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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Take a Walk Outside to Refresh Your Mental Health: Benefits of Spending 15 Minutes Outdoors

    When you need a boost in mental health, sometimes all you need is some fresh air. Taking a walk outside can be beneficial, especially if you take 15 minutes to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Spending even a short amount of time outdoors has been proven to help improve mental health, giving you more energy to face life’s challenges.

    Breathing in the fresh air can clear your mind and help reduce stress. Walking outside gives you a break from daily life, allowing you to let go of worries and return to work or daily activities feeling refreshed. The sights and sounds of nature can also be calming, distracting you from the stressors in your life. Taking a few moments to appreciate a field of wildflowers, a chirping of birds, or the sunlight breaking through the clouds may be just the reprieve you need to set your mood straight.

    Beyond feeling calmer, physically moving your body while outside has been shown to have a positive effect on your mental state. Getting some exercise during your walk may help your body produce natural endorphins – chemicals that act as a happy hormone and make you feel good. Going for daily walks has also been linked to reducing depression and improving overall attitudes and moods. If walking outside isn't possible, try going for a jog around the block or stretching in your backyard.

    Nature has always been known for its restorative capabilities. It is not just any old place but the rhythms, landscapes and sensory details of being out in nature itself that can bring about a psychological transformation. Indeed, exposure to small doses of nature brings out the best in us. It can shift our outlook, restoring attentional resources and helping us refocus our energy when we are feeling exhausted.

    In this turbulent world of technology, it is easy to forget to appreciate the natural beauty in life, but making just a little bit of effort each day helps improve our mental health. After spending just 15 minutes outside surrounded by the sun, wind, and other sights, you may find yourself feeling relaxed, energized, and better able to manage the stress of your day.

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