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Everything posted by Andy223

  1. Go for it in my opinion.... "To deny your own impulses, is to deny the very thing that makes you human" - quote by mouse off the matrix
  2. Let me tell you something, I drive a nice car simply becuase i enjoy driving. Its just a thing of mine + i dont mind a bit of road rage Never have i seen girls stare at me in my car. Neither have i seen a girl's attention dirverted to my car if i drive past. These girls probablly have a lot of sense. Yes, it is nice to own a car but if you act around trying to show it off, girls will see you as having a huge ego. You are also trying to pose, which is a huge put off. To be honest, if any girl looks interested in you when u drive past, its probablly becuase she likes the car.
  3. lo mate, i was in the exact same position as you are at the moment. There is this girl i really liked and i was not sure whether she had the same feelings as i did. We both smiled at each other, spoke on occasions. I thought to myself one day, if i do not act now, the connection will go away and there will be no hope. I went into school feeling really confident, smiling etc. I happened to spot her by herself. I went over said hi and said something to break the ice, cant remember now. To my supprise she reponded in the same way i did. I know your nervous, if you keep thinking that bad things will happen, bad things will happen. It is hard The thing is mate, if u think she feels something for you, then insinuating that you like her is only a good thing to do! the fact of the matter is, if you start speaking to her much more, she will only react in the same way. This is based upon the fact that u both smile at each other already. Dont deny your impulses, they make you who you are
  4. Hey im kinda new to all of this, hopefully ill find someone who can answer my problem. Just recently my mate and his girl have slipt up. They slipt up over 3 weeks ago. He slipt up with her and she may not have been ready the brake up. I have liked this girl for a long time now and wish i had taken more of an interest in her before they went out. This is my fault. I thought i would leave it for a couple weeks before i started to make a move, becuase she may have bin having trouble with her recent brake-up. I then started to text her a lot, spoke a lot, then we really started to get along well at a football game Started to speak even more, until my mate (the one who she split up with) found out that i had been texting her friendly messages. He didnt want me to text her he begun flaming at her inparticular. He rung me up and told me to lay off, there wasnt a fight. What confuses me is that he has broken up with her, and doesnt want any1 else to touch her. The problem then starts here, she would not reply to any of my texts or on msn, and ignored me for about a week. I expect that she waited for the tension to blow over. a couple of days ago we have started to speak, but its died down a lot and we are not getting along all that well. im really upset becuase i can feel a connection but cant quite make it work at the moment. Im afraid that she may be backing off from me becuase of the fight she had with her recent bf, and she does not want to loose him as a friend. I really need to know what to do next. Should i ask her out anywhere? should i slowley build up on a relationship? Should i speak to her a lot? I would also like to know if my mate still has feelings for her. Im lacking the confidence which is unusual for me 8(. Please i need some advice, thanks. if u managed to read all this u deserve a medal
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