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Everything posted by hoboken12

  1. My exgirlfriend and I broke up quite a long time ago. But I still sometimes think of her sometimes and get angry about the whole situation. I only have one question about her that I can't figure out. It always seems like she rebels against anything that I would want or say. While we were dating her ex came into the picture and said he was still in love with her. I told her immediately I thought it was a bad idea to lead him on, and if she wasn't leading him on then she was leading me on. I thought I was being fair, just wanted to make her commit to a decision either way. She refused saying that she loved me, but she was good friends with him long before they ever dated. So I allowed it and we still dated. But he would always show up to events that she and I were at and basically interrupt us and she would allow it, and even encourage it. Eventually, one night when I was out of town she cheated with him. I don't know details but I know they were seen making out at a bar together. So I broke up with her. Anyways, here is what gets to me to this day. When we were dating she refused to spend time with my friends. We always had to be with her friends (including her exboyfriend). Anytime there was something going on in my circle of friends, there was always something more important with her circle. If I objected she said I was over reacting. So finally after we broke up, she would call me on occasion to see if I wanted to go out for a drink, or go out to dinner. This is only a week or two after we broke up and she immediately started dating someone new. I would talk to her and state that I thought it was a bad idea. I really wanted no contact at all anymore. So eventually I stopped answering the phone. So she all of a sudden wants to be friends with all of my friends. Seemingly just to keep some sort of contact with me. To make a long story short (too late), I don't understand why she acts this way. When we were dating she would do exactly the opposite of anything that I asked, (maybe so that I would break up with her?) then when I finally do break up with her she wants to go out on dates (go out to dinner, go out for drinks just her and I). When I want her to get to know my friends she refuses. When I don't want her to have anything to do with my life she has to befriend everyone that I know. Does anyone understand this? Clue me in, if I am totally missing something
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