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Posts posted by lonelyangel

  1. yeah i know everybody says it will go away maybe i jus need 2 grieve it out...i jus feel betrayed by the world .. u know and its like i jus want a quick fix a quick solution something 2drown away this feeling of total helplessness.... i pray every night b 4 i go 2 bed and until i fall asleep and wen i get up scared i pray again until i fall saleep wen i get up in the morning and i'm filled wid fear of gettin up or thinkin wat will go wrong today or will my bf ever come back.. i pray until i get the strenght to get up off my bed.. jus pray 4 me u guys pls i want 2 b normal i want my share of happiness

  2. i think u r right craig i do want him back... and i idid make him my god the only prob wid this is it wasn't the same with him it was not mutual..our love was one sided... more like my love..i do love him and that won't change anytime soon but i need to take care of myself and find a way to breathe and live cause the life i am living right now is worst than death

  3. i understand but its just wen i feel this way i just wish i had someone 2 hold me and tell me everything will b ok make me feel like human, somedays i struggle to understand and feel things i only feel pain, deep piercing pain... somedays i cry till i'm numb... somedays i can barely talk and wen i'm so stressed and scared i struggle to understand wats going on around me.... a loud noise would make me past out case i'm so scared and out of it... i get wat u call anxiety attacks, they happen all through the night yet i nvr wish for thenight 2 end cause then i'll hav 2 get up and get back 2 'normal' life... sometimes they happen through the day as well i jus run to the bathroom and slump downon the floor and cry until i can compose myself

  4. seeing a theratpist didn't work...u can say i love my bf more than life i valuehim more, i always put him first i nvr allowed my depression 2 afftect d r'ship jus over d past yr i jus really started 2 cling 2 him i think he hates that i cling but i don't know wat i'm supposed 2 do he's my bf he's supposed 2 care, i jus don't understand wat i did wrong i treated him like a king....i try callin him but he takes none of my calls which ofcourse causes me to panick and get my chest tighter i'm 18 incase u ppl wondering.... and i have cried so much, i've cried till its hard 2even see or breathe clearly,i'm not a fighter i take crap from everyone and i stay quiet doing activities haven't changed anything my mind is still not on it its like i wanna go far away from this world far away from pain and suffering, but yet i can't let go of my bf...i grieve to talk 2 him everyday, i grieve knowing i can't help myself.. i feel scared and ashamed of wat i've become.. i feel like somethings wrong wid me thats why i'm like this, like i'm spoilt a rotten egg an outcast... i feel like nothing good deserves 2 happen 2 me i know everybody says things will get better in d future but i really don't think it will... i thought my bf would hav stayed wid me i thought he'd marry me, i nvr trusted anyone as much as i trusted him i felt like he betrayed me not only our r'ship but myfriendship with him

  5. i'm a survivor of a suicide attempt.. i took an overdose of pills 15 tablets 2b exact.. i was uncontrolably scared and unhappy and frustrated.... my parents were not understanding me but instead pressuring me whch lead 2 my suicide attempt th hardest thing abt surviving a suicide attempt is the shame that u face afterwards society places a stigma on u as a 'freak' somebody who's mentally 'unstable'... we who try to commmit suicide r no less sick than cancer patient our pain is real our problems r real.... i regret the night i spent in d hospital wid a tube in side me puming out all those pills... however tryig to commit suicide did not change or solve my problems wen i was realeased from the hospital all my problems were still there. i haven't been cured and i still am sick and depressed and overwhelmingly stressed i do wish 2 die but for wat i went through that night i cannot try 2 take my life again... but i do want to die.. please ppl out there help me fight this my own ppl r not wid me, my bf has left me, he left me in my time of need... i have no one someone pls help why should i live? i need an answer 2 that....i get a tight feeling in my chest everytime i'm stressed and i run tobthe phone 2 call my bf and he doesn't want 2 hear me orsupport me infact he has found another gf... i get up trembling in the middle of the night.. crying uncontrolably.. i cant function properly and my heart is broken my life is broken i cannot live widout my bf i need his support my parents do not understandand r involved in there own probs and i feel itsbetter 2 die than stay another day on this earth grieveing and suffering like this..... i have nothin 2 live 4..... studying getting a good job is pointless wen ur life is filled wid loneliness like minei have nvr experienced tru love or happiness i have always given up my happiness and given 2 everybody else its too over bearing i can't handle watching myself in the mirror, everytime i close my eyes i ask god why am i here? and why r u punishing me? i already took counciling but it hasn't worked, i don't sleep properly.... i don't wanna eat i get blackouts a few times 4 the day... i go deaf wid the silence i'm surronding by i have troubling breathing i'm reaching out 4 help but no ones helping me,i think to myself that god does not love me or care 4me otherwise i wuld nvr b this way but wat have i done 2 deserve this? i am sick and in need i cannot b put on any medication because of my suicide attempt, i cannot b sedated wen i'm in pain.. my body is filled wid pain somedays i can't move but inside of me especially my chest is filled wid anxiety and uneasiness and i feel like if i can see my bf or talk 2 him or just hav him hold me i'll b ok... pls this is my last chance HELP ME B4 I SINK

