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Posts posted by emma16

  1. This would be the first time I have ever blacked out from drinking.


    I drink alot latley because I don't really want to think about things. I use it as a way to surpress emotions.


    I once was addicted to cocaine and I guess this is like an addiction. I don't know but blacking out reallly scared me.


    I didn't get in any fights with anyone or have sex with anyone but I guess I did some pretty stupid things.

  2. Well I was at the bar with my cousin and a few friends and who deceided to come there 3 months after breaking up with me. The ex and his 18 year old girlfriend walked in.


    I am happy I was well behaved. I mean I didn't go up to either on of them and say anything I got a few looks accross the bar.


    I had a great time and had alot of fun, the thing is I still have feelings for him and I should't. I felt somewhat bad beucase he didn't have a smile on his face all the time like he usually did. He talked with her a little bit held her hand but no kisses every once in awhile like he use to give me.


    He barely talked with anyone when she was right by him and he had to go where ever she was and sit by himself. I feel bad but I shouldn't.


    Why does he show up there knowing I would be their when he was to the point of being mean to me and said nothing like sorry about losing the baby we were having? I think seeing him was a set back..

  3. You are probably right I mean she and his job were the reason we broke up and she didn't even believe i was pregnant.


    What really made nme mad was he is just as immature as her after I lost the baby he didn't say anything he works with my brother and m cousins and handed them the ultra sound pictures and everything I mean everything I ever gave to him why we were dating.


    She has nothing to worry about but she is young and this is her first boyfriend ever.


    I don't understand....

  4. Why does my ex's new girlfriend care what i am doing or who i am dating?My ex boyfriend recently started dating his bosses daughter she is 18. My ex 22 ans I just turned 26. We were having a baby but i recently lost it.


    The ex and I really don't talk ans she knows that all he does if I had questions about the baby was be a jerk and say leave me alone. I don't care. I was being nice and tryin to keep him involved in the pregnancy.


    She asked someone that new me one night. If he would date me? or date her? what he thought of me? if he was mad that my ex and her were dating now?


    What gives she is with him why is she worried about me?

  5. Hey ES


    I know what you are going through. I had the same problem only I was pregnant. He may think about you and miss you which is true.


    My ex suer didn't miss me or care at all about the baby. We lost the baby and he didn't say antything to me I came home and he works with my brother he gave him a bag and in it was the ultra sound pictures and everything I ever gave him while we dated. Including cards.


    My guy hooked up with his bosses daughter and I had a feeling it was going to happen before he broke up with me all he ever did was try yell at me to leave him alone. Hard when you are pregnant let me tell you.


    My ex is scum. He wasn't willing to grow up and take responsiblity. it may be a phase of lust your ex or mine maybe going through but actions speak louder than words.


    I had alot of empty promises made about this baby and trying to work things out but the only time we talked was over the phone he has not seen me in over two months.


    It is hard to make them realize what they had. I could try but to me after they way he has treated me. If he would come back I would through every promise and game he played teh last few months in his face an walk away.


    Was your ex good to you? Did he leave in a dignified manor?

  6. I would agree the dumper has no clue what the dumpee goes through.


    Had the same thing happen but over text messages. At the time we were having a baby and well him and I only need to know what happened to the baby. Anyways, he told me the same thing your ex did when i was pregnant. Only cared about himeself and the bosses daughter.


    It sucks let me tell you. The strange thing is the ex's new girlfriend ran into someone I know and strated asking questions about me. What this other guy thought of me, if he would date me, if he would date her, and wanted to know if I was dating someone else already, and if he believed i was pregnant.


    I have never asked questions like that about any guys ex girlfriends has anyone had that happen? Either she is jealous or worried about something? Not sure if anyone has as opinion on that also that would be great.

  7. Wow everyone does have their own opionions on this.


    I feel at a young age saying between 18-23 its is hard to be yourself you want to be accepted by the other person. I also feel its hard when you are not seperating your work like from your personal life. You can't be the individual person that you really are.


