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Help ME!! !Pls.... Hangover

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Time, fluids (water, juice) to rehydrate (headache is caused by dehydration from alchohol) and eating a breakfast with proteins/fats tends to help too believe it or not - bacon & eggs seems to work really well for most people but vary as you wish.


If you have not thrown up yet, it does help to do so....so dont' fight it if you feel urge too...usually your stomach feels better after you have.

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Water, water , water..water before you drink, during, and after...and if you did it right you should either wakeup drunk the next morn for a bit then skip the hangover part, or wakeup just fine and dandy. However if you do get a hangover, pickle juice, saltine crackers, and water.


Good Luck!

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Thanks guys. I drank to much and on an empty stomach, not a good idea. I can't drink or eat anything though makes me feel worse. But thanks again


Problem is if you don't drink, you will feel worse as you get more dehydrated and your brain is not getting enough fuel At least try water. Take a couple Tylenol and drink a HUGE glass of water with it.


Next time, make you sure eat beforehand, and for every drink you have, have a glass of water too. It will dilute it, and cut down on how much you actually drink, AND keep you hydrated to prevent headaches!

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Take a couple Tylenol and drink a HUGE glass of water with it.


Everytime I drink and get sick because of it, people tell me not to take Tylenol/Aspirin because they say it can screw my liver up since I was just drinking. Is that really true? I usually get sick about an hour after I drink, so maybe Tylenol in the morning to treat a hangover is okay, but Tylenol right after drinking isn't?

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I have a friend that drinks a pint of milk before they go out drinking! Apparently this coats the stomach so that you don't get violently ill.


Some people say that the cure for a hangover is 'the hair of the dog!' This means to drink the same drink you did the night before.


I hope you're feeling better.

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