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Posts posted by angrybeaver

  1. i am just looking for some opinions on dating and friendship. say you are good friends with a guy who you have a bunch incommon with and generaly like to hang out with....ect. would it be weird and awkward if the guy told you that he had developed feelings for you more so then just friendship......and if so would it hurt the friendship.

  2. okay well a few weeks a go i met this girl...who happed to be my friends older sister =S well log story short we hit it off very well....i got up the guts to ask her her out about a week later and she said yes =)....so last night we went out and had a really nice time.....i know this all sounds all well and good but....i just dont know how i feel about it...for the first time in my life i dont know what i want.....i dont think i have ever been on a date that i have gotten along with the person so well...and i could be myself with.....there was no awkword quiet moments or anything like that......which is kinda part of why i am confused. every singe girl i have liked liked in the past i have become weird and awkward around. we are both pretty shy but i think she is more so then me but the shyness seemd to melt away for both of us. so basically i have a gut feeling that is kinda split in half......o on hand the feeling is we are just friends....butthe other is saying what if =S so my question is should i ask her out again to see how it goes or should i go with just friends?

  3. okay well i guess i should give you guys some history.... a couple of weeks ago i was at my friends party.....and i met his older sister.....she is 25 and i am 20......we hit it off really well we where up all night way past everone else.....and eventualy fell asleep together =).....anywho i did not get a chance to ask for her number.....so it took me about a week to get up the guts to ask her brother for it.....he gave it to me....it is kinda weird and all but he was pretty cool about it....and yeah. ...she is pretty shy and has not had alot of experience in the dating world......and well i am basically the same....back to the story....i called her up a couple days later lol and kinda caught her by surprise lol i asked her to go see a movie and she said yes =) lol which is always good lol......anywho we went to see the movie last night and had coffee after words........i am just very very confused =S and not sure.........the "date" it self went well there was no awkward scilent moments....and we seem to have alot in common and get along very well.....the weird thing is i was not shy or nervous the whole night.....which is weird because i am always shy and awkward with the girls i like like......which might just be it i dont know if i like her just as a friend or more......and i am not sure how she feels either.....and now i dont know what to do because right now i feel kinda like in limbo...friend or more then just a friend.......should i call her and ask her out again? and see how it s goes.......grrrrrrr i just dont know


    ps. lol any advice would be great and thx for listening to my mind less blabering

  4. yeah i did and she does....but only to work and i dont know her schedual....i think next time i talk to him i will just ask him for her info and if he asks why i will say that i just want to see if she would like to go to a movie or something.......and that we seemed to get along very well the other night and i just want to see how it goes.....so yeah...thx for all your advise any more is apreciated as usual

  5. seee thats my prob i dont know when i can see her....... and the only way i can think of to get incontact with her to see her again is to ask my friend......so should i just ask for her info.....and if he ask the reason say i wantto take her to the movies or something....or i wanted to ask her something about something else......

  6. thanks for the advice. i am going to try and talk to him this week about her and maybe leave some suttle hints and see how that goes. i am going to try to ask him for her email or phone number to "double check" something lol smoooth i know lol jk.......anywho any more advice would be greatly appreciated keep it coming god knows i need all i can get

  7. okay this be a weird one lol.......last week i went to my friends house....and well long story short i met his older sister =) lol...we hit it off great and stayed up all night while everyone else had passed out then we eventual fell asleep...together =).....this all is great.....but she is 25.....i am 20 "which i am okay with she is great" she goes to school 2 hours away.....but she comes home for the weekends =) right now my only prob right now is getting in contact with her........with out tipping her brother off which could be an occward situation.....so my question is should i just ask my friend...her brother for her #....and see how that goes or just trying to get it around him so he does not find out.......

  8. Okay...to me this sounds dumb and mean but apparently it seems to work....There is this girl i really like...i have liked her from the beginning of the year...i finally gut up the nerve to ask her out. we had a pretty good time if i do say so myself....then a couple of days later she asked me over to her house to watch a scary movie....it went pretty well considering her parents where in the next room and liked "checking" in. then yet again a couple of days later she came over to my place to watch a movie. i know this sounds all well and good but =S i have no idea how to read her....like i touch her like brush up against her or put my arm around her and i get.....nothing.....she does not tense up or pull away or anything but she does not get closer she is just "normal"......then this last week i have been getting mixed signals like one min she seems to want to be together then others its like she could car less about me......so in the last couple of days i have started to be more distant...like talking to her less...or not sitting beside her or going on msn and not saying hi and waiting for her to say it.....and to my surprise she seems to be getting closer while i am getting farther away....soooo my question is should i keep on doing this and if yes for how long and how far should i take it....and WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?

  9. okay here it is..... there is this girl i really like i have liked her ever since i saw her.....we are both pretty shy which makes things a little weird but we have sooooo much incommon it is kinda scary....any who i got up enough nerve to ask her out and she said yes and we had a pretty good time and then she invited me over to her house to watch a scary movie a couple of days later which also went well "considering her parents where in the next room and liked checking in". so i asked her over to my place and she yet again said yes. i know all this seems well and good and we seem to get along very well its just that i am not getting ANY feed back good or bad like i try and flirt with her and she does nothing i brush up against her or put my arm around her and she does not move closer or pull away or tense up she just stays "normal"......so i am at a loss and dont know what to do..... should i ask her how she feels?...should i be more forward?.... i just dont know...any ideas or suggestions are more then welcome PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i am pretty sure she knows i like her not 100% sure but pretty damn close. The next time i ask her i would use more forward terms and see how she reacts. I dont want to come on to strong because i dont want to scare her away. As for the self esteem thing that very well might be the case for me as well =( and that is why i guess i am second guessing myself so much if she like me or not. so i guess my question remains just stick with it and go with the flow as is right now and hope she warms up.....or talk to her aboutit and see where she stands?