    Work for a company and then date a child of theirs and always there always spending the time with them in the bar, after work never really leaving making your friends come to you.


    I feel you can not be your own indvidual person in that way and are really waters that should not be tested but they are and now what. You want out you loose your job and the friendships you had prior with these people.


    You get everything you want more money new car, but how do you feel alive when you can't tear yourself away with out having them wonder whats going on.


    I tend to jump into things when i should really take them slow half of them would have probably worked longer than they have.

  8. What do most people feel out here or what has been their experience with this. When you start dating someone do you fell that it is wise to spend everyday together. How do you make a relationship last that way.


    In my experience it is a relatioinship doomed to fail. I have had it happen in my own life when I was 18 first boyfriend all that good stuff.


    Do you feel it begings to wear in your relationship right off the get go.


    To me I have found myself molding myself in to what the other wants then and not really being myself. Cheating love, becoming to comfortable to quick, saying oyou love someone you really have only known for a short while, when in all reality is was probably a crusch or lust.


    Looking for others experience with this.

  9. I can't take it anymore.


    He says he would like to be my friend and nothing further than that. I am fine with that. My deffinition of friend though is he could at least hang out with me once inawhile.


    I watched a movie lastnight with a male friend and he sends me a text message this morning must have found someone esle to be their for you.


    What is his problem he can do what ever and whoever he wants. Can't sit and talk to me or even stop over last time I have seen him was in a month. So why does he feel I should just sit home an mop a guy friend asked to watch a movie I said yes.


    Whats the big deal? Someone please tell me. I don't know if i was being mean but I told him that if you want to be my friend you could try but you are not trying so I am not bothering wasting my time anymore.


    I got a job offer and am considering moving I told him and he says so you are going to move and and go sleep with anyone. What is my ex's problem?? I am sick of him telling me if I would have told him sooner things might have been different how much sooner could I have told him I told him a little over a week after we broke up.

  10. I hear what you are saying it just really hard when my family does not even like the fact that I am pregant and not working it out.


    As for his boss and the boss daughter they still don't believe I am pregnant I believe he is in a state of denial. Which could very well b. He seems like he runs everytime we talk.


    I guess I should really juct give him a little while to think with out talking to him and see what happens.


    I hope the grass isn't greener on the other side. Thats just my opionion we had a great relationship never faught up until they started pushing him on their daughter while we were still dating and he did not know how to hadle himself in that situation so it turned into arguing.


    He has told me he doesn't want to fight anymore alongtime ago and that all we are doing. I gusee maybe backing off and letting him think about things would help. We had so much fun not confinded to going to one place every weekend which is all he does now and he will get sick of that. Our sex life was very great never affraid to add toys in the mix and anything exciting.


    He does have alot on his plate right now and i sometimes wonder if he means everything he says to me which is not in person it's over text messages.


    As for the bar I work at a bar for extra cash a few nights a week i'm not there drinking.


    I really think he has not had time to sort his feelings out about us and about this baby. Its just really hard not to not know whats giong on I really should not worry about the bosses daughter she'll graduate from high school and then move away to college.


    Its hard for my ex though beucase his boss told me to my face that he the boss hates me so the boss has alot of influence on my ex so I don't think getting back together is really going to happen until they actually see me pregnant themselves. What do I do back off for awhile and then pop in at the bar with some friend when I am showing more.

  11. I do want to get back together with him. I do want to him to be a responsible father to our child.


    I want to talk about his feelings of this pregnancy of our break up. He has already lost one friend that he talks with about this and it bothers him alot.


    He told me straight out he doen't want ot date her and he wants to be her friend. the story about what has been going on is long very long.


