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Posts posted by zac

  1. I know what' kind of situation that is, because when I first drive I felt nervous too. But did your ever play the driving game, which may reduce your nervous when driving. I have been overcome that fears because of the wonderful game. Try it, you will feel better.

    Good luck.

  2. Hello, White_Kimono:


    I feel so sorry about your former story, but since you posted your story and we can share your feelings, so you are not alone, at least you have us in the cyberspace. You have thansfered to a new environment, that is really good, which may let the unhappy things be fade. Hopefully, you have a good future, and forget about killing yourself, otherwise you will be a big loser. Good on U.

  3. I always like to post my stories on communities, and I hope that my messages can act as a catalyst to open a dialogue with others who have their own stories to tell, that will be very interesting and I will feel more about people's thinking and beliefs, and then one day the online cultural mix will be coming. The differences of East and West will be assimilated by the interaction online.


    How do you think of the online culture, is it coming mix? how are you feeling?

  4. Since the internet widely used, any people around the world can access to the internet, and we have the opportunities to communicate with different people such as western people and eastern people, so they may produce lots of magical romance stories according to their own cultures, thereofore, some others may not understand the different romance, or that could be a misunderstanding of that romance, all in all, cultural diversity is the clue.


    Does anyone have suffered this kinds of cultural shock? Let's talk about it.

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