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Everything posted by DrEaMeR23

  1. Okay, heres the deal..when i was 13 i met this boy..the love of my life, n i always knew it was him..anyways he quickly became my best friend...i am almost 20 now, n were still somewhat of friends i guess... me n him went out when we were 13, again at 16 and again at 18...they all didnt last very long, but he was always my best friend n my life time love....well this past time we broke up it got out of control n rediculous. He just said we were better off friends. I was so hurt..its been a few months now n hes all i continue to think about because not only did i lost him as my BF but as my best friend as well..since i was a little girl he was always there for me...we went to semis together..i always slept at his house..we were like inseperable forever! anyways, after this breakup he would go from nice to mean to me...im around him all the time because we have the same friends..sometimes hes so hurtful n mean to me n makes me cry..other times he apologizes n tells me he wants to be best friends again n just all that...and alot of the time i find myself "sleeping" or doing other intimate things with him as well..i know he loves me and he means well, but i just dont know what to do..hes always been my love n my best friend so he knows what upsets me...n makes me happy...i feel so much that hes just going through alot rite now, because he def. is in so many ways..but i dont know..i guesss what im trying to say is that i love him n im not ever going to give up on him..one nite in bed a long time ago he told me to promise him no matter what i wou ld never stop loving him...and i swear i wont..idk what im asking for hear except, does anyone know what i mean? or how i feel?? he is the most loving person i know..hes just going through more then anything write now...should i just learn to leave him alone n control my own emotions so that he can see im doing okay??? will that bring him back to me??/ if you wanna know the rest of the story...just ask me n ill tell you..but please i NEED adivice!!
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