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Posts posted by sunnihunni

  1. my boyfriend loves when i mess with his hair and sory of scratch his face esp after he just shaved...like Siwelttap said.


    also...if he's wearing a t-shirt ill run my hands up his arms and just under the sleeves of his shirt...he loves it!

  2. your girlfriend sounds a bit like myself, you sound a bit like my boyfriend...and your problem sounds alot like what we recently went through...if your location didnt say florida i might think i was about to give advice on my own relationship. lol.


    first of all, have you asked your girlfriend why she views things the way she does? i know that i had quite a few family problems when i was younger and went through quite alot that led me to be a bit jaded now. not all the time, but sometimes i can get very cynical and bitter about things and get very sad...and other times im perfectly happy. i just get in moods sometimes.


    anyways...that causes alot of friction between me and my boyfriend sometimes even though he was absolutely wonderful and completely supportive all the time. he told me (much like what you said) that he would never break up with me over it because he loved me too much and when things were good, they were amazing!


    for about 2 months now though i have been perfectly fine and back to my normal happy self...the last time i was really sad i picked a fight with my boyfriend (the only real fight we've ever had in over a year) and it got really out of hand. i was so upset with myself for taking things out on him that i pushed him and literally forced him into saying that maybe we should break up..i kept telling him that i knew it was what he wanted and i wasnt going to do it for him and yelling at him...finally he just said "maybe we should take a break or break up" and the moment i heard him actually say it i freaked out....the thought of loosing him just killed me especially because i knew i had pushed him into it and it wasnt really what he wanted.


    but something about that night made me snap out of whatever it was that bothering me because ever since then ive been happy and fine and we've been as strong as ever.


    i dont know what to tell you to help her besides always be there for her...and never get frustrated or give up on her. keep talking to her and try to find out why she views things as negatively. maybe remind her how happy and positive she used to be...and try to find out what changed...make sure she knows she can talk to you and you wont judge or be frustrated. just be there for her and try to help!


    sorry that was so long...but good luck with this


    if you need to talk to someone please feel free to PM me...id like to be of any help i can!

  3. ill admit as a girl i love it when my boyfriend gets rough with me sometimes. thoughtfully rough though and never anything that could actually hurt. i think its perfectly normal and not a bad thing that she wants you to be rough. i think it gives girls a sort of sense of security because it shows us that our guys are tough and know how to take charge. i think its quite hott actually!


    but as far as advice goes...that would depend on how far you two are taking things...but a few ideas...


    playfully push her up against the wall and sort of pin her there.

    pick her up and toss her onto a nearby couch or bed.

    kiss her hard on the mouth.

    like you said...playful biting is good.

    you could hold her arms behind her back while you kiss her.


    all just ideas and always make sure its all just in fun and its just playful. rough is ok but when its actually painful its gone too far.


    good luck!

  4. i can completely understand where youre coming from. i always have a hard time initiating conversation because i never know what to talk about. but fortunatly for me im a girl and i do prefer the somewhat oldfashioned approach of the guy making the first move.


    but as a girl i will say that something you might try is mentioning something about her appearance (something tasteful of course ). like say you notice that a girl got her hair cut...say something about it. it will show her that youve noticed her before and that you pay attention to little things. it will show her that youre interested.


    of course thats just a thought...you can really talk about anything...just listen to what she's saying and dont zone out like guys seem to have a tendency to do! jk lol.


    good luck!

  5. i believe that all things happen for a reason, so yes i believe it was fate that the two of you met.


    as far as soulmates go, i believe they do exist. i believe a soulmate can be anyone...a best friend, a lover, anyone. i also believe that people can have more than one soulmate- because of that i dont believe that you are meant to spend the rest of your life with someone just because you believe they are your soulmate, but i do believe that there is one person out there who you are meant to spend the rest of your life with and they will be a soulmate.


    i believe that there are many people that come into our lives that we are meant to know at that time...but this does not necessarily make that person your soulmate. it just makes them someone you were meant to know right then and there. the people we meet are what shapes our lives and ourselves!


    so yes, i do believe you two were meant to meet and i do believe that there is a reason that this girl is in your life...and that reason is whats for you to find out!


    those are just my opinions.

