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Posts posted by Edge_of_6_feet

  1. Yah. Having her period is usually a pretty decent sign that she's not pregnant, but it is possible to have your period while your pregnant after about the 3rd month though this shouldn't happen if she's pregnant.


    The heat could have something to do with it but speaking as a female, those cramps can really do some damage sometimes. I think that this could just be normal...if the symptoms continue I'd seek medical attention.


    From now on wear a condom when you're going to have sex. And just because you didn't cum doesn't mean she can't be preggers...there's a thing called pre-cum where smaller ammounts of semen come out...protect yourself but more importantly protect her.

  2. I guess when things like this happen and we've been together for so long, we have to second guess ourselves to be sure we made the right decission. We have to seek responses from other people to know if we did the right thing and I'm not going to tell you that you did the right or wrong thing. You'll know in due time...but what I am going to ask you is;


    Did you break up with her for those reasons, or did you break up with her because you've taken a liking to the other girl? Because if you broke up with her for the other girl and things with that girl don't work out you're going to feel real dang stupid for losing 2 1/2 years of your life to the greatest woman you'll never get back.


    Did you ever sit down w/ your ex and ask her how she felt about the relationship? Maybe she wanted to take it to another level such as marriage but she didn't know how you felt and was too affraid to say anything. I know if I was with someone for 2 1/2 years I'd be looking toward marriage.


    About her trying to control your life, did you ever think she was just jealous? I used to be jealous a lot and hated it when my ex would go out with any other person. Now the guy I'm with basically only has girl friends, and most of them like him...but I have to learn to trust him. And maybe when you're around, she just wants to be comforted...


    Good luck to you with this, I hope everything works out for the best.

  3. I feel as if I'm losing my best friend. Maybe I've already lost her then maybe I'm just being ignorant....


    Tonight we went to a football game together but she invited another friend along with. One she's been spending A LOT of time with. I don't like this girl because of how she acts...like the fact she openly talks about sex, the men that she wants, and the fact that she shows people her underwear. It bugs me. So when I found out she was coming to the game with us, I figured it'd be ok I knew I wasn't going to like it much but I thought I'd give it a chance to be fair to my bestfriend. At the game I felt like an outsider. I was distant and didn't say much and they invited me to stand up with them but the game was so sucky I didn't want to stand up and they wound up leaving me there with their stuff while they went to the bathroom and to get something to drink...we wound up leaving the game early because it was horrible. We were getting stomped all over and we had kids around us yelling and screaming at their friends in the stands, spitting, and throwing things. Let's just say I wouldn't call tonight a pleasurable experience.


    After the game I was supposed to spend the night at her house, but she wound up inviting Jessica to that at the last minute too. After being sorta left out all night long, I was fed up and I felt like I had lost my best friend, so I called my dad and had him pick me up from her house. I didn't feel right in being there, her mom had enough to handle with one teenager plus her daughter she didn't need two teens...


    Before I went home, she asked me if my baptism was still on for Sunday and asked if my parents could give her a ride. I said yah it shouldn't be a problem. I know only a true friend would come to your baptism or make a big issue out of it...but I just want it to go back to the way it was when we were kids...growing up doesn't have to mean growing apart and I don't want to grow apart from her.


    I just want to know if I'm being stupid, too jealous, an idiot, and if I'm really losing my bestfriend or if she's still there but I'm too blind to see it.

  4. Ok, I'm not gay nor do I ever plan on being gay but before you feel this guy out you yourself need to come out of the closet that way it doesn't get around in a bad way. You yourself need to sit down and disguss it with your parents..don't expect them to take it lightly but that's what you need to do...and I think that the guy is p robably just curious around the age of 16 guys get curious and normally start questioning their sexuality no matter who they are..

  5. Thank you to everyone who responded.


    To the people who asked how I took it so easily...I didn't take it easily it hurt more than anything in my life hurt...even when I broke up with my first true love. it didn't hurt this bad..I've been crying for the last 2 days and just wishing that he'd want me back, I know that I wouldn't take him back right now because of what happened but it was so nice to be wanted.


    However, it wasn't hard to be nice...that's how I felt I knew I couldn't tell him to f off or that he was an a hole because I'm better than that..I think. Zander and I had a long talk and he told me I was better than that and my b/f didn't know what he was missing out on and stuff like that...But the mroe Z said the more I just didn't want to be here.


    I just wish it didn't have to be like that. I honestly loved him...he was everything to me. But for right now I think I'm going to date Jesus for a while and not worry about men.


    THank you all...I'm not goign to send the picture...because it would confuse him too much and it'd be stooping to a level and saying I need you back and I think i'm strong enough to handle it on my own.