    Well go witht he friend he talks to he tells him he cares about me and has alot of feelings for me but just can't come runnig back becuase I am pregnant. So his friend and his wife deciede to take me out to the bar that my ex and I use to frequent and of course as always the boss and the bosses daughter there my ex is totaly different when i am around had been the weeks prior to us breaking up could not say hi or anythign new i was coming there. My ex left beucase he could not take the tensions or one of the other 18yr old girls said we were stratign stuff my ex friend works at the same company and he would not even say hi to him beucse he was their with me.


    I feel my ex is worried about losing his job his friendship with people and he tells me allt he time he already lost one friend but he did that himself by telling his friend on thing and doing the other. I explained to him that his friend feels that he has lied to him he told me he didn't have a reason to lie to him.


    I am lost and we are being so mean to each other and it bothers me that he can not talk with me face to face about the baby it like for soem reason he needs to avoid seeing me. But he can talk over text messages but it s always fighting about the baby what people are saying.

  12. Do you fell pushing your ex to talk about his feelings pushes him further away?


    I could go on for days about what going on but its long. Have an ex who is 22 i am 25 we are having a baby. Boss wants him to date his daugheter tried getting them two together while we were dating. When we broke up ex told me about this.


    Mind swings back and for to we should be friend we should try and work things out, to back off, to i don;t think we could ever be friends.


    He says he care about me respects taht fact that I'm carring his baby. I hea things about him and ask him and he says he is not dating her or sleeping with her and then ask me why would he have to lie to me.


    He spend pleanty of time over there and at the bar with the 18 yr old daughter I don't really think reality has set in that I am pregnant and I think want him to talk about it or his feelings is pushing him away?


    Is that possible? Maybe a little time of not talking and if he would actually see that I am showing it would set in?

  13. I am not really sure it depends on the person.


    My es was left by his grlfriend of five years they were engaged she just recently got married last saturday. He dated one girl between her and me. We jumped into things had alot of fun together and then things got very complicated when he took this new job.


    The boss 18yr old high school daughter had a crush on him and her parentes wanted to set them up while we were still dating. I figured it out for myself but was not told about it until the day he broke up with me.


    I am unclear as towhat is giong on between them two I hear things beucase my cousins work with him and you hear things from everyone and we both fight everyday since we broke up about these things and I am not sure as to why.


    Part of it is I found out I am pregnant and my ex and I took the pregnancy test together so that was alright. first he says he wants to try and work things out then he doesn't then he wants me to back off then the entire situation is a big mess. I believe he is running scared and realtity to the fact that I am pregnant has not set in we have not actually seen each other in a month. I am showing now and I think if he would see that it might start to click.


    It is hard though becuase he is friend with the boss and has the bosses friends that would like to see these two together. He has already lost one friend beucase of this. I asked him not even about getting back together but if he feels we could ever be friend and he says I don't know

    What is that suppose to mean? I am carrying his baby.


    to me he is using going over there watching movies hang out at the bar with her parents and her as away of not dealing with whats at hand and the feeling about the entire situation.


    I'm thinking him and I have to stop talking for awhile so this can set in and he can sort his feelings out beucase we are both being mean to each other and I am not sure why?


    He knows I am not going to date anyone while I am pregnant so its like I'm on a string but I need the comfort for what I am going through and I ahve thought about dating myself however who wants to date a pregnant girl.


    What he is diong right now to me seems like away to avoid this pregnancy and how he feels about everything. He makes it points to tell me hes not dating her and sleeping with her i really don't know if I buy that He is 22 I am 25. I believe he is not ready to grow up.


    To me he is using them to avoid the current situation at hand and as a way to not think about what it is he feels. Rebound or not he has to deal with it sooner or later adn I feel if we don't talk he will start to wonder and may for once ask how the baby is doing or how I am feeling.

  14. You are right they have started alopt of this crap. I have spoke with the ex tonight about why I ahould truct he is trelling me the truth.


    He stated that I and his friends wife came between him and his friend. Point blank I told him he did that himself by confiding in him about this pregnancy and how he feels about me and how he feels about being pushed into a relationship with the bosses daughter.


