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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    How Can I Know if I'm Going Crazy?

    I used to think I was normal. I thought I had my life together. I had friends, a job, a car and rent paid on time. Nothing seemed out of place in my life. It was tranquil. Until recently, I've started to feel like I'm losing my mind.

    Every night I can feel my thoughts growing darker and darker. As I lay in bed, all the problems of the world bombard me. I seem to have an intense connection to the pain of the world that almost overwhelms me. I feel like there's a million things I should be doing and my highest priority is saving humanity from itself. It's no longer just annoying, it's downright scary.

    My sense of time has grown perverse. I lose track of days, I can't remember conversations I just had, I replay events over and over and wonder what I could have done differently. I try to stay in the present moment but often find myself replaying old events in my head, analyzing them, seeking to understand why things happened and trying to predict how future events might unfold. It's like I can't stop my mind from racing ahead into the future.

    I'm tired all the time, even when I get enough sleep. My problems are never far away as I can't rest neither day nor night. I keep finding myself catastrophizing and assuming that every single bad thing that could happen, will happen.

    I can almost feel a presence in the room with me sometimes. A dark heavy energy that drives me further into despair and keeps me from reaching out for help. Something within me seems to be stopped from ever feeling fully satisfied or content. I long for the blissful peace and serenity I used to take for granted.

    Am I going crazy or is this just part of life? How do I know if I'm going crazy or just facing life's challenges like we all do?

    It's normal to have periods of anxiety or difficulty with emotions and experiences. At times, such feelings can be so intense and overwhelming that you may feel like you're "going crazy." But it's important to know that feeling this way doesn't necessarily mean you have a mental illness or require any professional help.

    The key is to recognize the earliest signs that you need some extra help managing and coping with the difficulties in your life. Here are some tips for identifying if it is crucial to seek professional guidance:

    1. Are your emotions and behaviors causing distress or impairing your life?

    If your emotions or behaviors start to interfere with your relationships, work, school, or your ability to function day-to-day, then it's important to talk to someone. If they are putting you or others at risk in any way, then seeking professional help is the best way to ensure safety.

    2. Do you find yourself unable to calm down or control your thoughts?

    Persistent negative thoughts or feelings can lead to trouble calming down or controlling your mental or emotional state, which in turn can lead to behavioral changes. If this sounds familiar, it's important to speak to a professional to address and manage these issues.

    3. Are you having difficulty sleeping or eating?

    Changes in eating or sleeping habits, such as eating more or less than usual or difficulty with sleeping, can be signs of psychological distress. If you find yourself experiencing such major shifts in your daily routines, it's important to reach out for support.

    Knowing when to seek professional help can be difficult and overwhelming. That's why it's important to speak to a trusted family member, friend, or doctor to ensure that you get the help you need. They can help identify the problem and connect you with a mental health professional to assist in managing your symptoms. Mental health professionals can help provide strategies and skills to cope better with stressful situations and manage difficult emotions.

    When it comes to mental health, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. It's important to consider your specific needs and circumstances and develop an action plan that works best for you. Remember, with the appropriate tools and professional help, you can move forward in a healthier way.

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