  11. okay here it is..... there is this girl i really like i have liked her ever since i saw her.....we are both pretty shy which makes things a little weird but we have sooooo much incommon it is kinda scary....any who i got up enough nerve to ask her out and she said yes and we had a pretty good time and then she invited me over to her house to watch a scary movie a couple of days later which also went well "considering her parents where in the next room and liked checking in". so i asked her over to my place and she yet again said yes. i know all this seems well and good and we seem to get along very well its just that i am not getting ANY feed back good or bad like i try and flirt with her and she does nothing i brush up against her or put my arm around her and she does not move closer or pull away or tense up she just stays "normal"......so i am at a loss and dont know what to do..... should i ask her how she feels?...should i be more forward?.... i just dont know...any ideas or suggestions are more then welcome PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. okay heres the story as it is so far. There is this girl in my class and i have wanted to get to know her better and ask her out ever since the beginning of the year. so i did just that "big step" it is scary how much we have in common and how well we seem to get along on msn.... "we are both pretty shy" So i finally asked her out to a movie and she agreed =)....it went well i guess there was no awkward scilent moments except for at the end when i droped her off but that is kinda to be expected. i emailed her the next day to say i had a great time and would love to get together and do something again and i got a reply saying the same thing =) "all good in my books" . my only problem is that at school i have noooo idea how to act around her... so i asked her how i should act and she said "good question, i dont know"and we kinda left it at that. so right now i am not sure how she feels "really" or how she wants me to act..... any ideas or suggestions are more then welcome!!!!

  13. Okay i had my frist date with this girl last night that i like alot......it was alot of fun and i had a pretty good time considering......I SUCK AT DATING and i kept saying stupid things...=(...and at the end in the car we had a pretty weird awkward moment when i froze and just dropped her off and all i said was "i had a really nice time and we should do it again....and i will ttyl on msn"......or at least that is what i hope i said =(. soooooooooooo i wrote up something last night that i want to say/send to her about what happened......i am just wanting a second opinion on a few things.....first how does what i wrote sound? would u add or take anything away .....and should i email it to her? talk to her on msn about it? call her and tell her? or something else....




    Okay about last night….


    I did have a really good time and I hope you did to its just that…..I SUCK AT DATING!!! =(. I do like you….. in fact I like you a lot, and that right there is my problem. When I like someone I get well…. weird and awkward and that's what you saw =(. I was so scared that there would be an awkward silence that I just kept on picking random thoughts rushing through my head and going with them……IE allis the camel and that whole right….thing*SMACK*. As for the end in the car…….I froze…. I froze bad I wanted to atleast walk you to the door and give you a hug but grrrrrrr damn my shyness. I felt sooooo bad about that on the way home =(. I would love to see you again and get to know you better =). We seem to have sooooo much in common and get along very well on msn…..But… if you just want to be friends, I will understand. You're a great person and I would be lucky to have you as friend if nothing else.

  14. okay well i finally did it i asked this girl i liked out and she said yes =) and we are going to see a moive tonight.........my only prob is that we are both pretty shy and i hate the dreaded awkward scilence.......any suggestions on how to aviod this? and yet again i am thinking to much....and i am starting to second guess if we are going out as friends or more =S

  15. okay ladies here it is...there is this girl i like and is always with her friends so it is hard to talk to her and to get to know her better. so i was just wondering how "weird" or "awkward" it would be if i went up to her and her friends "which seem to be all girls" and just sat down with them and joined in. I dont know her or her friends all that well if at all and am wracking my brains to come up with ways to get to know her better. so i guess my question is...should i try this or something else? and if i do try it what should i say to make it less "weird" also if this is not a good idea what would be one..... any ideas are MORE!!!! then welcome.

  16. Okay there is this girl I like my class, I don't know her all that well yet all I know is that she is very pretty, smart, funny and kinda shy "which I am 2". We have only talked in passing "which I am hoping to change" and I am not sure if she "likes" me. It is hard to really talk to her because she always seems to be with her friend's and are always chatting away. So far I have only known her for 2 weeks....since the start of school. so I guess my questions are:


    A. How can I get to talk to her more when she is always with her friends?

    B. Should I even bother asking her out if I don't see any signs?

    C. Is it better to wait and get to know her better before u ask her out or just do it?

    D. And should I ask for her number first or just ask her out on sat night?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated because I am confused and have never been good at this kind of stuff.

  17. Okay here it is, there is this girl i like in my class i have noo idea if she likes me and i would love to get to know her better but it is very hard to do because A. she seems shy around new people "which i am 2" and everytime i see her she is always with her friends ..... like in class she sits always sits with her friends and everytime i see her in the hall or at lunch she is always with her friends. so my question is how do i go about joining them in their convos or seporating her from her friends for a bit? i am at a loss here so any ideas or suggestions are more then welcome!!!

  18. well my friend u are in luck i myself am about 6'3 and about 5 months ago i weighted 250 i am now down to 220... i did it thought atkins mainly and semi working out but not much. the stretch marks do fade but they still remain. i am not sure if they will ever fully go away or just fade with time. i have heard about surgery but that is not for me right now i would rather save my money. i hope this was use gl

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