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Everything posted by Shonenhype

  1. but its not a friend i want or need. Shes basically the only thing I live for at this point..... Sad that I feel this way at 15
  2. Hey all, Im a high school student in my sophmore year. Last year (freshman year) I met this awesome girl. She shares my interests, and we really connect. Over a year we got to know each other better. Over the summer I had began falling for her. I didnt see her much because of her extensive travelling, but we talked on the phone alomst every week. Over that time I worked at a day camp where I met another girl who I asked out. We dated for 5 weeks and I broke it of with her. I said it was because we woudlnt see eachother much, but it was really because I was still in love with the original girl. New school year came and we end up having the same free period, so we talk ALOT, over some time we open up to eachother, not about us, but in a different emotional setting. My love for her only intensified. As i became her friend, I saw her go through boyfriends like lollipops. Now shes wiht this guy who I think is really cool. I ike him alot, but now Im in the middle of them. She knows I liked/Like her, but she doesnt know to what degree. I cant listen to some music now because it reminds me of her and it hurts. Some days I feel like not waking up if I know I cant have her. I feel this will never end....... I am open to any suggestions/advice.
  3. Hey, I met this girl when I was working at a camp and we go to two schools that are down the street from eachother. We became good friends and we both have Live Journals. We both posted the same survey where one of the questions was, "Would you kiss me?". For her I wrote of course, and for me she wrote sure. Well a few days later I asked her out and she immediatley said yes! We went on a date to the movies and met up with my other friend and his girlfriend and one of his friends. The date went well but I thought somehting was missing. I dont know if most first dates are akward...especially when your 15...but we didnt even touch in the least, like I mean holding hands or anything. I dont know why, maybe it was my friends there making me or us nervous but it didn't happen. But she said she had a good time anyway. A bit of flirting goes on now and then. Well our jobs ended and we still talk everyday. Well I asked her if she liked me, you know more than a friend and she sad yes...so now I'm putting two and two together in my head...I asked her to hang out at this "strip mall" so we can walk around and have coffee and such...But I don't know if "advanced physical contact" would be in order or appreciated. I need advice on what "moves" to put on her to make the night move along smoothly. Anyone out there have any suggestions?
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