    He stated he had no reason to lie to him I told him then you need to prove you were not lying to him because the way you are acting shows him you are.


    I have considered not going through with the pregnancy because it is already causing alot of problem for me I have been in and out of the hospital at least once a week for the past month and it is due to the stress I am under.


    I told him we can not change the past but the future we can change if we have this baby we have to be friends and the next time we talk not to bring up the past whats done is done.


    And the fact that he lost a friend he confieded inis his own fault and he has to fix it himself actually he has to fix the entire mess himself I can't help him I have tried and I don't want ot deal with it.


    I told him if he wants to know how the appointment went he can ask but I'm not telling him beucase I am sick of all of this.


    from the its mine to, no its not mine i need a paternity test, we can have one in a few weeks to, lets wait till the babies born to now not doubting or asking for th eproof that this is his baby. He knows it is doesn't know how to fix this entire situation with everyone involved beucase the boss and their family stuck their nose into our relationship along time ago.

  15. I don't want to play the mind games and he knows I don't. I have asked him to go to Dr apt with me he says yes then all the sudden he's gonna be out of town.


    He is driving me insane. I really want to move far away to not deal with all of it but I am going to have to deal with it in 30 weeks.


    IS there anyway to make him stop this he knows what he is doing is driving me insane all he says is the entire situation is a big mess.


    It really is with everyone and everything that is envolved and he gets upset with me when I tell him what I think about it and what I feel about everything.


    I really think the best way for me is to do the NC to get over him and move on at least I can have a friendship relationship with another until the baby is born. Becuase in my opinion he is playing this out until she goes to college in the fall thinking everything will be ok mind you this girl is only in high school. I think NC would save my insanity even though I know he sends his friends to check up on me he can't do it himself for some reason

  16. People have their own views on this but it does take two people to play mind games.


    I am pregnant with my ex's baby and we fight every day there are a lot of other factors involved. The stroy is long and strange you can read it if you want It in the Breaking up Part of this Forum.


    I believe he is seeing his bosses daughter and hear alot of things other people including my family see him doing however he tells me they are not dating. That he is not sleeping with her despite what I think.


    He also says he respects the fact that I am carring his baby but when doing what he is doing he can't really recpect it we have done things to puch each other away and its sad that we can not get along now and probably never for this childs sake.


    We are young and I do not feel he is accepting the fact that I am pregnant yet and that he is not ready to grow up and take responsibility for his actions.


    I do feel and have first started today but NC is the way for me to go beucase all of the stress is causing major problem for this pregancy and I am only 9 weeks along. I do know that what he is putting me through hurts like hell and if he finally wakes up and realizes what he had its goning to be way to late beucase I have lost all respect and trust for him and it would take him a likfe time to get it back.


    It does take two people to play mind games. I am not playing them with him you can read my post but he is playing them with me. If you let someone walk all over you they are going to beucase they think you will be their if things don't work out with the next. this baby is just more reason for him to think that and it really sucks but personally I can not date someone during this pregancy because to me it is wrong.[/url]

  17. I was ready to geo for a paternity test because off all the doubt he had and now he doesn't want it he wants to wait until the baby is born. He now doesn't even deny that it is his baby.


    As for being there for me no he says he respects me for carrying his baby but he sure does nto know how to show it.


    He loves his job or he is brainwashed i found out him and the bosses daughter are kissy face at a high school party when he is 4yrs older than her and can be in the bar. To many there which would be my brother and cousins said it didn't look like he wated to kiss her she would initiate all of it. I asked him first so are you dating the bosses daughter he said no i said that funny and told him what i heard and he relpied will his friend kiss girls that he doesn't date.


    We then got into some conversation about how what he is doing is not showing any respect for me that its all about work brownnoser type stuff and he said this situation is a big mess and that he is going to live his life and i should live mine. I said to him later on throu a text message just mad and ready to pack up and skip town that his luck he''ll get her pregnant he repely, "it kind of hard if I'm not sleeping with her.


