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Posts posted by Shinobie

  1. I dont like socially communicating because nobody ever likes me because im too shy and dont talk much.And i get really really nervous around girls and keep thinking im ugly im ugly and i just clam up around girls.And get a bad feeling in my gut and i get depressed.Where as when im playing a video game i get that stuff off my mind and get a little bit happy.So its sort of my happy place.

  2. Ya definitely dude although mine wasnt at school.There was this girl at my restaurant and she came in this one day every week on the day that i worked.She would always keep looking at me staring at me.And i too the same.I never talked to her because i was too shy.I couldnt get her off my mind for the longest time like i couldnt stop thinking about how attractive she was.She stopped showing up she shows up again later on when imma cook because it would be easier to start a conversation.Maybe ask them how their meal was ya ive had the same problem as you.

  3. ya i never really notcied how many dating sites there were until lately.I Was thinking about trying one out when i turn 18 and buy my car with all the money ive saved up.Since i dont have any luck finding love in real life .

  4. Ya i had the same horrible double date as you.I went with my friend and these 2 girls sort of preppy.I tried to talk to her and make converstion but she did not show any interest in me which is the same with u as on your date.Friends showed up and she started talking to them easily and look very interested sitting away from me.I had close to the same experience you had and we just both gotta forget it.Cause there should be girls interested in both of us later.Those girls were just a bad egg in the batch.Forget about her and move on and look to brighter days

  5. Yes ive experienced this fear many times.This is why i havent got a gf ever is because this same fear overcomes me to not go up to a girl.But u gotta overcome this fear and go up to this girl and talk to her where as i gotta do the same.We both gotta do it for ourselves to not be so shy.Hope your able to do it and gl

  6. Ya come on ogari u can do it man!U just gotta believe in yourself up to this girl and try to start a conversation.I know its hard im the same way its hard for me to go up to girls and talk to them.I mean i havent had the guts to do it yet myself.But u gotta do it before me and show us what ur made of.JUst tell urself im not a wimp!And go for it.I know u can do it

  7. I think u should go back in there and talk to her.Me and u are the same we dont get many chances to come by women since we are shy.U have a ur prey right there and i think u should take a bite at it and go for it .Maybe just try to tell her what happened and see how it goes.Its a chance u shouldnt let go cause i know i wouldnt so go for it mang!

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