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    How Using a Happy Memory to Fall Asleep Improved My Sleep Quality

    Long gone are the days when people believed that counting sheep was the most effective way to fall asleep. Today, more and more people are turning towards an innovative sleeping technique known as “savoring" - using a positive memory before going to bed to achieve better sleep quality. As someone who has always struggled with getting a good night’s sleep, I decided to put this method to the test and use a happy memory to help me drift into a blissful slumber. After 2 weeks of doing this, I was absolutely astounded by how well it worked.

    Savoring is the practice of consciously calling upon a particular pleasant or enjoyable experience, while focusing on its details and emotion. This may sound like a simple task, but it requires a tremendous amount of focus and cognitive effort as it involves selecting a specific event in one’s life, engaging all five senses if possible in order to recall it in vivid detail and summoning the associated emotions in order to re-experience a natural state of calm.

    When attempting to put this technique into practice for the first time, I felt a bit overwhelmed initially and could not think of an appropriate happy memory at the moment. However, after listening to some soothing music and mentally scanning through my memories, I realized that I had plenty of experiences to choose from. I finally settled on a particular sunny day from my school days when my friends and I took a nature hike and had lots of fun together. This event was perfect to use for savoring, as all my senses were engaged and there was plenty to recall – the sight of the vast blue sky, the feel of the grass beneath my feet, the taste of the juicy orange we’d snacked on halfway through our adventure, the scent of the summer foliage and the sound of birds singing.

    The moment I fully immersed myself in the experience, I started to feel all the sensations and emotions associated with the event. I felt content, relaxed, at peace and even nostalgic remembering all the precious memories I had made with my friends that day. Just then I knew, I was onto something.

    After two weeks of making an effort to practice this technique each night before bed, I am convinced that it has improved my sleep quality significantly. Unlike other nights where it would take hours for me to actually drift off to sleep, using this technique instantly relaxes my body and mind and what used to be a long and tedious process soon became a much more calming and peaceful transition from being wide awake to dozing off. The best part was that my morning mood was also improved; I woke up feeling more refreshed and energized than ever before.

    Savoring provides hope for those searching for an effective and natural approach to aid their sleeping cycles. Not only does it produce an immediate sense of relaxation, but its positive effects appear to persist even after you wake up. Although its benefits may take some time to be fully realized, the results I’ve gotten in just two weeks alone make me believe that if given enough dedication and focus, this powerful technique can bring us much closer to a consistently restful sleep.

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