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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Why Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    It's often said that "actions speak louder than words", and in many cases, this is true. At some point in our lives, we've all crossed paths with a person who could talk the talk when it came to saying they were being honest and sincere, but when it came time to actually demonstrate through action how they felt, they were incapable of doing so.

    The truth of the matter is that our behaviors are far more descriptive of who we are and how we feel than any words uttered in a given moment might be. It's easy to put on an act in front of someone and pretend to be someone you're not. We can curl our lips into a smile or give false reassurance with a few choice lines, but deep down inside, all of these charades are unable to fully stand the of time.

    Sometimes, we find ourselves caught in a cycle of being unable to have an honest conversation about how we really feel because the moment we do so, we're afraid of conflict or being judged, and this perpetuates our behavior. Suddenly, we're unwilling, or worse yet, entirely unable to express our vulnerability. We put up a facade and assume others around us won't be able to understand us.

    Of course, it takes a certain degree of courage and compassion to be truly authentic and truthful with the ones around us. There are certain shame-based beliefs which might hold us back from fully embracing our need for interdependence with the people around us, so it's feasible to assume that fear might be preventing individuals from exercising their full emotional literacy.

    However, if we really want to foster meaningful relationships and create trust between ourselves and those around us, it's imperative that we commit to being open, honest and compassionate with everyone in our lives. This requires sacrificing certain anxieties or inner defeats in favor of growth and embracing genuine connection.

    We must learn to put words into action and show others how we feel by embodying our intentions and making a genuine effort to demonstrate them through action. Until then, it may be difficult to rely on their knowledge that they are genuine and whether they are capable of truly meeting us at the level where we're at. Take away one actionable point: The next time you feel like someone maybe isn't entirely reliable or trustworthy, take a step back and instead listen to what they do rather than what they say. Seek evidence instead of taking their word as truth and you'll often stumble upon the facts of the matter much quicker.

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