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Everything posted by Coldarmy13

  1. That was what my gut is telling me. We shall see how it goes.
  2. Back again, folks. After a long time. M/37 here. I’ve been dating this F/40 for 6 weeks or so. Probably have had about 8 dates. All have been very enjoyable and really feels like we enjoy each other’s company. In person, it feels effortless and comfortable just like I feel it should be when there’s potential. We have been sleeping together since date number 3. Likely because I have been catching feelings lately(uhoh) for her, I’ve been wondering more about her interest level. If I text, she will respond even if it’s sometimes many hours apart. We’re adults, that isn’t a big deal. Typically we’ve been getting together on Friday’s since that’s what our schedules allow. Exception being the holiday weekend where she went to her moms out of state. We love about 45 minutes apart, which isn’t ideal but we’ve made it work and have shared the driving each time. If I don’t text first sometimes I won’t hear from her for 2-3 days, which again, is okay. It has, however, made me wonder if she’d like to be exclusive or is still at a place to where she’s interested in me more than just dating each weekend. I could ask in person and wouldn’t want to do it through text or anything like that, so that leaves me with a long week of wondering. Nearly every time I catch feelings first or have the DTR talk before the woman brings it up, it hasn’t gone great so I’m hesitant. I’m in a place now though, that I’d like to be at least exclusive. After our date at my place last Friday, I noticed the next day that she had deleted her profile on the two dating apps that we had matched on. I hope that means she is in the same mind frame of no longer looking elsewhere, but I know that isn’t necessarily what that means. I think I’m just in my head about it, as is what happens during that period of “dtr chicken” as I call it. The easiest thing is wait a couple of days and try to make plans for this Friday and just keep having fun and having dates, but I’m genuinely interested in more here. Any advice?
  3. Id love to know how youre doing. I cant let myself go to that place ever again though. Im doing alright and im sure you are just fine since you left me. I was always honest with you, best wishes.
  4. I miss you and hope youre happy. I wish I could settle for friendship, but only because I truly miss hearing your voice and seeing your face.
  5. I don't know what to say or maybe just don't think its worth bothering. All that I know is that I still miss you and wish you'd come back, but I know you wont. I cant come to you.
  6. I miss you so much. Over a month later, the tears are starting to return.
  7. I didn't go out with friends from work because they were going to where we had our first date. I couldn't see the place where I met someone who made me so happy then so unbelievably sad and broken. I couldn't be somewhere where i know your house is only a couple minutes away. A little surprised you haven't tried to contact me after your text a week after the break up. It's been almost a month since then. I ignored your message because it was still too hard.. It's probably best that I didn't hear from you again anyway. I just can't help but miss you and miss hearing from you. If you truly cared like you said you did you would've tried to reach out again. Why did you let me get as invested as I did when you knew you weren't going to be ready for it? Still love you even though you never did. Miss you, please get out of my thoughts.
  8. I miss you very much. Thinking of you lately, not sure why. I'm sure you're doing fine so no need to hope you're doing well. I'm starting to get back into everything I was into before we met, but they don't give me the same feeling you gave me when we laughed together, when I smelled you or whenever we touched. That's gone now, and life isn't nearly as colorful without having you in it.
  9. Ive had enough time to think about things and go through all the emotions of you leaving me. If you weren't ready for a relationship you should have never let things progress to where they went. Im not mad at you anymore. I miss the good times with you, but they don't outweigh the negative things I felt, now I know they weren't unfounded. My brain knew you weren't into us as much as I was and you didn't treat me nearly like I deserved. My heart hoped youd come around and realize how good of a person I was and how I could've been so good for you. That just isn't what you wanted. Again, im not mad at you anymore, nor do I want you back anymore. Wish you the best, but you missed out babe. Ive moved on.
  10. Even with removing everything that reminded me of you, i still find reminders everywhere.
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