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Posts posted by tiki

  1. well, i work for a big company and we work in different buildings so i WOULDNT see him on a regular basis if we were to break up. I like my job, but i'm leaving to transfer to a different college in the Fall so i will be quitting sometime soon.


    He's hot so I'm going for it. haha!

  2. D- im going through the exact same thing. My breakup was two years ago and I still think about him all the time. I've had a few flings too...but i can't seem to take it one step further than that.


    It would be great to call him out of the blue and "share your feelings" (according to FRISCODJ) but you run the risk of getting hurt the second time. It's just not worth it (in my opinion)


    Memories are a * * * * *. Amnesia sounds pretty appealing sometimes =)

  3. What do u guys think about dating coworkers? We just hired a new guy @ work and we hit it off. But i've always tried to separate my dating life and work life and i've been pretty good at it...only this time i like the guy a lot.


    So...yes or hell no?

  4. I never would have said goodbye if he hadn't left and stopped loving me. Even though I was unhappy, I was willing to stick it out and try. Isn't that what you're supposed to do--You pick one person and make it work? It just seems like relationships and marriages are obsolete. No one stays together long enough to surpass the bad times anymore. But then again, is it really logical to expect people to love each other for the rest of their lives? People change—everyone knows that. Are we just growing out of each other?


    I'm tired of hearing about break ups and heart breaks. All I hear are stories about relationships gone bad. In fact, a speaker came in my class last semester and tried to discourage us from marrying. She said it's all bu115hit and statistics show that it doesn't work. We're so accustomed to "bitter goodbyes" that happy endings in movies makes us cringe and say "that's not reality."


    But some people must be happy…they have to be…..otherwise that leaves no hope for the rest of us.


    "The heart is like a tree. Hope falls like leaves until there's nothing left"

  5. wow..i didnt think so many people had so much to say about first loves...


    thanks for all the comments and advice. I appreciate it.


    I can relate most to those who said that i can get over him and let him go...but i will NEVER forget him..... How can i forget someone who played such a great influence in shaping the person i am today?


    Even though i went through all the pain of a broken heart...i will NEVER forget how happy i was while it lasted...


    i thereforeeee conclude that first loves are one of the best things about life because it breaks you...then makes you.

  6. There are wounds time could never heal; the ones that deeply scarred your soul and spirit; the ones that forever changed your life.


    I've forgotten what we fought about, I've forgotten some special dates, I've even forgotten some of our moments…but I can never seem to forget him. He's always on my mind- as if he lives inside my brain. I've let him go…but he's still not out of my life and I desperately need him to be.


    I hardly ever let my feelings out about this anymore. I brush them off because I am aware of the conclusion and the heart break that comes with that realization. I'm afraid that I will live with him forever…but only in memory.


    Love was the one thing I thought I knew…but I've been impaired. Now I have no idea whether I still believe in it. The only love I've known is feeling happiness despite the pain. Is it really that? Am I on the right track or do I have it all wrong?


    17 months. It's been 17 months since we broke up and he's still the only one for me. I look for him in guys I meet at parties or anywhere.


    I've changed so much since then, and I'm sure we've become pieces to two completely different puzzles... but it's not over for me despite all that. Perhaps I need revenge or closure. I want him to see how much I've changed and grown and see what he's been missing out on (as if that would make me feel better). We've been down that road before and it wasn't the closure I was looking for.


    Maybe there is no closure. Maybe I simply have to live with it.

  7. "After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, and you learn that love doesnt mean leaning and company doesnt always mean security. You begin to learn that kisses arent contracts and presents arent promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child. You learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much, so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure, you really are strong, you really do have worth, and you learn, with every goodbye, you learn."

  8. Thanks so much to all of you who responded. It made me realize that I came off very negative and pessimistic. I guess i should explain myself a little more.


    I agree. We have control over what we decide to do with our lives. And honestly, I'm pretty proud of myself and what i have accomplished. I always try to do good things in my own ways--anything to help better our world. I love doing community services and I have been doing them since I can remember.


