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juanito escarcha

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  1. well.... first of all, even though it is true...in college you meet millions of new people that special someone does not necesarily has to disappear. tthe fact that you despise her current boyfriend, maybe it's just jealousy. I've never liked the boyfriends of my bestfriend. They are simply too stupid...but...if she does not want a mental challenge, it's not my problem. she knows I don't like them. if you've read books like "the art of loving" by erich fromm or about the Zen you'll understand me better. being true to yourself is a must, if you are sleepy...sleep. hungry? eat. want to see her? look for her. this helps because you stay true to your needs, your desires....your inner self. This allows you to measure things better. what is it that you really want? sulking and getting nothing? directly telling her how you feel about her? either way, the worst that can happen is she'll continue dating him. her friend, may pose a threat. but not that serious really. after all, your love is the one who decides. she is responsible for her actions. you are also responsible for your actions. if she breaks your heart it's YOUR problem. as a human, member of the human race you are able to love.....it doesn't matter whether you are loved back. true love does not depend on the other person. you love because you want to, because you are able. thereforeeee.....if she puts an end to it all.....there are some verses from a latin american poet. i shall translate them: "my friend let's make a deal you can count on me not up to one or five you can count on me if you ever look into my eyes and find love in them do not fear do not put up your defenses even though the love or maybe because of it you can count on me" (hagamos un trato from mario benedetti) it goes on, but those two paragraphs are really good. not only when breaking up, being dumped.......but to show you care about that person. after all. you love her, no matter if she loves you back or not. be true to yourself it all adds up to that. if you know spanish check out poems by mario benedetti and jaime sabines. sabines is a lot more.....sexual while benedetti is better for any other moment. (obviously, this is not always true). good luck!
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