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NoCturnal DrAgoN

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Posts posted by NoCturnal DrAgoN

  1. Man, all of these is confusing me! Well 14 years old is waaay too young to have a kid. Yes, you have made some bad decisions, but that's all in the past. The past cannot be changed, but the future is whatever you want it to be. I suggest that you and your kid's father should both clean up your act. Stop doing drugs and all those other stuff that can get you in trouble. Try talking to your mom about how you feel about this guy and the whole situation and see what she has to say and try to make her understand that the father is willing to take the responsibilty.


    Don't run away. That will only make things worse. You can't solve problems by running away from them. Did you mean run away with the guy? Think about how your parents would feel. They care about you. Your mom doesn't want you seeing this guy becuase she's trying to protect you from him since he got you pregnant and does drugs. But because you have feelings for this guy, you may not see it that way. Your parents are just trying to do what's right for you...even though it may not seem like it to you.


    Now about getting married. Are you marrying this guy for love or just for the kid or both? You also said the two of you are going to get married once your 18. That's four years from now. Think about this. Will you still love him or will he still love you then? You or he might find someone new and that love you feel for him might fade away. Time will test things. If the two of you still love each other four years from now, then that's good. It shows that he is committed to being the father of your kid.


    I suggest that you stay in school. I think it's the best thing you can do in a time like this. That way you can get a good education and get a good job that can help support you and your kid, or your family (you,your kid, and the father, if you are going to get married) financially. But it will be tough having to go to school and taking care of a baby at the same time. Think ahead about the problems that you will encounter so when the time comes you will have a solution ready. One problem would be you probably can't get enough sleep for school becuase of the baby waking you up at 3 in the morning. Think about things like those. Once you are done with school, it will show how incredible of a person you are, having achieved success through hard times and being a good mother at the same time.


    I don't know if any this made any sense since I'm typing this at 3 in the morning ... As for all of the advice in here, only take those what you think is useful. Well I hope this helped.


    I'm going to sleep now

  2. Well what kind of movies does he like? If he likes cars then you can take him to 2 Fast 2 Furious. If he likes action take him to Matrix Reloaded or Itlian Job etc. If he likes to laugh then take him to a comedy...like Finding Nemo or Old School or something like that.


    You could also just ask him what kind of movie he wants to watch. That way it'll be easier and faster .

  3. Also, guys are shy. I should know. If there was a contest for the most shyest guy i would win. Trust me on this, if you see a guy your really like and you would like to get together ask him out, don't wait for him. Cause he may be really interested in you, but just may be to afraid to ask you out. Take the intiative and go after him. But just be patient and don't worry about it. It'll happen sooner than you think.


    Hey same here man. I might end up in 2nd place . I agree w/ lorfreespace. Do you want a bf because you've never been in a relationship before and all of your friends have and you kinda feel left out? Let love come naturally. Somtimes being single can be good. Like me, I observe a couple's or people's relationships and learn from it before getting into a relationship of my own. I look at what makes them happy, sad, or mad and how they deal w/ certain situations.


    Don't worry about not having a bf because you'll eventually find one. Some guys prefer taller women.

  4. Hmm...this question has been asked a lot. Well, here's some of the answeres that I saw on other posts. I'm trying to remember them from the top of my head .


    * Dilated (spelling?) eyes

    * Plays with her hair

    * Constantly makes eye contact

    * Scans your face and smiling when talking to her

    * When she's sitting down, her body is facing your direction

    * She imitates your actions


    That's all I can remember. I'm not sure if some of those are correct though. Check on other similar posts and you will find a lot of answers. I hope this helped you .

  5. Ahh...love truimphs over hate . Why did you hate him in the first place? Was it something that you did or him? Well, I think you should talk to him like he's still your enemy and then gradualy start being nice to him. If you were just nice to him all of a sudden he would become curious to what you're up to.

  6. I don't think you're ugly. You just need to overcome your shyness. I am shy myself, but ever since I started talking to people and girls a lot more, it's starting to go away. Most girls are not at all into looks. It's the personality that counts. It's the inner you.


    Nobody wants to buy a book or a CD just because the cover looked good. Even the most beautiful person in the world can be ugly if they have a bad personality. The inner beauty is more beautiful than the outer beauty, but some people just don't realize that. Just start talking to people even if you are scared to talk to them because that can help you overcome your shyness. If you are a good person and just being yourself, girls will see that and hopefully you'll get a girlfriend .

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. I know it is hard to loose someone you loved and cared so much about. It's even harder because of the way she left this earth. You have to move on and I think she would have wanted that. Think of all the good times you had and the times you made her happy. You have done all that you can to love and care for her and you should be proud of that. She's in good hands now and is looking down on you. She's in a place where she will always be happy.


    Time will heal a wounded heart.

  8. Hmm...well let's see. Why don't you hang out with some friends? That's a good way to kill some boredom. Sometimes when I'm bored I just go for a drive and see where I end up. What are your interests? Do you like sports, movies, video games, etc.? You could try those to kill your boredom. I suggest joining some other club or organization other than the crossdressing one. I don't think your wife will be happy if she finds out and especially when you two are having a new child.


    I agree with SwingFox. You could help out some people in here with their problems. That would be a good use of time. I sometimes find answers to my own problems by helping others. I also recemmend changing your job. If you don't really like it, why put up with it? Find a job that you have an interest in and think you will enjoy. That way you get paid for doing something that you like to do and also you will probably never get bored .

  9. If you want to be with them so much it hurts but you see they are happy with the person they are with and that makes you happy, that's love.


    I had a crush on this one girl for a very long time and I really wanted to be with her, but unfortunately she has a boyfriend. Seeing her happy with him made me accpet the fact that I can't have her. I think that they make a great couple and just her being happy makes me happy too .


    "The heart never speaks, but you must listen to it to know."

  10. Hmm...I did a research paper about dreams once in my psychology class. If you want to find out what your dreams mean, you should look at some dream dictionaries. Just look for the word and it will tell you what it means in your dreams. Just type in "dream interpretation" or "dream dictionary" on Google or any other search engines.

  11. She might be married already and your love for her might have faded away or you may find someone new. Getting rich and being successful might sound good, but some girls are not in it for money. I agree with David83. You should go and tell her now before it's too late. Life is a one way street and we cannot go back to change the past.

  12. I'm in a same situation. I really like this girl in school and I think I should tell her how I feel about her but I'm really shy. I've read posts similar to this one, most of the time people are saying that the person stopped talking to them after telling them how they feel. Nobody likes akward situations and I'm afraid that will happen to me also. Should I just go and tell her anyways?

  13. Wow you're really pissed! Don't stop trusting women just because one hurt you. Not all women are like that. If she's acting like it's all your fault and blaming everything on you then she is selfish. Forget her and move on. That's what I'd probably do if I had a girl like that. Maybe the reason why she did all of this a month before your surgery was to break your heart before it gets fixed by the doctors.

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