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  1. I have been married for 5 years, I'm 31 years old, I have a 2 1/2 year old son, a nice home, nice vehicles, nice neighborhood, great paying job. There is nothing in life that I want now, except for my wife to be happy. It seems to be an impossible task, nothing seems to make her happy. I work my fingers to the bone, (She worrys about money all the time, don't ask me why) It dosen't seem to make any difference how hard i'm working, or what I have going on, she will loose it on the simplest things. Example, her check-engine light came on in her car, 4 days later, when I could make time, I took the car to Autozone to have them tell me what was wrong, they printed out a check-list of things to test to figure out the problem. I had a friend that is an ASE mechanic come to my house with his tools, I went to get the list and she didn't have it, she couldn't find it anywhere. I didn't make a big deal about it, but unfortunately, we were unable to go any further. I told my friend I would bring the car over as soon as I could. Later that night, I told my wife that it would be Thursday night , (Today was Tuesday) before I could get the car over to his house, her statement was "I guess you don't care about my car or my safety" I have had it with this junk, why work your fingers to the bone, and give your wife ANYTHING she asks for if she is not going to show any respect or appreacation? I'm 2 steps away from talking to a divorce attorney. I know this is a brief message, but if you could imagine every single thing that happens turning into this for 5 years, you would understand how old it could get. Signed, Wish I was in love again.
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