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Posts posted by emma16

  1. well last night i went and got the rest of my things from him house. we talked.


    he said again last night he loved me. he misses me he is attracted to me. and said he wanted to be honest his heart is telling him it will work and his gut says he is going to end up hurting me again not cheating on becuase he hasn't. he means wanting to go to the bar all the time and nothing else.


    i said maybe we should take things slow he stated that he is affraid if we take things slow it won't happen that way we will say it and we won't and we will be right back to where we are now. he also stated that he delt with it with jen break up back together getting married not getting married.


    he said he is worried that we can't put this behind us. i asked him if he is worried about what his friends would think if we started dating again. he said yes.


    i got up and left. most of the time he was facing the wall touching pictures on it mostlikely not wanting me to see him cry. he said he didn't want to talk anymore and said just please leave i have nothing else to say.


    i got to my car sent a text dou you want me gone for good or what ? he replied no about 3 hours later. i sent one back saying what i wanted to say when i left but i couldn't


    it said "if you live life to make your friends happy you will never be happy if you live life to make yourself happy you fiend out who your true friends are." i said you know i feel i am willing to take things slow and the balls in his court. i said follow your heart. i told him this was the last message i send until he contact or calls me. goodnight.


    he said goodnight back and about 2 hours or so later he sent one saying "emily if you are at the bar please drive carefull goodnight"


    I did not get that until this morning beucaes my phone had no service am i right not to respond. should i give him the space to miss me or is it clear it is over.

  2. The thing is it is so hard not knowing we talked again today by text message.


    She my two cousins are also his formen so it makes everything harder. No message in teh morning from him so i sent him one stating goodmorning have a good day he replied the same.


    We talked about all the fighting him and his ex did and he stated i had to put up with it from her and i would rather not ut up with it.


    I told him we talk about this our relatinship must mean something to one another he said yea. I told him i missed him and i love him. again he replies i miss you too and i love you.


    he went the bar tonight where his boss and the daughter go to she was there. is sent him a few messages and he never replied back to any of them.


    The thing is my cousin said he went through the same thing whatever she wants she gets.


    Is it better if I just don't text him anymore and let him initiate the conversation. i mean in the morning i asked if i could call him he said sure. so i said if you don't want me to i won't he said yea but you can.


    we still talked all day i don't know what to do i love him so much part of me says let him go and the other says no the movie thing went from a possably to a maybe he said he is thinging about us.


    i am so confused he is confussing me. i just want mys tuff back and i would like to get it tomorrow and sit down and talk with him but is it wrong to say hey i want and answer today whats it giong to be but then by him not answering any of my text messges tonight i think it is clear..



  3. Yes your situation does sound like mine.


    we texted each other today again alot and his mom called to see how i was doing.


    She said he has been mopping around the house this weekend.


    He said he has dealt with alot of fight with his ex and he would rather not deal with it. He said he taht the way we can talk with each other does say alot about what we mean to one another.


    I have think he has his own insecurities also about the fighting. I don't want to fight with him and this is the only thing we have faught over what i had suspected.


    Not really sure what to do he says he is thinking about us and i asked him if i could come pick my stuff up that was left in his truck and he said yes i am not going to stop though until tomorrow.


    again he says he loves me he misses me and i asked him about maybe watching a movie when i pick my stuff up and he said maybe.


    I think it is just really hard for him to see me becuase he has these sad eyes and whenever i leave he gives me a hug and quick walks away beucause he doesn't want me to see him cry. he said he is affraid he will never see me again.

  4. She comes to the bar with her parents we live in a small town in WI.


    He has never given me a reason to feel unsecure. It s just our first big fight and and he breaks up with me.


    However my past leaves me insecure my boyfriend from year ago i lived with cheated on me multiple times.


    But this one has never lied to me that i am aware of and has never hid anything from me except this stating that he was afraid i would leave it i knew what had happened. He was engaged to a girl they dated for five years and she cheated on him. They talk every once in awhile and he calls to tell me right when they get off the phone wanting me to know.


    He said he wasn't going to date anyone and i believe him while he thinks about things.


    If anything i am trying to be a friend during this time becuse i love him and with the other guys i have dated we left it at that but this one is different for some reason.


    Soory about the first post never did this much before.

  5. I have been with this guy for 4 months. I have fallen in love with him and he tells me he loves me also. Everything was great in the beginning until he took this new job. the first 3 1/2 months were fine until the last few weeks. I have always been honest with him we have had a lot of fun together. I had a dream i told him about it was that his boss wanted him to date his daughter or he would lose his job. i wook up before i got the answer i told him about it he thought it was weird. Come to find out on thursday I find out it was true we had been fighting alot becuase when we go to the bar she does evertything in her power to get under my skin by flirting with him flaunting her self in front of him. Mind you she is olny 18 we are 23. He broke up with ne the next morning stating he couldn't take the fighting and i don't trust him if he wanted to be with her he would have so i assume they asked him a while ago about this becuase he did go out to eat with them for her birthday in october. While he ws breaking up with me which was a three hour process we did not argue once we talked calm like we always did in the past. He cried alot about it and he told me he is going to miss me and that he loves me. I then asked him to be sure that this is what he wants and he cried even harder stating he is not sure he really needs time to think and that she has nothing to do with it becuase he told them he would not date her too young bosses daughter immature. I asked if ours was a relationship worth saving again same answer i think so i need to think about it. we have talked over text messages alot the past few days and i asked if we could do something in a few weeks as friends he said we will see on the day he broke up with me today i dropped his stuff off and he said he went out with his friend brandon and they ended up staying at the bosses house becuase they had to much to drink house and they guys sleep on the floor he wanted me to know and thats fine thats the honesty i want. he told me he loved me missed me hugged me but with the same sad eyes and tear i asked when he gets home from working out of town on tuesday if we could watch a movie as friend he said probably. Am i wrong in thinking this it is not over and that there is a chance to work through this i mean we both agree if he would have told me about this and i wouldn't have founf out on my own we would not be fighting or breaking up and we both agreed that it is great we are able to talk about this like two adults and not scream at each other and he made a promise which i don;t know would hold true seeing as we are not sure if we will get back together that if something occurs again like this or some other situation he will tell me and not make me find out myself. If he wanted it over why would we still be talking constantly even whil he was at the bosses house. I really need advice..

