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Everything posted by all-seeing2004

  1. Thanks to all... When you have been together as long as we have your mate ends up becoming your confidante/sounding board and you dont have anyone else to turn to for advice. I needed to hear some other points of view from an impartial audience, once again thanks
  2. I have been with the same woman for 15 years and married for the last 11 years. Recently my wife began accepting work assignments on the road where she is gone for 2-4 weeks at a time. I trust my wife and always have but the time away is long enough to form relationships and I am worried that after years of raising kids and a sometimes insensitive husband that she may be looking for more. I miss her but I cant help feeling like there is more to this as these road assignments have always been there and she has refused. There are many men who also work on these assignments and the crews all go out on the weekends to the local pubs. Does anyone else see something more in this?
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