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Posts posted by MissCanuck

  1. 14 minutes ago, Jennaxoxo459 said:

    if I cannot prove to him that I understand his lifestyle, we will need to breakup. 

    How are you supposed to prove such a thing? In practical terms, what is it he wants you to do or say to "prove" that you understand his life? 

    He sounds incredibly resentful and bitter. I get that he has not had it easy, but it is also terribly unfair of him to hold that over your head. 

    If anything, I think you need to consider ending this because it's likely not going to get better and will continue to corrode your relatonsip. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, Thatgirlie said:

    Me personally I want things to work out

    There is nothing to work out, though. 

    You two had a short-lived thing, and it's been over for a while. And he hasn't been nice to you. You have to recognize when to let go of false hope. This isn't how decent relationships start, and it's quite clear he doesn't share the feelings you do. 

    Let it go, or put yourself through more pain. This isn't going to end the way you hoped. 

    • Like 3
  3. Have you got a crush on him?

    That's how it's coming across here, and it probably comes across in real life too. We generally aren't this focused on our interactions with someone unless there is more to it. Might as well be honest with yourself, first and foremost. 

    But he seems fine. He probably had something else to do and his wife was waiting. I am not sure why you thought he would linger. 

    Maybe you need to ease off your personal interactions with him that aren't strictly related to housing. 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Traveler201 said:

    What I'm trying to say is was it really Sam who wanted to hang out again?

    None of us can tell you that. 

    There isn't much to go on here, other than some passing interactions. Maybe she was vaguely interested, but it was a long time ago. 

    2 hours ago, Traveler201 said:

    I guess what I'm looking for is some sort of closure. 

    Closure from ....what, exactly? I don't mean to be dismissive, but you seem to have attached a lot of emotional significance to a couple passing interactions with the her, which happened a number of years ago. I would spend more time reflecting on why that is. That is what will help you move forward much more than focusing on a near-nothingburger from the past. 

  5. 11 hours ago, tfriend said:

    I pay the utilities, internet, all groceries, anything extra he needs at the store like deodorant, degreaser for his shop, etc. we also take my vehicle if we go anywhere and I always pay for the gas. I also mow the grass (3 hours of work), do all the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping and laundry

    Why do you do this? 

  6. 12 hours ago, Hello123321 said:

    Just not sure how someone that seemed to be into me so much

    That's the thing though - you don't know this woman. Texting a lot isn't the same as truly being into you,which is impossible when you have never met. 

    I get that you're confused how she could drop off the radar but it also sounds like you've lost some perspective here and forgot that you two are still strangers to each other. Messaging is not dating, of course, so it's important not to build up your expectations when you have never met. 

    Maybe she's not really done with her ex. Maybe she's been talking to some other guy. The point is that you didn't necessarily do anything wrong, nor would I stress over it. Next time, keep messaging to a minium until you actually meet in person and can better assess compatibility. 

  7. You don't actually know what her connection is to this man. You have no idea if they are personally involved in any way, and she is a big girl, she will do her due dilligence when dating someone new. 

    Don't interfere, and also, block her from your social media so you aren't tempted to track her like this. 

  8. 2 hours ago, stelalala said:

    I was a really horrible person in the beginning of our friendship because of many personal issues and trauma. I was jealous, let out my anger and frustration with my friends (when I had a bad day, I insulted them and screamed at them), I constantly made them feel like they were replaceable, like I was better than them, I was absolutely not open for criticism or any kind of feedback, I basically did whatever I wanted without considering their feelings. 

    That is not something most people will be able to forgive and forget, as you're seeing. 

    You may have made a lot of improvements, which is great. They are not obligated to continue the friendship after this sort of mistreatment, though. Please be minduful of this in future friendships. 

    • Like 3
  9. On 6/11/2024 at 12:40 AM, soccerdoll47 said:

    my brother to step in

    This is not appropriate. You are an adult and should not be recruiting family members to intervene in private relationship matters. Don't do that again, no matter how wronged you feel. 

    When you get to that point, you need to recognize that you and your boyfriend are incompatibile to the extent that a relationship won't work,. 

    • Like 4
  10. 20 minutes ago, thegoldenchicken said:

    Surely if he's losing interest and didn't want the relationship then he wouldn't do those things.

    Eh, not necessarily.

    Unfortunately, a lot of people are fine to coast along until they muster up the courage to break up with thier partner. His actions (or lack thereof) are telling you where his feelings really are. I'm sorry, girl. 

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