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Everything posted by tikorB

  1. Hey everybody, i went for a camp along with this amazing girl who's a year older, she's smart, nice, and interesting. The camp lasted for 3 days, and we became good friends during the trip. I was quite the funny guy during the camp, i'm funny among my guy friends but rarely among girls. The thing is its been 3 years now and we've been keeping in touch through e-mails and the occasional phone call because she lives in a neighbouring state, and she's been studying abroad for about 1 1/2 years. She treats me as a normal friend, but i can't stop thinking of her, it just felt so easy and fun talking to her and i don't think i've been so relaxed with a girl i've liked before. I also don't think i can tell her how i feel as i think it would be awkward, as i've never hinted my true feelings, the age difference, the distance. I'm currently studying in her state but she'll only be back home during the end year holidays. I'm still hopeful, but totally clueless on what to do. I can't stop thinking about her, and she probably already has a boyfriend because she's perfect. Please help.
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