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  1. Well yeah....I mean I talked to him about music that we like...I really liked that talk..cause we like alot of the same music...and I realized the next day he was more flirtatious...he would play with my hair...and try to crack my back lol. It was funny....I think I should definitly hang out with him more...the only thing that is hard is that he works like all week out of state...he is an engineer of some sort...so he is always traveling....So I would only get to see him on weekends which is good..cause I don't want to over do it. Ya know? Maybe I should ask him to go see a movie...I definitly want him to open up more....Sometimes I get scared he doesnt like me cause I am 22 and he is 29 and sometimes I feel maybe he thinks he is smarter or knows better cause he is older...not saying he thinks that..but that is me just worrying too much...what do you guys think? About if a guy is older...do they usually think the girl is stupid if they are younger?
  2. Ok...here is my dillema....I like this guy who is VERY VERY shy.....But also kinda depressed I guess? Well he never wants to leave his house...and he just sits around playing games online...We are not dating..but I hung out at his house...flirted with him and he eventually opened up more the next day. I slept over...I didn't do anything with him...but I took my fingers and rubbed his back lightly with them....so that he could relax and not be so tense. It helped him go to sleep. See he is such a sweet guy...but he is 29 and I guess he has been through alot in life than I have. I am 22. See I just wonder if there is a way to get him out of the house more. I really want to get to know him cause I look at him as a potential boyfriend...if it ever gets to that level...and I don't mean by talking to him online or hanging out with him at his house while he is on the computer the whole time. I know there is potential...I know maybe he can open up a little bit more...but I don't know what to do to help him come out of his shell. I mean I am not trying to change him in ANY way at all...I just want him to experience life more..from the outside...not from a computer screen all day.
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