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  1. ok well heres the thing. back in hgihschool i dated this girl for about a year. now im about to start college and havent talked to her in like 2 years. we were really close when we were dating, like best friends, always together. well she found someone else after we broke up and they recently broke up a few months ago and i saw her at the mall and thought wow i havent even talked to her in forever. and i was talking to myf riend who is friends with her and told her i wanted to talk to her and she said soemting to this girl about it and she said to tell me "dont bother" i was stunned but can understand because when we broke up it was bad. really really bad. and i will leave it at that. but i guess my question is after a horrible break up wher she wants nothing to do with me and its been two years. is there anyway possible to talk to this girl andget her to forgive me for some horrible things ive done. and if there is how should i do it? if u have advice it would be very helpful. thanks
  2. ok well me and my ex broke up a few days ago because she needs "space" i think otherwise. but anyways she said she needs space and we are broken up but she calls me everynight still and wants us to be friends. well today we talked and i found out she was going to a party tonight at some guys. well i asked her about it as a "friend" haha and she told me she wasnt going to get drunk and all but jsut wanted to hang with her friends. which was cool. well then i asked her a few questions like are you just stringing me along and like asked her if she missed me. both questions she said what do you think. and i said no then yeah and she agreed to both. what does that mean? i think she just iddnt wanna tell me the truth. but then also she said to not just be waiting to go back out with her and stuff and i told her i just hope she doesnt find someone else. this she replied with well if i do the its not meant to be and if i dont then maybe it is, it'll be fine. well my stupid emotions got in the way and i was upset by now and said something to the likings of well what do u think we will be in the future. and she just replied iwth right now i think we hsould just be friends. whats hsould i do . how can i win her back. i meanif she wants to be friends how can i imply the no contact rule? or should this be a case where it is avoided and i just atlk to her and maybe she will eventually come around? please help
  3. alright i wont make this a long story mainly because it isnt. i just want advice. me and my gf have been dating half a year and well about a week ago she thought a break would be good so we can get our lives back straight adn stuff . well the next 3 days we still hung out cuz she kept calling me asking me to do stuff. well as u could guess we got back together for like 4 days but then yesterday she said she thought we didnt solve anything by the break and thought we should really take a break this time because we still dated during our last break. she said she really does love me and wont forget about me..... what should i do? do you think she really will come back or is this her way of saying she made a mistake by going back out with me?
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