  6. Don't give into her. She's just trying to blame you for something you're sure you didn't do. If she didn't want to have sex she should've opened up her mouth and told you so but by not opening up her mouth it was agreed upon by both people that they wanted to have sex. Though somewhere in her mind she might have been saying no, doesn't mean she told you no which shouldn't get you in trouble with the law.


    When you guys moved in together did you both pay rent/lease and sign an agreement together because if you did that can be evidence that you two were in a relationship and could either buy you some time or get you off the hook. Also the fact that she suffers from depression there could be something else more deeply rooted there like schizophrenia. I know that my mom has stress related schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder and manic depression, these peoples moods can swing so fast it'd make your head pop off but the main thing is to not concentrate on her but on you.


    I understand that you feel bad but if you know you didn't do anything wrong dang it you dind't do anything wrong. Suicide is a very common thought after giving your all to a person and into your relationship with them. I went through that feeling with my first HUGE relationship and I tried to slit my wrist and had a cut about 7 inches long on my arm when people asked what it was from i said my binder...i coudln't face the truth. Remember that suicide is the cowards way out and if you really want to prove that you're a strong person you'll find other thigns to occupy your time rather than thinking about her and staying home to mope. Maybe you should also consider going to a different college considering the circumstances all that's going to go on there is a bunch of rumors, lies, the past being brought up over and over again.


    Best of wishes to you. And God bless

  7. Today my boyfriend of nearly 7 months broke up with me. We've known eachother for going on 3 years and were bestfriends before we ever committed to a relationship. Let me just explain how or why we broke up:


    I was on the internet checking my e-mail when I see him sign on and I was thinking yay, my baby is on...i can ask him to come over to get the photo I drew of him...but all of a sudden I send a hello and I'm told that I'm talking to his 15 year old girlfriend from Alabama. I was like So he wound up getting on later and I confronted him about it and asked if he was dating a girl from Alabama and if he was to let me go so I didn't have to endure the pain any longer He said he didn't know they were dating and it was hard having a long distance relationship with me...(we live about 20 miles from eachother) he said he liked her and didn't know that liking someone was considered cheating. I told him I never said that it was and that I just wanted to know if he was dating her. He said he didn't know he was..I had to leave to go to work and he e-mailed me saying that he didn't want to be with anyone at this point in his life and told me i could e-mail him back telling him to f*** off because he deserved it. I e-mailed him back but I told him that i'd never tell him to f*** off because I care for him and no matter what i'll always have a place in my heart for him.


    I just want to know if I did the right thing by keeping my cool instead of blowing up and telling him how much he hurt me and what an a** he was for doing that. Also is it ok to send the picture to him or will it make me look to desperate.

  8. *agrees* men who can cook are very sexy. Even men who wake up in the morning all scruffy and barely awake and decide to mope around in boxers while they pour cereal are incredibly sexy. Makes ya want to jump them right there. HEHEHE so it looks like you have a beautiful future down the road when you meet Ms Perfect. I think I recently met Mr. Perfect and it's awesome. Trust me when you meet them it might take a little time to realize it but man when you do it's like the great awakening...


    It was said to me this summer at a camp that you should always date up...you don't want someone lower than yourelf otherwise they'll drag you down and you don't want someone on the same level cause they'll never challenge you but if you date up you always have the encouragement and push you need to keep going in life. hehe there's someone for everyone..just takes a few wrongs to make a right lol

  9. I don't know what you mean by "How big should my rod be i'm 14 thinking of doing it like 16-17" I'm a girl so this is kinda a foregin subject to me. but I do have an answer to the first question...


    Yes, it is perfectly normal to have veins on your penis...when men get aroused, blood starts flowing to their penis and filling up hollow areas in the spongy area (corpus spongiosum) of the penis. When these areas are filled it produces an erection. There are arteries that surround a penis that usually moniter the blood flow to the penis but when a male is aroused it causes the muscle that surround the arteries to allow more blood to flow to the penis.


    Going on about size of your penis which is determined by an elastic membrane once the spongy tissue is filled with blood, it comes to it's "maximum" when a guys penis hardens...this is its way instead of expanding more, it becomes firm. When it becomes firm the veins (probably the ones you're asking about ) that drain the blood become compressed. Since these are close to the surface, they're probably visable during a hard on. Without veins and arteries, you wouldn't get a hard on.


    Hope that answers your question

  10. Girls are weird, emotional creatures...very emotional and very "flip-switch". By Flip-switch I mean we can change how we feel in an instant. In a split second in time we can go from being excited to being sad and depressed. It kinda sucks.


