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Everything posted by DtoThaD

  1. Hey man dont worry you'll get used to it.. i myslef am 6 ft'5 and size 15 im starting high school in August and continue growing. My friends treat me the same and they have gotten used to it aswell. really its not a bad problem to have.. ever thought of joining the basketball team? Hope this shows you that your not the only one and its can only get better.
  2. Hi guys and girls my name is David and im 14 male and live in the U.S. I have a big problem here. I love this girl who ive known for 2 1/5 years. Everytime I see her I cannot stop smiling or laughing, but everytime im not with her i almost feel depressed. I've told her how I feel and she told me she loved me too (as a friend maybe more but I havent found that out yet). The only problem is she has a boyfriend which is one of my best friends. He is sometimes abusive and makes her cry on a regular basis. It hurts me to see this and I don't understand why she puts up with it. We talk everyday using the phone and AIM. We see eachother at school everyday and go to the movies together on the weekends. I know i love this girl and I cant stop thinking about her all the time. My friends tell me I need to move on but I just cant because shes the only girl i've ever really loved. I havent slept at all this week and the only thing that makes me happy is being with her. She's the only girl I want to be with. I know I love her but the worst feeling in the world is loving someone and not being able to show them how much. Shes had a few relationships that all go from great to bad in what seems like a day. I've tried to move on but i just can't. I don't know what to do if anyone can please help me i'd really appreciate it. Thanks, David
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