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Posts posted by angrybeaver

  1. Okay i know this is the same old question and i probaly already know what the answer i will get from u guys but bare with me. There is this girl i like my class, i dont know her all that well yet all i know is that she is very pretty, smart, funny and kinda shy. we have olny talked in passing "which i am hoping to change" and i am not sure if she "likes" me. It is hard to really talk to her because she always seems to be with her friends and chatting away. so far i have only known her for 2 weeks....since the start of school. so i guess my questions are A. how can i get to talk to her more when she is always with her friends? B. is it better to wait and get to know her better before u ask her out or just do it? C. The best way to ask her out and finally a good place to go.

  2. okay well i guess i will start well....at the start lol i am pretty sure this girl in my class likes me Ie. she keeps following me around and sitting next to me and trys to start up conversations. that sounds great except for the fact i dont like her like all that much i mean she is a nice person and all but i dont like her like THAT. now here is where it gets complicated there is a girl in the same class that i want to get to know better and see if she wants to maybe go out sometime but......she is always with her friends so it is hard to get close to her just to talk....and it does not help i have this other girl just following me around it kinda makes it weird......i dont want to hurt the girl that likes me but i dont want to miss my chance to talk to this other girl...so my question is how do i let this one girl know she should back off and how can i get closer to this one girl with out making it weird

  3. lol yeah i know it seems so simple...and believe you me i have thought about just asking her ALOT.....but i just dont want to make things awkward between us before the 13....so my main thing i am fighting is to talk to her about "us" and "what ifs" before or after we meet in person...i have talked to her best friend and from what i have gathered from her she talks about me alot lol which is a good thing =) but she also said that distance was a big thing on her mind and it is on mine alot aswell =(...so basically i just dont want thngs to end because of distance....i dont want to look back on this and say what if or what could have been.

  4. okay well about 5 months ago i was surprised to find that i got an email from a girl who wanted to talk with me on msn.....i guess she read my profile and liked it....anywho we clicked instantly we talked for hours and hours about anything with alot of energy basily everyday and it has been going like that ever since.....but recently there seems to be less and less "energy" in our convos....she knows i like her and i know she likes me. and she is the first girl i have ever known that i can talk about anything with even mindless nonsense lol. we going to meet at a concert on aug 13 CANT WAIT =)....but my only real problems is that we are 7 hours apart =( and that in the past week or so our convos have seemed to lose their "energy"....we still talk everyday and send lots of emails and stuff but there just does not seem to be that speed and fluidness to our convos anymore......so baiscly i am just wondering whats going on.....is she scared about us meeting or getting to close witht he distance and all?


    any comments or suggestions are NEEDED and welcomed lol

  5. lol what can i say if he dumped you like that i say move on and find someone better who will treat you right.....there is no need begging and pleading with a guy who does not want to be in a relationship....it just gives him the power. and as for if some guys after that kind of break up do want to get back together i say yes, but i would say have more self pride and move on.

  6. To keep her wanting more, simply do what you are doing. Flirt with other girls around her. DO NOT talk about yourself too much, remain mysterious. Put all of your priorities first, and the girl last.


    okay now this is what i dont get...... yes i want to keep her wanting more but why in the worl would you flirt with other girls around her if you lik HER..and if you like her alot why would she not become you main priority?

  7. okay is it me lol or do girls like being ignored?......well in my case lol it seems YES....i cant figure it out GRRRRR. theres this girl i really like and am i am pretty sure she likes me to lol. when we first met i did not pay much attention to her and she kept on "bugging me" lol ie. all playfull and what not and then i started to really really like her and pay attention to her lol and she kinda backed off and then started to i pay less attention and she starts to "bug" again lol. grrrrrrr girls...cant live with em cant live without em =P

  8. okay i am not sure where to start lol so i will start at the beginning lol...about 5 month ago i get this email from a girl who wants to talk on msn i guess she was bored and just by chance clicked on my profile and liked it and wanted to talk....lol. little did i know she would turn into the most important thing in my life in such a short period of time. we talk every day for hours upon hours and we just seem to "click" more so then any other girl i have met. the only prob is she lives about 7 hours away =(. we are planning on meeting at a concert in about a month and i cant wait =). i am just wondering if it fair to either of us to get to close with the distance and all? however there has been talk that she is thinking about moving in with her dad next year which i have mixed feeling about it....on the one hand it would be great for "us" because it is only an hour and a half away and i would love to see where this relationship might go.....but on the other hand i feel kinda guilty because she would be leaving her friends and family. lol i donno..... any suggestions, advice or comments would be great.

  9. well i am not sure where to start so here goes. There is this girl i have been talking to for about 5 months now and we have become very close. we talk for hours on a daily basis and have become a big part of each other lives. We have been planning to meet at this concert in about a month from now... we where going to make a couple days out of it but her best friend is coming to which i have no problems with at all except her dad wont let her stay the 3 nights we planned for, and now he wants the 2 of them to stay at his friends house near the concert for only one night =(. i was really looking forward to spending asmuch time with her as i could but it seems to be slipping away by the minute =(. so now i am hear not sure what to do....her friend is very nice i talk to her alot but her dad is very protective and well is basically killing our plans.......which sucks alot because we where really looking forward to time well spent....so basically anyone have any ideas? i am wide open here

  10. okay well hear it is my head hurts from just thinking about it. Okay there is thei girl i really like, but i have basically accepted that we are just friends. This however is not my main prob my main prob is that one day we goof off joke talk ect. the next i am lucky if she will even reconize my existence. Any sugestions on what is going on or am i just over thinking this because i have a crush on her

  11. Okay here it is. Last semester i noticed this girl in my class we where kinda friends but more or less acquaintance . Then this semester we started spending more time together and started going to see movies, the bar and shopping ect. this sounds all good but i think have been getting the "friends vibe" but am not sure. I basically started doing little things for her but ever since i started doing that stuff she seems to be drifting farther away


    any advice on whats going on or what i shoudl do next would help ALOT

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