  6. sorry...i should have read all the other posts before posting mine but i have a question for apollocreed71 and anyone else who could answer me...


    you said that God has a plan for us ahead of time, and i believe that is true, but i somewhat disagree when you say God knows ahead of time what will push someone to suicide...i dont really think it is in God's plan to have people killing themselves...


    like i said before im not terribly religious so i wont pretend that what i believe is right, its just sort of how i percieve God and whatnot, but i am curious...was what you said just your opinion or does it actually say that in the bible or what? im curious? if youd prefer to PM me please feel free!

  7. im not a terribly religious person (although i do believe in God) so i honestly cannot give you an answer based on anything but my own opinion.


    i believe that no one has the right to play God and no one has the right to take any life that God has put here on this earth. that being said, i also believe that God is merciful.


    i dont know what happens to a soul of someone who has committed suicide, but i dont believe anything is worth taking your own life over. please, if you are considering it talk to someone, get help! if you need to talk to someone please feel free to PM me!

  8. im sorry...if you have a problem with this site...dont come here. its very simple. if there was something on tv that you didnt like would you watch it anyways? certainly not!


    you said youre tired of people trying to get attention...well excuse me but what exactly was the purpose of your post here? to complain and make others feel bad for having actual problems that they are searching for help with? maybe you were hoping that someone would agree with you and you two could have a wonderfully intelligent conversation about how pitiful everyone else is? maybe you were just being rather mean?


    maybe you should stick to a different site!

  9. guys can be weird about something like pregnancy...you never know how they are going to react and alot of times...theres no good solution. sometimes you really want support....but it sounds to me like he just made it worse or harder on you. if it ever happens again i would say maybe go to a girl friend or something for support until you find out the results...even though it might make him upset that you didnt tell him...like i said...not always a good solution.


    best of luck!

  10. first of all...everything that all the others have said is true...as long as the condom didnt break then there shouldnt be a problem.


    but also...you said that you werent sure if your boyfriend came or not...and you didnt think he would know either...well, im pretty sure he would know if he came...have you actually asked him? because if he didnt, you don't need to worry.


    and also...yes, 13 is very young to be having sex...and i'll admit i was a little shocked to see that you were only 13...but i must say it sounds like you were responsible about the decision...ill give you that much. but also...do you really want to be worrying about being pregnant at 13...it just seems like its alot more than you should ever have to worry about at your age.


    and to everyone who feels like they can bully or shame a scared 13 year old into not having sex, i think thats probably not the best method to use to go about doing it.

  11. ahhhh...pushing my head down...NOT cool! most things im ok with...if he enjoys it ill pretty much go along with it but i just wont let a guy push my head down on his dick. idk...i just feels like hes being too...forceful i guess...i just dont like it at all!

  12. to go along with what asdf said...


    as a girl who's not a virgin...when i get married i think i would prefer if my husband was not a virgin (not that it would really matter) but ive already been through the clueless and awkward sex stage and while it was fine between me and my current boyfriend because we were both virgins and it has actually been fun figuring it out together and joking about it...i think when im married id like a guy who at least somewhat knows what he's doing.

  13. as far as swallowing i DEF prefer it. its better than having to clean it up afterwards...plus...if it makes him happy then why not? i could understand how it would bother girls though.


    and as far as having a guy cum on your face...ive had a guy try this once...i didnt really like it much in my face but ill let my boyfriend cum on my chest...again, its more of a i dont mind it so if itll make him happy ill go along with it thing.

  14. personally...i have alot of respect for someone who will save themselves for marrige because they want to and because it means something to them.

    but as sandyD said...sex is a part of our human nature and i think that while we all shouldnt just go around having casual sex, premarital sex isnt necessarily wrong. its a personal choice and no one should be condemned for the choice they make, whatever it might be.