  6. YES MY PARENTS ARE LIVIN TOGETHER AND YES I'VE SOUGHT THERAPY.... BUT STOPPED BECAUSE IT ISN'T HELPING.... my bf doesn't hav time 4me he 's always workin and i think he's cheatin as welll..... he never sticks up 4 me and his girl friends seem more important 2 him..... he stands up 4 them and shoots me down when i tell him anything.....i know i'm very young but life has been so cruel it seems all i get is loneli ness pain and rejection......

  7. hi how doi start this theres no real way of coming out this because of all the shame and embarrassment as well as hurt i'm feeling...i have already tried to commit suicide i took 15 pills and was rushed to the emergency room by myfather....... my stomach was pumped and i had to stay in the hospital for 4 days.... i was not allowed to discharge myself or be discharged.... i thouhht i learnt my lesson but the hurt still remains i can't get over the didfficulties in my life i never get a break i get hurt and embarrassment in aspect of my life... i'm 17 yrs old and i cant find any resaon to live jus 17.....my bf does not care 4 me cause he has no time 4 me.. my parents do not hav a good marriage and i lack any kind of social life or peers... i'm come to a cross road in my life its either i try to

    commit suicide again or god should have some mercy on me and let me die peacefully.. i'm livin a sham of a life no one knows wat i've been through or goingthrough i've sort councelling which has no effect on me....i feel like god doesn't care abt me otherwise he wouldn't have me sufferin like this.i've suffered so much so much rejection so much pain please someone help me or god if u exist please take me out of this.....please help me

  8. first of all she's only 19... saying she's young is anything but an understatement.... it could b that she's calling him andleaving messages on his phone cause she doesn't want 2 accept the break up.. however ifd he has accepted that they're not longer together he shouldn't have her mesages on his phone ... i think theres still something there bettween them afterall its only been two weeks.... and u jus met him... another thing 2 add is any 28 yr old guy that slept with a 19 yr old girl kind of says something abt him don't u think? hope this was helpful goodluck

  9. well if he hasn't call and you wanna know the answer u should ask him call him up.. tell him how u feel...don't get too attached without findingout his true feelings.... goodluck... hope it was helpful

  10. hi why don't u get in touch with some old friends? like friends you grew up with... besides the people on campus there must be somebody or others that u used to interact with b4 right, you weren't always in college...lol.... this is my suggestion call up some friends plan a weekend to hang out with them go out watch a movie catch up on old times.. i can understand the need to get out there but instead ogf going to parties on campus go to clubs with friendshang out.. figure out hobbies that u can do on weekends.. hope this is helpful... iu can understand ur agony but meeting people is kinda difficult if you're not going to parties and places where there are many people to meet

  11. i can't tell u if he's gonna come back cause i don't knoiw... all the questions ur asking can only be answered by him.. sit and talk to him find out whats the prob.....if he vstill doesan't want to tell u then i sufggest u take some time for urself and think of wats best for u

  12. true i think u r...lol but try talking to one girl when u go out and see if thats the reaction u get.. ifthen then find other places to go out and meet people and probably then u'll be able to meet someone.. also see wat interest u want in a girl and then think of the kind of place u'll find a girl like that...ok hope i was helpful.. best of luck

  13. well i think u should takesome healing time.. sure ur hurting butat the same time jus look at things from an outside perspective and se if this is watu really want..... and try talking to him and telling him wat usaid here thatu weretrying to'mold' the r'ship. ok tell him and if he stil doesn't want u ... then sweetheart u need to move on.. its hurtful i know... best of luck ok..... i hope things wrk out

  14. well the only w 2 know is to ask her.... but if she really needs some space then isuggest ugive it to her cause u see it'll only make things worst if u don't... at the same time try to distance urself too it'll give u time to get a better perspective on wat u need and wats good 4 the both of u

  15. well for one u need to talk to this guy and let himknowthat ur hurting and u don't want himto go.. but at the same time u need to be willing to accept if he does go away that his love 4 u may/ may not change.... u see the only real way of sorting this outisby talkinbg to him.. if he chooses to leave then let him go and i'm sure there r ways to work out a long distance r'ship if u guys really want2.. best of luck..... i hope i was helpful;

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