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Everything posted by geewhiz

  1. My daughter has an anger problem. She is age 12. She tells me little clues of kids being mean too her at school. I'm not sure what to do about this, actually there is nothing I can do except be here for her. She seems to get mad at me because I'm not helping. I feel like she doesnt love me anymore. Because she is always angry towards me. She wont let me hug her and she definatly doesnt hug me. I'm at a loss at how to show my love and support. Can anyone else relate? What can I do to help her? Why is she so angry with me? Frustrated parent.
  2. I will pass the information on to my parents and hopefully get something done.
  3. My parents are both physically disabled. So neither has much income coming in. My brother lives with them. He is mentally retarded. This lady met my brother and within a months time got my brother to sign papers for loans, cars, house. 64,000 debt. He is unable to work and does not qualify for state assistance. They could file bankruptcy but there again no money to do it. My parents shouldnt have to be going through this in their retirement years. What can I/we do? It breaks my heart to see them go through this and I feel helpless.
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