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Posts posted by Dmvcc

  1. keep in mind joyce, that i really wasnt very enthusiastic in my tone when i said to keep in touch. i am sure she noticed it. it may have sounded like, "Sure, but for what" and i was falling asleepi because it was 2 in the morning when she called and after that i said, but i have to go cause i cant keep my eys open and she said it was nice talking to me, bye.

  2. Joyce, what great advice...tks. to all of you...fyi Isle, i was in amsterdam two months ago...what a fun city! crazy, but fun...to answer, joyce, i think i am healed, prsov, i have no idea what she has been up to...literally no contact, updates from friends on either side for 3 years. That is why she didnt know about my dad dying. i really loved this girl, but a lot has happened to me too in 3 years...where as before i may have been a bit shy, naive and tolerated more than i should have, i am a different person today. I will not tolerate things i shouldnt, i am no longer naive and I have been trying to be more aggressive with women (not in a creepy way...lol, dont worry), just advice other girls have given me. I am pretty self confident in my looks and have dated some very beautiful girls. this one may not have been the "hottest" but obviously did something to attach to my heart..maybe it was that she was my first true love

  3. well, it has been 4 months since she called, it was back in april, she had also called in january and lft no msg, saw her on the caller id when i got home. Im not sure if i would get back together with her, but i think that it would be nice to see her. we were on and off for 6 years, so it was a big part of my life. im a firm believer that a zebra never changes it stripes, but she is 28 now, not 24...maybe people do change.

  4. when she called, she apologized, she said she thought about me every day. and she didnt want me to think she was calling for herself, that she was genuine in wanting to know these things. She asked if i hated her, to which i told her no, and at the end of the call, she asked if i ever wanted to hear from her again and i basically brushed it off, i said, sure, you know to keep in touch, yea...bla bla bla...and then we said goodbye....

  5. So, long story short, a my ex who hurt me more than once 3 years ago, recently called me out of the blue one night. We did talk for about 25 minutes or so and kind of left the converstaion in the air. It was the first contact in any manner, i had with her since breaking up. Consequently, 4 months after we broke up my dad suddenly died. Needless to say, it has been a rough couple of years. This was not something she knew until I told her in the phone call 3 months ago. When she called, I was kind of involved with someone and now I am not. I have been thinking of calling her every night, but I just dont want to get hurt again, and I feel kind of embarrassed that I would even want to try again. My family and friends do not necessarily think highly of her, but they dont know her all that well either..Please help.


  6. My life has gotten so routine and boring. I am very lonely since my ex and I broke up 2 years ago and the my father subsequently passed away shortly after. I have not been with a girl since then. There is one that I like very much and have spent some time with her, but I am very afraid of getting hurt again and so I am hesitant. At the same time, she is very "wishy-washy" Calls alot, then not at all....says certain things about me and then says she needs to be single right now...I have spent the night at her house twice and nothing has happened...and one time when she was over here, she was using my computer. After she left, I saw that she had been on link removed checking her messages...I am so sad and my life is not getting any better. I want to try. I want to be happy and share good things with someone, but it is not happening. I will be 30 soon and I struggle to find my purpose. The ironic thing is that people think I am a rock. Nobody knows how depressed I actually am. I have been taking seroquel to help me sleep. I put on a very good facade. I really like this girl and she was on vacation with her family until this past sunday...i thought I would have heard from her by now but I have not and I am not sure why it bothers me so much. I dont know what to do anymore and I am afraid that I dont care that I dont know what to do. I never thought I would stop caring, but it seems easier than constantly being sad and waiting by the phone

  7. So there is this girl i went out with a few times...she really seems to like me and has told me how important it was that her best friend liked me as well and basically "approved." We have not spent to much time together, about 3 weeks ago, saw each other 3 days in a row...then not for a couple of weeks. I saw her last sunday 9 days ago and spent the whole day with her. At the end of the day because she had to go to work, she gave me a big hug goodbye, told me how much she loved hanging out with me and told me that if she got off work early, she wanted me to hang out with her and her best friend and her best friends husband...she also said that if she did not get off early, she would call me when she got home if it was too late. I did not hear from her that night, so i assumed that she had to work late...i sent her at txt on monday that did not require a reply..just sort of a have a good day msg...then i left her a voice mail on tuesday last week. I never heard from her. I sent her another txt on friday morning saying...good morning stranger, hope you had a good week...give me a call...i have still not heard from her...it is so weird...she has mentioned that she is still not over her x who she broke up with 9 months ago cause he was cheating on her...but then she will always say something like I love spending time with you...I am the type of person that if i call you once and you dont call back, i will most likely not call you again..but i really like this girl and I am absolutely baffled..i thought for sure by now I would have heard from her...any suggestions...should I call one more time and just be blunt about the fact I like her and she is sending mixed signals...please help!

