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Posts posted by Batman2004

  1. Hey everyone..


    Just curious here and wanted to see what everyone else's opinions are..


    Alot of guys on here write that they want a short or tall girl blah blah


    Well how many guys out here would rather they date a girl exactly their height? I for one would cuz there are advantages when it comes to kissing and looking in each others eyes cuz your right at eye level..


    Would anyone else care to chime in on this?

  2. If you feel you honestly are not ready to start a relationship with them then you should tell them so and they need to respect that and back off..but if you feel you are then give one of them a chance..

  3. I think you should ask your friend if its not too much trouble that he drop you off after work before he goes out for the night..it would probably take what a few extra mins out of his evening to do that for you. I mean the bars and clubs will still be open after 5:00 won't they? ..


    Let me know if you need any more help but keep us updated on what happens..

  4. Try to get your bf her ex now to talk to her maybe or just go up and say hey what is wrong with you? you broke it off with him...If you ask me she is being childish I mean he's fair game so to speak since the two of them were broken up ..

  5. Man your 15 you don't need to be thinking about killing yourself..what exactly is your problem so you have a lot of hair..you know there are alot of girls out there who like that they see it as a more masculine thing or whatever..but if its so bad have you considered getting your parents to take you to a doctor?


    Don't let something like this bring you down there are probably a lot of guys out there who wouldn't mind havin as much hair as you do ..


    But plz don't think about killing yourself it serves no purpose you don't know how much life has to offer you your only 15 and you've got your whole life ahead of you...

  6. Ok first off take her off the pedestal it seems you have her on and just talk to her about anything find something to talk to her about maybe the class you 2 are in, the weather, anything just to use as an excuse to talk to her but just start off talking to her and learning about her but kinda gauge her reactions to you if she's remotely interested in you she will talk to you if not then she's not worth your time and move on...


    Don't be so desperate to talk to her I mean you will live if you dont get to talk to her there are other important things to be concentrating on too..like your grades, schoolwork maybe?

  7. Hi bsmlb6 welcome to enotalone first off..


    As for this girl staring at you..best advice I can give you is go talk to her, introduce yourself to her and start talking to find out more about it..thats the best route to take I think..


    Good luck keep us posted


    1) No, they are still married after 21 years

    2) A mix of low self esteem and self confidence, I look at myself in the mirror and I say yes I am but its tough when you are compared with others around you.

    3) Having no self confidence...was told by a person I looked up to that I'm a loser..I was told this on several occasions though I stood up for myself but it wears one down afterwile...


    I nvr dated in HS and have yet to in college..I've been on one study date though if that counts but the girl turned out to be taken already...


    I am shy when it comes to girls that I like alot I mean I don't have a problem talking to people but asking a girl out is just where I feel I won't succeed because of being told I'm pathetic all the time..I don't care to go out to clubs/bars cause I would prefer to date a sober person not a drunk.

  9. Why do you let your brother get to you like that?..Let him run around with these girls if their being swayed by him that fast chances are they aren't worth your time at all!!...I think alot of girls here would agree with what I'm about to say:


    Any good decent girl...and yes I believe their out there does NOT allow herself to be swayed by some guy like that..The girls out there who are real church girls who have upstanding morals and religious beliefs and are serious about them won't give into pressure by someone like that in fact they'd probably walk out the door sayin they don't need that..


    So what if your brother is running around with all these girls I'm telling you its going to catch up to him eventually..He's gonna screw it all up its only a matter of time just sit back and watch his downfall cause its coming..


    In the meantime stop feeling so depressed you will be the more wanted when you get older....take a look at yourself..you have a job(that's something your brother doesn't have!!)..You'll be seen as more responsible, mature and a person who can take care of themselves..cause you have all your $$ and you don't have to go to your mom for any like your immature brother does..


    I'm telling you I'm in the same boat as you but I feel if I just sit around and mope about it I only make myself worse and that will turn off any girl that I think would be attracted to me..


    Hope that helps feel free to PM me if you need any help

  10. Hi Shinobe:


    Don't let your brother get to you like that..I'm in the same boat as you are man 20 no gf nothing and I hate it just as much as you..


    I read some of your previous posts within this topic and try to keep this phrase in mind with regards to your bro: "What goes around comes around"...See it as eventually all these girls that he's running around with and pressuring to have sex its going to catch up to him one day and the revenge will be sweet..those girls won't be hangin around him at all!..and he'll be sorry then


    But bein single and all try not to let it get to you see the advantages..Like me for example bein single and working I save up all my $$ to pay my bills and for when I wanna buy things...You don't have to call someone and talk to them for hours runnin up minutes on a cell phone..Plus it gives you time to do whatever you want, I have all the time in the world now to myself I watch tv, read books, workout alot more cuz I am tryin real hard and lost alot of weight too!..


    Do I have my days where I get real down? Yea you bet I think we all do but I try to get through it and I think you can too if you trust that medication your taking will work..I think if you take that with the mindset of its going to make you feel better you actually will feel alot better about everything thats going on..


    Hope that helped you some feel free to PM me whenever to talk

  11. Hi lord_macnaughton:


    I think its because these teens that label someone like that are obviously immature..I'm 20 years old now and I've nvr dated or had a gf yet..Don't know what I'm doing wrong to be like that..


    Don't listen to what those kids think..unless you know them real well I bet their in the same boat as you are but pick on others to hide it so they look like they are better than you when in reality their on the same level as you are..


    Hope that helps some

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