  15. well, about kissing her in front of another friend...i wouldnt recomend doing that, especially not the first time you kiss! for starters it would probably be awkward for all three of you. and also, your first kiss should be more special than that! maybe you should do it when yall are out somewhere...like at a movie or something like that!


    good luck



  16. personally...i think it ruins the moment when the guy asks if he can kiss you!


    just try and read her judge for yourself if she wants to be kissed! and for a first date, i would just give her a soft, sweet, fairly quick kiss this way, if she didnt really want to be kissed then it wont be as awkward!


    good luck



  17. its extremely hard to see the one you love w/ someone else, trust me i understand! i imagine in your case its even harder because both her AND her BOYFRIEND are coming to you for help. so im sure this must be a tough situation that ur in...but ill see if i can help.


    you say that their relationship is falling apart...well, sometimes, those on the outside looking in have a better perspective of whats going on than the people actually in the relationship. in other words, you see their relationship from a totally different point of view than either one of them. so, does she love him? does he love her? do you honestly think the two of them are good for each other? if yes, then, sorry to say, you should want your friend to be happy expecially considering how much you love her. as a friend you should be there to help her (or both of them) through their troubles.


    if you really think that these two are wrong for each other or he treats her badly or whatever, then its your duty to your friend to tell her the truth because, as they say, love is blind and sometimes we dont see what is right in front of our face. she might need you to point this out to her. but #1...if she knows that you love her and want more than j/ friendship from her, realize that she might react badly and think that you only want them to break up so you two can be together (even if this isnt the truth). and #2...you have to be sure that you are NOT j/ trying to break them up so that you can be with her! thats not fair to her. i know it's hard but you have to want what's best for your friend even if you dont like it. you should want her to be happy!


    Also, i think you said you told her how you felt, but if you haven't i think you should. dont try to fush a relationship, but i do think she should know how you feel. i've seen two people who really do love each other but dont want to cross the friendship line because they dont know how the other one feels! just be honest with her!!


    Good Luck


  18. i would say the best thing you can do is to continue to be supportive and helpful to her. you're right, not eating at all is not a good thing either and the fact that she says she would rather just not eat at all worries me a little. i dont really know to much about eating disorders and what not, but im not too sure if she's really ready to be out of the hospital.


    i dont really know what else to tell you except to be supportive and loving. and make sure that she is taking care of herself...if you think anything is wrong you should immidiatly talk to her about it!


    hopefully someone else can help you out with some better advice!


  19. well...aside from the fact that getting involved w/ someone u work w/ might just be a bad idea, id say go for it (since you said u were willing to take that risk)


    Also, from what you've said, it seems like she might like you too. The thing with the bra is probably a good sign because that was probably her way of trying to find out if you had a girlfriend or not!


    I'd say go for it and good luck!!


  20. i have to agree w/ the above post... stealing another girls boyfriend will most likely get you a bad name in school and you will lost the trust of alot of people!


    also...how would you like it if the tables were turned?!...it would hurt wouldnt it? So just think about how his girlfriend would feel!

  21. well...if you really want to kiss him...then why not just go for it! i mean...if he was the one who said anything about it in the first place then he must be thinking about it...and even if he was j/ kidding he's still thinking about it!


    if you are too shy or just cant get up the nerve to do it...then you could just wait and see if he brings it up. or you could bring it up yourself... just say in a half joking/half serious way "so...when would you like to collect ur kiss?! " or something cute like that...and see what he does!


    good luck


  22. yeah...i mean there's no certain time to kiss her...but if i was a kiss scene in the movie it mite be kinda sweet to do it then!


    also...j/ think about ur g/f's personality... i mean j/ make sure she wont mind being kissed in public...i kno it seems kinda dumb but some girls (and even guys) just dont like it at all!!

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