  8. So there is this girl i went out with a few times...she really seems to like me and has told me how important it was that her best friend liked me as well and basically "approved." We have not spent to much time together, about 3 weeks ago, saw each other 3 days in a row...then not for a couple of weeks. I saw her last sunday 9 days ago and spent the whole day with her. At the end of the day because she had to go to work, she gave me a big hug goodbye, told me how much she loved hanging out with me and told me that if she got off work early, she wanted me to hang out with her and her best friend and her best friends husband...she also said that if she did not get off early, she would call me when she got home if it was too late. I did not hear from her that night, so i assumed that she had to work late...i sent her at txt on monday that did not require a reply..just sort of a have a good day msg...then i left her a voice mail on tuesday last week. I never heard from her. I sent her another txt on friday morning saying...good morning stranger, hope you had a good week...give me a call...i have still not heard from her...it is so weird...she has mentioned that she is still not over her x who she broke up with 9 months ago cause he was cheating on her...but then she will always say something like I love spending time with you...I am the type of person that if i call you once and you dont call back, i will most likely not call you again..but i really like this girl and I am absolutely baffled..i thought for sure by now I would have heard from her...any suggestions...should I call one more time and just be blunt about the fact I like her and she is sending mixed signals...please help!

  9. I dont believe that she had her friend "approve" me...more so that she was just telling me that it was important that her best friend enjoyed meeting me an that meant a lot to her..that her bf did not really care for some of the previous guys that she had dated...I know that she likes me...at least I think she does..but none of it makes sense..i think i am going to call her one more time and if i get her vm i will leave her a message, not being rude, but i will call her out on it and say something like I am not sure why you have not called me but that I would like to talk to her...i have not been aggressive with her at all and maybe she thinks I am the one sending mixed signals....but I just have not been given a great opportunity to do so, and because of her "behavior" I have been a bit hesitant to do anything that might get me more emotionally involved than I already am...i just really like her and I may just have to tell her that..i have nothing to lose...as far as her x goes..she does mention him from time to time and what is weird is that everytime she does, she will always stop in the middle and ask me if it bothers me that she is talking about him...WEIRD!

  10. So there is this girl i went out with a few times...she really seems to like me and has told me how important it was that her best friend liked me as well and basically "approved." We have not spent to much time together, about 3 weeks ago, saw each other 3 days in a row...then not for a couple of weeks. I saw her last sunday 9 days ago and spent the whole day with her. At the end of the day because she had to go to work, she gave me a big hug goodbye, told me how much she loved hanging out with me and told me that if she got off work early, she wanted me to hang out with her and her best friend and her best friends husband...she also said that if she did not get off early, she would call me when she got home if it was too late. I did not hear from her that night, so i assumed that she had to work late...i sent her at txt on monday that did not require a reply..just sort of a have a good day msg...then i left her a voice mail on tuesday last week. I never heard from her. I sent her another txt on friday morning saying...good morning stranger, hope you had a good week...give me a call...i have still not heard from her...it is so weird...she has mentioned that she is still not over her x who she broke up with 9 months ago cause he was cheating on her...but then she will always say something like I love spending time with you...I am the type of person that if i call you once and you dont call back, i will most likely not call you again..but i really like this girl and I am absolutely baffled..i thought for sure by now I would have heard from her...any suggestions...should I call one more time and just be blunt about the fact I like her and she is sending mixed signals...please help!

  11. I didn't sleep with her the second night, meaning we didnt do anything and I have known her for about 1 1/2 years...when i first met her she had a boyfriend and told me that upfront...then it was about 8 months ago that she broke up with him and although it took 4 months to finally go out we did...that first week, all she kept telling me was how happy she was her best friend liked me and how important that was to her....im not trying to make excuses for her, but she works two jobs and last week, i knew that she was working wed-sat...one job from 9am to 6pm and the other from 8pm to 2am...each day and night, so the few days or nights she did have off she was exhausted, which i can understand, what I dont understand is the one extreme to the other....i can't believe i am even driving myself crazy over this, but i like her a lot...when i saw her friday night at her job, she came over, gave me a big hug and when i asked how she was doing she replied with "im better now that you are here"....it is just really baffling..