    Personally I hate flowers and I hate how men think they have to give you flowers or a present to make you talk to them or forgive them again. Words and prayer are the 2 most powerful things that we humans have. Sometimes a sorry I can't be there card or poem about how much men love us works. We like being put on a pedistal but at the same time we don't want to be bought. We like things, simple things that take some thought. Flowers die and I think of flowers dying just as relationships die. It's an awful reminder..lol and I know you probably only meant for the flowers to be a good thing which is sweet but sometimes we're so gunho that we don't think about what men are thinking when they get something for us.


    I think that if she loves you and has said she wants to be with you forever maybe she wants your relationship to move up to the next level but she's probably affraid of saying anything. Maybe I'm wrong in saying that but one thing I can probably guess pretty well at is she does need her space and usually when I say I need space I need time to think through the relationship and time to decipher out my own life and look to what's ahead of me no matter how difficult that may be. It's hard being away from the guy you love. Love is not only emotional but it's also physical and if you're gone for months at a time it can really tare a person up. It's not your fault though so just explain to her what you feel after yougive her some time I hope everything works out ok for you two.

  11. Hi..lol


    Speaking from experience, cutting can be a relief. There's something about blood that calms a person down and can soothe them or atleast it gets their mind off the other stresses in life if they're just watching themselves bleed. I never really CUT myself not deeply anyway but I used to do it all the time and it's been about a month since I've cut...I guess it was probably going to Colorado and Bible Camp that made me think about self mutilation and needing to stop.


    I don't know if you're a religious person and being religious or not doesn't have anything to do with cutting. But I'd say from the Christian view point, you need to hand it over to God. A person can hardly control their life without help. It's not going to get any better if you don't seek help. When you give it over to Him it's no longer you in control it's Him and if He's in control he's not going to let you get hurt. Since I've handed it over to Him it's still been a struggle but it's a lot easier now and I dont find myself wanting to do it as often.


    Good luck. God bless

  12. It's really hard on someone when the person they've fallen in love with lies to them. Does he know why you lied to him? Sometimes all it takes is understanding why what was done was done.


    If you two get back together and from the way it sounds you two are very much in love and probably will, you need to be honest with him. If you don't want to talk to him right that second say, I really don't want to talk right now and ask if you can give him a call back later. I'm sure that if he loves you he'll be able to accept that as an answer and if you're really broken down and need someone to talk to but don't know how to talk he'll do anything to get to you.


    Just a few questions...if you love this guy why are you still wearing a necklace from you ex? Quit holding onto the past, especially if you know or even think you have a future with this guy. And about the car, he shouldn't care what you drive, what you drive doesn't necessarily show your socioeconomic status. Just be honest with him. The key ingrediants in a relationship are Honesty


    For right now I'd say give him a little time when he's ready to talk he'll come to you or you can call him but give him a while. Sometimes it take a little time sometime to get your feet back on the ground and your head on straight Good luck.

  13. Sounds like this girl is very insecure in who she is. Women who date right away after a long relationship ends tend to feel the need to be with someone because they have been with someone for so long. It's like "we" need to be told we're pretty and "we" need to be wanted and gone after. As stupid as it sounds the only thing we really sometimes is what we gave up...you never know if you can't live without someone if you've never tried to before. I personally think all these guys she's with is a way of passing her time and trying to avoid the truth.


    Anyway, it seems as if you're pretty upset that she's bringing them to a place which happens to be part yours and I can't say that I wouldnt' be upset either. Infact I'd be furious. I'd say confront her, tell her that while you're still living there and pay rent, the place is part yours and you don't want to have people walking in your house all night or have her showing off her dates. Suggest figuring out both of your scheduals and if she wants someone over make it when you're not going to be there.


    Best of luck and God bless.

  14. While sex is an excellent way of displaying your love for one another it's also an act of deep love, passion, and comitment. Many men even the ones who are married are still affraid of making a comitment. I'm not saying that your husband is affraid of commitment he's (guessing) around 50 years old and porobaly has made many comitments...but maybe he's not having sex with you or not talking with you about sex because he knows something you don't, maybe he's just trying to protect you.


    I know I'm only 17 and when I say sex isn't everything in a relationship it's probably not going mean anything but next time insted of yelling or trying to be sexual when talking about stuff approach your husband in a loving and caring manner and try to talk things through tell him that it's really bothering you. Don't throw a relationship down the drain because there isn't any sex. Or atleast dont throw it down the drain until you come to an understanding. I'm sure he wouldnt have married you if he didn't love you.


    Keep going strong. Take your worries to God the power of prayer is an amazing thing.

  15. Ok well if you want some true critiquing you could go to link removed and get some general feed back there. But I wouldn't expect the greatest comments there.. you'd probably get something like, your poem is good at expressing how you feel but at the same time it's very cliche which takes away from the meaning and depth of the poem. Also, your rhymes are very forced and poems that rhyme should flow and have meter and depth to them. Keep writing.

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