

    What he said almost caused me to fall off my chair. The first impression that came to my mind was that we are not going to be together again because i thought i was not the sort of person to run back to a guy after he has hurt me several times.

    So like any other fool, i digged into an emotional state where i couldn't stop the tears and hoped that he would call me back and take his words back. But he never called back. My question is: Is he really mad at me for restricting him from his friends?


    To what i think, he believes that when my problem against his friends is solved, then we can be together or w/e. But, that's not it. I can't see myself accepting his friends and i have tried to accept them previously, but i just can't make it.


    So is this really the end of us? I can't accept his friends.


    I've thought about it. He has absolutely chosen his friends over me and i should've walked right out of this misery by this morning. But i can't cease my emotions but think of him and continuously miss him. Yes, i know i am being pathetic.


    Isn't there anything else i can do but to accept his friends?

    I need advice. Thnx in advance.

  4. I have nowhere else where i can turn to, to release this out and ask for advice. I am stuck, more stuck than i was with that difficult maths question.


    I have dated this someone for exactly a year now and we've known eachother for 4 years in total. He has become one of my best friend who i can spill anything to.


    This is my first relationship (i'm 16) and i'm finding it hard to adapt to as we're now in a broken state where i want to break up but he choses to linger on because he said he still 'loves me'. His love is too fragile and i'm scared to take it again.


    The problem of this relationship is that i don't like the girl friends that he hangs around with. He knows perfectly well as we've had conflicts based on similar topics often. Unsuprising, we are in a broken state because of his friends. Maybe i shouldn't be so concerned of his friends but this is truly not a matter of jealousy. Those girl friends of his are rude, loud and absurd. They are constantly back chatting about my bf (or should i say, ex) but he still wants to hang around them.


    Anyway, this time things are a little different. One of his friends are holding a party kinda thing. I wanted him to go although he's afraid that i'll be upset about that, so he rejected my brilliant offer. But astonishingly, the next day, he muttered to me that he is going. First of all, i wasn't too shocked as i knew he must've been persuaded or tempted by what's going to happen on the day. He is finding me unreasonable as i am pissed about it. I am pissed partially because he said he's not going but after being tempted with offers and persuaded by his friends, he changed that mind of his.

    Also , what mainly ticked me off was... as planned a week before, i was to go to his house on the day of the party, but to make both events happen, he told me to go the day after. That is truly putting me where he wants me to be like an object without any consideration of my feelings.

    During the one year dating process, it feels to me that he's using me as some kind of 'object' where he comes to when he needs love and hugs. I feel used.


    My question is... Does this situation seem serious enough where i should totally cut it off with him? He says he still loves me. I don't know what to do. I never admired ppl that are mind changing and who lies constantly. What is it that i can do? I really need advice on this.



  5. She seems quite familiar as i do know someone who behaves like such. I believe she feels insecure within thereforeeee she's using you as a shelter incase if she gets rejected by another guy. You might want to talk to her about it?

  6. my so called ' good friend ' has impacted my life and has caused some negative effects and bad times. she has a net relationship with an american guy oceans away from where we live. but this isnt the problem. because of their relationship and the problem that's been rising where the guy cannot come to visit her due to the issues with his passport and the prob is... im seeing someone atm.. and my good friend mite sometimes witness me hugging or whatever with my half. however, she might take it as if im rubbing it in due to how she cannot have such an interaction with her bf but im really not trying to cause her to envy me and she does not understand that although ive tried to explained several times.

    for the past few days, she has been giving me a type of exclusion. i called her up previously to discuss and she stated it as if i wanted that type of exclusion. i understand how shes probably going thru a dramatic stage of her life but how i see it is...she is taking a boy over her friend and causing our friendship to come to a dead end. i find it really complicated to discuss with her any longer and i am no longer patient towards her.

    what is confusing me is, is it my fault of everything thats happening? and what can i do to cause less issues with her? should i just stop talking to her and pretend she does not exist when we see eachother?


    thanks in advance

  7. Recently, I have been having this weird feeling that i find abnormal with. Around half of the time when i do things, i would feel as if im dreaming and the things that i'm doing are unrealistic. Some of the days, i would feel really tired during the mornings but feel a bit alive during the evening. Am i feeling unrealistic because i lack sleep? Is this even a normal feeling? I've been trying to sleep more, but it just isn't working. What can i do about it?



    Thanks for the advice/s.

  8. I personally think it's quite cute seeing a guy have a few pimples on his face. I wouldn't think less of him because it's a natural thing. hMmm.. i'd say the best way of getting rid of pimples is to keep the face clean at all times, and clearasil would help.

  9. There are many reasons why someone would say that. E.g they would probably do so as their style of flirting or they can either be saying it because they really like you as a good friend. I had many guy-friends who has said those words casually to me.. I wasn't quite use to it at first and i took it seriously.. but to think of it, they didn't mean anything much. On the other hand, if one of your friend of the opposite sex said that to you, they might probably 'like' you but they're expressing it to you without being serious because they're calmed about it.

  10. i'm not sure if any similar topic relating 2 what i wanna ask exist in this section.. but here we go ~

    Is it weird for a girl to date a guy that's younger than her by 1-3 years? Is it considered abnormal in any ways? What do you guys think of such relationships?

  11. I have been going out with a girl that is also known as my good friend. We have known eachother for years until we each confessed feelings for one another. I guess it was partly bad experiences from the opposite sex that changed me into the person i am today>> a bisexual. I felt bad at first, but i'm adapting to it now. Sometimes i'd wonder if it's really my sexuality or the past that's telling me to get away from the opposite sex. Some other time i'd live life like i'm heterosexual but when time pulls me back into reality... i'd suddenly realise that i'm in a lesbian relationship. My girlfriend is on a holiday atm.. When she's not here, i'd miss her a lot but when she is with me.. i would somehow not appreciate her existence. I do like her.. But what i'm confused about is.. Is this really love or more of a friendship thing? I don't look at any other girls because i'm simply not interested. Many of my friends tells me that i'm just confused about my sexuality because the girl i'm with now somehow resembles a guy. I admit she's a some sort of tomboy with a short hair cut. I believe i am attracted to her personality and attitude. She is loveable. But am i really a bisexual? Am i?

  12. Well, yeah. Would you prefer to be given the truth or not been told at all?

    If you're really that much in love with her, then take the shot. Don't be afraid.. Although it might hurt if she doesn't feel the same no longer. I think she has probably totally gotten over you or she thinks that you have given up on her which would convince her 2 go out with some other guy. If you've changed your mind on the shot... then probably the easiest way to get over her is to get someone else new.

  13. I think i know clearly what kind of situation you're talking about. I don't think you're exactly in love. It's maybe more of a crush.

    You're probably feeling such a way for her because you haven't met other girls that makes you feel you have to hold onto this opportunity otherwise it'll be your loss. Don't rush into telling her how you feel ~ there's a chance that she'll find it awkward to be friends with u later on.

    Although i know it's quite hard to keep it in. Don't pressure yourself to not think about her .. because the more you do so, the more you'll circulate around the question.. if you're really in love or not.

    I've experienced such a thing before... And i can say, don't rush it, otherwise be prepared to lose a friend.

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