    I'm not depressed like some of you suggested-- frustrated is more like it. I guess there are times when i feel like I'm trying too hard to make a difference and everyone else around me is not even putting a single ounce of effort. The world is caught up with this thing called MONEY and I can't stand it. My parents want me to go to Business or Law School and make tons of money (My dad is a natural business man and thrives that way)...and I don't know how to tell them that I'm a Philanthropist....i hate business.


    I currently work for a law firm and I love my job...but sometimes i feel like i should be doing something else that makes MORE of a difference in people's lives.

  9. I've noticed that everyone wants OUT. In one way or another, we all want to throw our hands up in the air and say "I don't want to do this anymore--I quit!"


    But as we get older or more "mature", our society teaches us to keep composure and bottle it up. Instead of screaming and throwing a fit whenever we dislike something, we are taught to deal with it by looking "a-ok" on the outside. We spend our lives obsessed about LOOKING beautiful and together, while our souls are slowly rotting and falling apart.


    We are all born in a system that we had nothing to do with. We didn't decide to have things run this way but we have no choice but to take a ride along with the rest of the world-- a ride to self destruction.


    I fear that I'm seriously losing faith in humanity. We've created such a dead end--a trap. A lot of people are unhappy and lost. There are millions of people alive and yet most of us feel lonely. Isn't that ironic?

  10. During the first few months after the breakup i could have sworn i was going to die from the pain. In some sense dying didn't even sound too bad when you are in that position. That's what sucks about being heart broken....nothing cures it other than TIME....


    It's ironic that something that hurts sooooo bad can't kill you. It can drive you crazy and make you feel like crap but it can't end---unless you wait of course.


    You can go out, have fun, do something different and new, but at the end of the day, when you are all by yourself again, all the sorrows come rushing back and you cry and cry until you finally fall asleep.


    I know this part hurts the most--but after awhile you will have cried over every single hurtful thought and begin to run out of reasons to cry.....


    Right now it's important to think about it. Don't run away from the problem. Face it and learn the lessons.


    I promise it will get a little better.

  11. Hey,


    I was asking myself the same kind of question but the other way around. I guess some girls expect guys to be the "typical" guy --insensitive, players, selfish etc.-- so when we find a nice one, we think it's "weird" or that they are "clingy"... i guess i agree with you in some levels....some girls can be crazy.


    It really goes both ways though. A lot of guys are just after the "stuff"...so you can't blame girls for being paraniod.

  12. Everything in my mind tells me that there's nothing left to fix. The love is already tainted, it's old news, things have changed, and I know that he is no longer the guy for me.


    My heart used to fight back by FEELING that there's more love towards him. But everytime I start feeling that way, my mind thinks "You just love the memories and what USED TO BE" or "In the end, it's never going to work out"


    People always say "listen to your heart" but my heart is tired of arguing and defending itself. It can't give reasons and there's no logic to the way it feels.


    I feel defeated, helpless and stuck.

  13. When I run into my ex, we casually say "hey" to each other as if we never had two and a half years of history. I act like I'm over it and that i don't care that i just saw him for the first time in months. I look calm, collected and cool as if the breakup never got to me. But looks can be very decieving--the truth is that seeing him made my day.


    When it's almost time to go, I always make sure that I'm the one who leaves first so I don't have to watch him walk away. Instead, I'm the one who grabs my purse, head out the door, and have that great satisfaction of knowing that he's watching and wishing for me to stay longer.


    It's all a front. I miss him terribly and i wish for nothing more than be able to say that to his face. I think he feels the same way but I'm not so sure. What if he's not just acting "aloof" around me and he's ACTUALLY over it. I let down my pride so many times for him in the past and I just can't do that anymore.


    I'm just tired of all the games. I want to run up to him and give him the fattest hug whenever i see him.


    "Hey" isn't cutting it for me anymore.

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