  12. So I went out with this girl for the first time about a month ago..we had a great time and at the end of the night, she kissed me and said how she would love to do it again. I left her 2 messages after dinner and never heard back from her...chalked it up as a loss and moved on..2 weeks later, was out with a bunch of buddies and one of them ran into her and was introduced to her friends, one of which told my friend he was her boyfriend...thought this was very strange. About a week later (2 weeks after we went out), she called me...although she knew my friend would have told me about running into her, i kept my mouth shut...halfway through the conversation, she did tell me about how she had been seeing a guy that she stopped because he was telling everyone he was her boyfriend...he turned out to be kind of a stalker..in any case, she said she would call me that weekend and did and we made plans to see each other on sunday..about 2 weeks ago...spent all day together, met her best friend at lunch and then went back to my house and she did not leave until 11:30 that night...called me when she got home and told me how much her friend liked me and how important that was to her...the next night we had no plans but she called me and came over at 10pm..stayed the night....she and her friend met me at my office the next day for lunch..and then she called me everday for 5 days...i know she works a lot but now, i have gotten one call in almost 2 weeks, i did see her last friday night but only because me and my friends went to te bar where she works..she seemed frazzled, not like herself..she did work ALOT last week and was very tired....also in the middle of the week 2 weeks ago, she sent me a txt msg saying how she "really enjoyed spending time with me" Friday said she would call me in the next day and I knew she had to work the whole weekend...monday morning, have not heard a word from her...i am so confused about this girl...i really like her and i know she likes me, but from one extreme to another...i hear from her alot, then not at all...what gives??

  13. believe me, i am not very bothered by this...more baffled...i didnt think that we were dating at all...we have only been out once...see, she introduced him to my buddy as her "friend" then he said I am her bf....i just think the whole thing is weird..like i said earlier i would be more apt to feel disrespected instead of jealous, the funny thing is, i feel more disrespected for him if that is her bf than i do for myself..it is certainly not like i went out 10 times with her and thought we were really dating...one dinner does not constitute much...but obviously she was dating this guy before our dinner last week and she had many outs to not go out with me, and still did...the whole thing does not make sense...but the fact she has not returned my two messages...believe me i would get over this real quickly..but i have known her a long time and wouldnt want her to be uncomfortable when i do run into her...so why not call her tonight to wish her a happy birthday, make a joke about last night and let it go...i guess i would rather keep a friend than a "date" after one night...

  14. to fill all of you in, my ex broke up with me about 1.3 years ago..after 5 years..no explanation, 6 months later my father suddenly died...i have felt very alone lately and that is why i was so happy about this date last week...i ve even though about calling my ex now which would be a huge mistake..the funny thing is about this new girl is that she knows I will run into her and see her at various places...dont you think if she is not interested it would be easier to call me a tell me than have both of us be uncomfortable the next time we see each other...which will undoubtedly happen.

  15. i am not the jealous type for the most part..i am more apt to feeling disrespected than jealous...i have also been led on before but not like this....it is not something that really bothers me..i am used to it by now...thats me feeling sorry for myself...but at the same time, throughout our entire date last week, right from the beginning we were talking about our second one...does not make much sense if you ask me

  16. So there is a bar that a good friend of mine and myself go to quite a bit and have become very friendly with all the employees...one girl, a waitress in particular caught my eye some time ago and we began to flirt with one another...but at the time she had a boyfriend...around Oct. of last year, we went in there one night and she came running up to me and told me she was single...i got her number and talked to her that week, made tentative plans and then really never heard from her...saw her at the bar a few times over the next couple of months and she basically had a couple of excuses...said she was really distraught over her breakup and needed time....then about 3 weeks ago, she calls me, we talk for 3 hours on the phone and make plans to go out which we did last tuesday night...we had a incredible time, full of laughs...during dinner she made comments about her friends and would follow it up with "you will meet them" At the end of the night, she gave me a very long hug, said she would love to do it again and before I could even think about trying to kiss her she gave me one....i went home happy..since then i left two msgs for her and no calls back...i know she has been busy because today is her 30th birthday...however, my friend and i were in the bar where she works and at the end of the night, she came in with people...my friend saw her and was introduced to a guy who said he was her boyfriend...my friend just looked at her and asked when did that happen, and she said just recently...i went out with her 7 days ago and she has a bf...i did not even know this happened until after my friend and i had left...i am thinking about calling her today, to wish her a happy bday and tell her know i understand why she hasnt called me back..is it just me or is this very strange?????? its too bad, i really liked her.