    A mutual friend of ours stopped in to visit me one i met through him and said that my ex try's to talk with him but he is not taking sides. he said he told them they are not dating however he spend the night there alot. he also said he is a brown noser and that his job is important to him. and that the ex's parents are getting mad cuz he never comes home.


    The ex can not talk to me face to face about this baby or anything? Why is that? can he hate me that much or can a guy be that stuck when in a situation like this? For some reason I think he will regret all of this later and the only one he has to blame is himself and i think as long as he knows I am misserable he thinks i will come back i shoudl just not talk to him cause if he really cared about this baby he would call and ask how i am feeling? We are both drving each other nuts why do people do this to each other?

  18. Oh yes i am keeping the baby to prove to my ex I am not the one lying or playing the games.


    He never doubted this kid was his until someone namingly the boss bosses daughter and a few of her friends strat pumping thins into his head.


    He doesn't tell me how he feels about anything everyone in awhile he will say I don't think we should talk cause of intresting stuff i heard about you lying to me.


    Thats what i heard the first time so i took a pregancy test for my ex positive. I am taking a paternity test for him he tought it would be after the baby is born but they can do them while pregnant if a dr signs off on it. His comment aren't you gonna wait till the baby is born. Hell no I am going to prove to him who is doing the lying and then he can figure out who his real friends are.


    The thing is I dated another guy that worked there before for a year and teh boss never hated me then he hates me because I am pregnant and his daughter likes my ex wants to date him whatever.


    The thing is my ex doesn't tell me what people are telling him not sure why maybe he doesn't want to look like the idiot or what. I tell him everything i hear and end up having to explain myself all the time.


    I believe he is really affraid to find out who his real friends are once this paternity test comes out it is more proof that I am not the one lying to him and that he needs to look at who playing the games with his head until then he can keep on listening to them.


    I have to let the stress go beucase it is really bad let me tell you espically when he won't tell me where and what he hears i am lying about.

  19. My ex and I have been talking everyday still always leads to fighting and the only resaon is because I found out I was pregnant.



    Now his boss and his bosses friends are filling his head full of crap that its not his kid that I'm not pregnant. I went over took a pregnancy test for my ex and during a short hospital stay they did an ultrasound which he has a copy of.


    Yet his boss one night had he nerve to call me a lying b***h to my face and he hates me. Why does the boss hate me becuase I am pregnanct with my ex's baby abnd he wants to set my ex and his daughter up?


    My ex and I are not together we have to stop talking to each other all it does is lead to fighting and it gets us nowhere. He did say just beucause I am pregnant is not a reason to get back together. I agree if we can't find each other it will never work I am sick of all the rumors and can not wait to have a paternity test done to shut them up.

  20. I need more advice now more than ever. We talked over text on thursday he told me goodmorning on my way to work. We went on and so forth and he said he really thinks we should be done cuz all we are going to do is argue about this soory and if i want ot be friends its fiene with him it was my choice.


    On friday i sent him a text in the morning do u want to be my friend and r we going to be able to do things as friends he replied yes. I said i had to thing about it and that if we would be firends if we could come to an understanding no expectations that we could never be more than friends i mean if a friendship turns into more we let it happen but that i needed some tiem to take that slow and put the past behind and work on some things i need to change for myself. he replied yes so i left it at the adn replied yes again 2 hours later like as if he though i didn't get it.


    I stoped over by his house today we made small talk right off the bat and then we disscused the friends thing like with both come into this open not careing which way it goes. I said it would help if we could do things as friends like go out infromt of the bosses daughter to see how it goes and far as me knowing him and I are seeing where the friends things go just to see if the jealousy is under control and which may also help him see if more than friends might work. he said yes. he did say he went out with his friend jerry last night andjerrys girlfriend it was his birthday the bosses daughter went being that she is jerrys girlfriends cousin and a few others. I did not get mad or start to argue. I said though we would not really know if the jealousy thing is something that happened beucase i had an idea of what was going on and was not sure and she knows that you don't want to date her so we could meet at teh bar as friends to see how that works he said yes.


