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Everything posted by j459

  1. Thanks for atleast someone giving me some responses this time Anyway, I have been trying to keep myself pretty busy with work school and everything else that goes on in my busy life these days. But at night, went I sit down to do my homework and such around 9 or 10, I feel it more than ever. About the contact thing, she does initiate contact on instant messanger pretty often, and we do talk fine on there, but I'll try to give her some more space, though it is hard to resist the temptation to just pick up the phone and give her a call. Acutally, I sit there sometimes with my phone on her name in my little phone book, and my finger over the green dial button, but I've done pretty well resisting the temptation to call her, i've resisted for over a week, and I guess thats the first step? Though as I write this, I feel like just calling her again, and maybe I'll feel better for 3 or 4 days like I did last week....
  2. Well recently I made a post in the dating forum. I was at this camp and I ended up liking this girl. About halfway through, I told her I liked her, and she said she liked me too. For the last week of camp, she kept pulling away from me more and more, and it felt like I was initiating every type of contact and communication. After I initiated it, it would be fine mostly, but sometimes it still felt like I was driving conversations all the time and what not. Finally, on the last night I asked her why she'd been acting this way (I was afraid to do so sooner, because I thought it might just push her away), and she told me that she had liked me all through camp last year, and after camp last year, it was just very hard for her in general (because she never told me or flirted with me or anything). She didn't want to go through the same feelings again this year, so basically she pulled away the last week. She said that she wanted us to just be friends, and of course, this hurt me a lot (we live like 7 hours away). I can understand why she wouldn't want to go through something like this again. Anyway, after camp I called her after a day or so, and it just seemed like she was still acting the same way, kinda me driving everything again, and she wasn't really talking. About a week later I called her again, and I spilled me guts to her about how I felt, and how it hurt me more than anything else, that she wasn't being a real friend, and wasn't opening up to me whatsoever. Of course, after talking to her about all that, I felt better for the next 3 days or so, but starting last Thursday, I've been feeling like crap again. I really don't feel like bothering her about how I feel anymore, because I'm afraid I'm just going to drive her away, and I really would like us to be friends, if nothing else, because she is such a great person. I really don't know how to move on or what to do. Recently even online, I've opened up to her a few times, and she's said that I can take all the time I need, and she doesn't mind me talking to her about how I feel, but sometimes I just can't tell if that's her being nice, or if she really means it. I'm afraid if I continue spilling how I feel to her, she's going to get sick and tired of it, and it'll really drive her away. I've talked to some other friends about it, but it still isn't the same as the happiness I feel after I talk to her about how I feel...What should I do? I know it'll take me time to move on, and I know I will eventually, but it just hurts so bad right now, especially when I'm trying to do homework or when there just aren't people around. Please post any ideas or any responses, because I only got 1 reply on my last one, and I'm open for any suggestions...
  3. j459

    What to do?

    Well, we're not pulling any type of relationship, since she said "lets be friends". I've tried talking to her, but she still really doesn't say much to me.
  4. j459

    What to do?

    First of all, let me say this place is wonderful. Though I only registered today, I've been lurking here for over a year, and I've got to say, these are some of the nicest people I've seen on the internet. Well, I was at this place during the summer and I really really liked this girl. I got around to telling her how I felt about her, and she said she felt the same way about me . For the next week or so, she kind of avoided/ignored me unless I came up to her. Our conversations were almost always started by me, and I would always be the one going up to her. On the last night of the camp, I talked to her about why she kept pulling away from me, and we had a long talk. Aparently, she liked me after the same camp last year, and it took her forever to get over me after that. She said that she didn't want to have to go through the same thing again this year, so she tried not to get to close to me. Finally, she said "lets be friends" and I basically died inside. I've called her a few times since, but she still seems to be acting the same way. I don't see how we can be friends if she won't open up to me, or even talk to me really. Right now what hurts more than me still liking her so much is that she's not acting like a friend still, and she still won't open up to me in any way. If nothing else I'd still like to be good friends with her, but I don't see how it can work if she's still afraid to talk to me about things like life in general. Any help in first getting over her, and then in how to become atleast better friends with her? Our conversations always seemed kind of strained besides a few times, and it was just akward sometime...
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