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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    How to Tell If Your Best Guy Friend Likes You?

    Dear eNotAlone: I've been friends with my best guy friend for almost a year and a half now. We've been flirting and laughing at each other's jokes, but I'm still not sure if he likes me in that way. He is always hanging out with our group and always seems to be around me, but then again he does that with other girls in the group as well.

    We talk almost every day on text and phone, often sending each other cheesy jokes. He openly expresses his opinion even when it conflicts with others, speaks his mind and is never afraid of speaking his truth. We have endless conversations about all kinds of topics, and I feel like we can really connect on a deeper level. However, he never ever mentions anything romantic or anything that could even suggest he wants to take things further.

    I'm often confused by his behavior because he keeps acting flirtatious and tells me all kinds of compliments but never takes any action. He gives me so much attention and is always there for me in times of need and although I truly appreciate it, sometimes I just can't help but wonder what his actual intentions are.

    I'm just so confused and don't know how to tell if he might be interested in me or if he's just genuinely being a good friend. I want to be sure before I make a move and potentially ruin our current relationship. I'd really appreciate some advice on how to know if my best guy friend likes me the way I like him or if there's nothing more than friendship.

    * * *

    It is not unusual to develop feelings of fondness and attraction towards your best friend - we have a close connection and typically know them better than anyone else. If you are experiencing mixed signals from your friend and are not sure if he/she has feelings for you as well, it is important to consider certain aspects of their behavior before taking the next step. Here are some tips on how to tell if your best guy friend likes you in a more than just a friendly way:

    1. Pay attention to body language - Body language can often speak louder than words. Take note of subtle cues such as eye contact, physical proximity or touch that could indicate that your friend has an interest in you.

    2. Look out for signs of jealousy - If your friend gets jealous when you're talking to other people or seemingly pays closer attention to you when you're with someone else, it could be a sign that they like you.

    3. Notice if they are extra accommodating - If your friend goes out of their way to accommodate you, makes extra efforts to impress you or is trying to show you a good time, they may be doing this in an attempt to win your affections.

    4. Observe their attitude when you are together - From how they look at you to their actions or words, pay close attention to their behavior when both of you are together - it could give you a better understanding of how they feel about you.

    It is usually best to be direct and ask your friend about the true nature of your relationship. It might feel daunting, but it is important to be honest with yourself and your friend about your feelings for one another. If your friend does feel the same way, you can decide together how to proceed with the relationship.

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