    I mean we were really able to talk comfortably about this. We then ended up taking about other things and doing what we usually use to do soemthimes which was tickel each other and goof around. we started to watch a movie when chris called for him to come to the bar. I said i would go i didn't want to push anything any further. He leaned over by me and said with a smile thatnsk for coming over to talk with me it has definetly been different than talking the last week with you and that it was nice. That we would see where this goes he did state though to be honest with you like we said we should be even as friends he does not lan on dating anyone but you don't know could happen. he gave me a hug and i told him maybe i would stop by with the pictures from his birthday party. he said ok.


    He had a smile on his face and we were both comfortable and i was to. So i really don't know where to go from here can a friendship lead us back to each other as long as i don't push the issue of getting back together. we had been close enough with each other goofing around that we almost kissed but i backed off.


    the thing is we jumped into our relationship and did't really establish that friendship. so can friends be a way of working our way back to each other? or is he just giving me a line of bs? I'm not giong to contact him tomorrow i want to wait and see what he does. i didn't tell him i loved him nor did he tell be he loves me i think we both have feelings there he gave me a hug and i left

  21. I am backing off i just hope it is not too late. The thing about taking it slow is that he is affraid that is we won't do that we will jump into things too fast and end up right where we are.


    I asked if he thinks dating someone else would be better he responded "no that won't solve this" or it was that won't solve anything not sure which one.


    It is hard i am trying to hang in there. Its just he is so worried what the boss will think the bosses wife the bosses friend which are his friends parents and they are influencing him on this decision.


    I mean are you telling me friendly chit chat until he intiates it? if he ask how i am doing say fine thanks. I don't know i love this guy and i know he loves me.


    I am so at a loss i have no clue the nc but how long do i have to wait b4 i can call him.


    His mom called me again to see if he was with me last night beucase he wasn't at home i said no. she said well they got home at nine and he was not home but she got up at 12 and he was hom. I said when we got done talking his friend brandon was there they were going to work on the 4 wheelers. i got a messge from him at 10 saying goodnight. and one at 11:45 says if i was at the bar to drive carefull.


    the mom calling me is not good because now i wonder did he take brandon home and sit there or did he go to the bosses house watch a movie with her she does get done with work at like 9 or did he go to the bar and her mom and dad bought her there.


    what i want to ask since he hasn't said anything yesterday do you want space to think??


    This is harder than i thought

  22. well last night i went and got the rest of my things from him house. we talked.


    he said again last night he loved me. he misses me he is attracted to me. and said he wanted to be honest his heart is telling him it will work and his gut says he is going to end up hurting me again not cheating on becuase he hasn't. he means wanting to go to the bar all the time and nothing else.


    i said maybe we should take things slow he stated that he is affraid if we take things slow it won't happen that way we will say it and we won't and we will be right back to where we are now. he also stated that he delt with it with jen break up back together getting married not getting married.


    he said he is worried that we can't put this behind us. i asked him if he is worried about what his friends would think if we started dating again. he said yes.


    i got up and left. most of the time he was facing the wall touching pictures on it mostlikely not wanting me to see him cry. he said he didn't want to talk anymore and said just please leave i have nothing else to say.


    i got to my car sent a text dou you want me gone for good or what ? he replied no about 3 hours later. i sent one back saying what i wanted to say when i left but i couldn't


    it said "if you live life to make your friends happy you will never be happy if you live life to make yourself happy you fiend out who your true friends are." i said you know i feel i am willing to take things slow and the balls in his court. i said follow your heart. i told him this was the last message i send until he contact or calls me. goodnight.


    he said goodnight back and about 2 hours or so later he sent one saying "emily if you are at the bar please drive carefull goodnight"


    I did not get that until this morning beucaes my phone had no service am i right not to respond. should i give him the space to miss me or is it clear it is over.

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