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  1. well im not completely sure on that.... i dont trust too well, it takes me so long to trust someone, to know that they will be there no matter what... I trust my ex husband more than anyone but ive known him for 20 years so, as i say, it takes a long time..... i dont feel real good at the moment, because i know i have caused the relationship to go this way....
  2. Hi I'm going through a break up after 10 months together... I've noticed a lot of posts are by people who have been hurt etc and are better off without the other person. Im just wondering if there is anyone out there who feels they are the problem in the relationship and have broken up or want to break up because of this? This is my situation... I have serious committment issues which I am seeking help for.. Thing is, I want the relationship to end so that I no longer cause him to suffer along.. He shouldnt have to, he wasnt put here to go through this with me... He knows exactly how I feel, so theres no confusion in his mind as to why we haven't worked out. He has tried everything to make it right but I know I can't be with him and sort it out at the same time.... I know I have to lose him in order to get my frame of mind back on a more positive level... This is so painful.. Can anyone else relate to this? How did you get through it or how are you getting through it? Its not easy dealing with the fact that if I didnt have these issues, we would have a great relationship, I dont want to put him through anymore or myself for that matter... Please does anyone have any insight into this process, just be honest.. Thanks.....
  3. I'm going through a breakup and ive tried maintaining contact but it hasn't helped things at all, infact things have escalated..... The breakup comes about because I can't handle committment but thats another story.... Thing is, I have to do the NC thing because I'm not going to be able to let go and sort stuff out in myself... To me, NC means taking a big step back and looking at my life from a more clearer perspective.. It isn't happening straight away, may take months, but anything is better than constant confusion... I'm telling myself that anyway
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