  6. Well I first want to thank everybody for your adivce on how I should go about handling and making my final decision. I know everyone had their own opionions and in entitled to their own opionions. Afet some counseling sessions and time on my own I did make the decsion to have an abortion.


    I know this may be bad to say I was very relieved when I left the clinic however due to my medical condition I ended up in the hospital for two days after the procedure.


    I do feel that this was my choice and the father did no persuede me in anyway since we have not talked in two weeks.


    I do realize at my age I should have been responsible but now I know how much more resopsible I have to be and will be without a doubt.


    I don't expect anyone to understand why I made my decision it is a personal choice and I can't turn time back to before my child was concieved or to before the procedure was performed. I do know I will never do it again.

  7. I have been thinking and I do know where he stands on this seeing as what he had to say. I know if I were to choose abortion that iI only have so much more time and I already have the money from him.


    The thing I need to deal with is the the fact that what ever decision I am make it is all up to me and I will live withit the rest of my life I already do not eat and sleep. Mostlikely there are people that have went threw the same thing it is just that If I ever want to talk about it I really have no one to talk about it with.


    I know a guy that was in the same situation and all of his friends said she will have the baby and he will be gone and he stuck with here going on five years I know he is not happy but for the babies sack they are getting married. It is my cousin and I am proud of him.


    I wish life was easy but its not cut and dry, i guess its not a question but a lesson learned in time and in the end I hope my choice is the right one.

  8. I see how in your friends situation he was hurt however. He said this is what we should do I just feel that everything will be akward after the fact when we see each other in public so forth and so on. I mean I am letting it be part of his decision also and if that is what I feel is best I don't want him looking at me for the rest of my life thinking that is the girl that got knocked up in a month and snuffed of my child.


    He stated he had been thinking about it alot and he wants me to do this and doesn't I mean if we knew each other longer it would have been different.


    Alot of our friend wonder why we ahve not did anything in a week together and its just hard to explain and question as to why i ahve not been drinking so I am sure they will put two and two together eventually. I have already visited planned parent hood and an still undecieded however if I feel abortion is the right choice I do not have that long..


    Are there alot of men that have women do this and still feel akward everytime they see each other and the same for women?

  9. Well I thought about it last night alot andevery possible option I have seems so difficult. I know I have become a complete bitch to a few people who know me so well and they no something is wrong however I do not want to tellt hem yet.


    I still do not know what it is that I am going to do. Yes sall this guy does is think about himself from what I see I mean we only dated a month. Like I said this is the first time we talked in over a week. NO yelling about it.


    To me he does not want to take responsibility for this and I do because it was irresponsible I guess it takes longer for ment o mature. We both agreed we can not act weird around each other in pulic beucase someone will figure something out just need to make it look as if we didn't hit things off which I agree to that.


    I just feel abortion I will regret do men ever regret haveing someone have this done?

  10. Well tonight this guy finally called and we talked a little he stated he was sorry for not taking my calls and that he thought we had already talked about this. He stated that he does and doesn't want me to have an abortion. However he then stated that I should do this. I still have no clue I told him that I would get it done this week, but I still do not know.


    The thing that frustrates me is that i have always used some sort of contraception. I got pregnant on the pill with my first son. And now this no contraception because we were drunk and he made the assumption that I was on the pill. Just beucase his last girlfriend of five years was.


    I am so confused and I am sure that he tinks wow what a whore gets knocked up in a month. A friend of his who I have known since I was a little kid said he would take me to have this done however he does not agree with it.


    I wish I new why men could not give a damn about the entire situation except for all the sweet talking before of well I still want to see you. Why would I why would he if I did do this and it is clear he doesn't becuuse he couldn't call for well over a week.


    I just don't feel I can have an abortion and why should I I don't want to trap this guy I feel as far as we are concerned it was done before it even began. I am still confused this is a life part of him part of me.

  11. Well I want to make this short as possible for now I just found out two weeks ago that I am prenant. The unborn childs father and I have only been together for a month. I had brought up an option of giving the child up for adoption and the other abortion. I have a two year old son already and am lost on what to do. The unborn child father gave me money for half of an abortion so I assumed since he did not say anything this is what he wanted.


    I went to one apt and on the way to the second I truned around and could not do it. The things I thing as he is 27 and I am 25 we shoudl be able to discuss this a little he seemd to have written me off completely. I have called numbersous time in the last few day and he left a message for me stating. I am soory I did not take your calls but give me a call we need to discuss this. I called last night did not answer.


    I am not sure what to do. Any adivce or if I need to fill in more blanks I will answer more questions/

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