  17. It has been almost a year since my father passed away and a bit more than a year since my gf of 6 years, (on and off) and I broke up..her doing...she needed space, etc...the third time she did it...so i finally said that is enough and walked away. I have not talked to her since then, and through my fathers sudden sickness that last only 6 weeks, i wanted to call her every day. She still does not know that my father has passed away and I think about it everyday. I called her work the other night and then hung up when she answered. It was the first time I heard her voice in so long and now I have been thinking about her non stop....any suggestions. Should I reopen dialogue, or continue to move on, the last thing I want to do is take two steps back.

  18. It has been almost a year since my father passed away and a bit more than a year since my gf of 6 years, (on and off) and I broke up..her doing...she needed space, etc...the third time she did it...so i finally said that is enough and walked away. I have not talked to her since then, and through my fathers sudden sickness that last only 6 weeks, i wanted to call her every day. She still does not know that my father has passed away and I think about it everyday. I called her work the other night and then hung up when she answered. It was the first time I heard her voice in so long and now I have been thinking about her non stop....any suggestions. Should I reopen dialogue, or continue to move on, the last thing I want to do is take two steps back.

  19. It has been almost a year since my father passed away and a bit more than a year since my gf of 6 years, (on and off) and I broke up..her doing...she needed space, etc...the third time she did it...so i finally said that is enough and walked away. I have not talked to her since then, and through my fathers sudden sickness that last only 6 weeks, i wanted to call her every day. She still does not know that my father has passed away and I think about it everyday. I called her work the other night and then hung up when she answered. It was the first time I heard her voice in so long and now I have been thinking about her non stop....any suggestions. Should I reopen dialogue, or continue to move on, the last thing I want to do is take two steps back.

  20. A little over a year ago, my gf of 7 years and I broke up, her doing not mine, she was not very respectful of the relationship and hurt me more than once..the last time, i said that is it, I am done, no friends, no contact, nothing, she wanted to stay in contact but did not. about 6 months ago, i wrote her a letter asking if this is what she wanted..I never got a response and started to try to move on...In may, my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor..I really wanted to call her for support etc..but did not as I knew I was very vulnerable..coincidentally, on June 7th I saw her name on my caller id..i was not home and she did not leave a message...I never called back...Sadly, my father died on June 29th...I was extremely close with him and he was only 69...I miss him a great deal..I have struggled with whether or not to call her as she is one of the only ones that really knows the type of relationship I had with my dad...i often say to myself, she did not respect me when we were dating...lied to me a few times, why should I give her the respect of telling her...she may be with somone new, i dont know, it has been over a year since I have spoken with her and I still miss her so much...funny how we miss the ones who hurt us...I am still dealing with my fathers death and I still want her to know, but I just dont have the guts to call her..if a guy were to answer, It would knock me back a few steps and I am not sure i would be able to handle it...i think to that I want to tell her because i want her to feel bad that she wasnt there to offer support..I know, selfish, but what is one supposed to do...any thoughts??


  21. My x and I have not spoken in 10 months, after a rocky 7 years. She seems to get cold feet all the time and the last time I said I was done, i would not wait or be around anymore, recently, my father suddenly died after a battle with a very short illness, diagnosed one day and 6 weeks later gone, she has no idea that he was sick or has passed away and I have been struggling whether I should call her or not, I hope I do not want to do it for alterior motives, but I know deep down, i cannot get back together with her, even if she wanted too. She is the only one who really know how much I loved my dad and the kind of relationship I had with him, my family and I are heartbroken. What was weird is that two weeks after he was diagnosed, she called me, i was not home and she did not leave a message but I saw here number on my caller id..many of my friends thought maybe she had heard my dad was sick but there was no way, and I mean no way should could have known. Any suggestions, from anyone would be helpful, I have a hard time doing anything because I miss her so much and she has hurt me more than once in non-intentional ways...never cheated on me or anything like that, just a lot of baggage...any suggestions, thank you.

  22. My x and I have not spoken in 10 months, after a rocky 7 years. She seems to get cold feet all the time and the last time I said I was done, i would not wait or be around anymore, recently, my father suddenly died after a battle with a very short illness, diagnosed one day and 6 weeks later gone, she has no idea that he was sick or has passed away and I have been struggling whether I should call her or not, I hope I do not want to do it for alterior motives, but I know deep down, i cannot get back together with her, even if she wanted too. She is the only one who really know how much I loved my dad and the kind of relationship I had with him, my family and I are heartbroken. Any suggestions, from anyone would be helpful, I have a hard time doing anything because I miss her so much and she has hurt me more than once in non-intentional ways...never cheated on me or anything like that, just a lot of baggage...any suggestions, thank you.


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