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  1. He has been stuck in dept for years, hence living at home. For him, he only wants to move out (Ideally) if he is purchasing a home, seeing that he is 28 and wants to begin his life as such. But, then I came into the picture and we love each other and want to live together. He met with his financial advisor who said that in order for him to have the means to live on his own, he would have to save up for 2 years. That put us in the place where we would have to continue "staying" at my place for the next two years before he moved out and truthfully, we are already living together pretty much and loving it and want to start that life together, live together for a year or so, get engaged and buy a home together when we can both put in an equal amount of $$. Wanting to do this all together, we want to make sure no one is being taken advantage of or inconvenienced and so we are hoping to move in (so that we can share expenses) and then buy a house together when we can both put in the same amount.
  2. If he moves out on his own, he wouldn't be able to afford it for 2 years and that's not the amount of time I want to remain with us "just dating".
  3. Ok, tomorrow night my boyfriend of 7 months and I are having a conversation about moving in together. We've been talking about this for the last few months, knowing how much we love each other and that we, eventually, want to be engaged after living together for a year or so. Well, he has always lived at home (except for 1 year away at college) and now would be moving in to my home (which I own). I am concerned for him that he should live on his own for awhile before we move in so that he too gets that "sense of independance", but he won't do that for 2 years on his own, I know. Becuase he lives at his parents now, we basically live together anyways b/c he stays at my place 6 nights a week. So, this seemed like a logical and realistic next step for us. And, a realistic step for us to share a home together financially that we already share together realistically. But, will this scenario suffer b/c he hasn't lived on his own first?
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