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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    What is the Best App for Dating? 5 Surprising Choices (2023 Edition)

    What is the best app for dating? This question has been frequently asked, discussed, and hotly debated for years. In the current digital age, dating apps are not a luxury but rather a modern necessity. They have transformed the way we meet, interact with, and understand people from all walks of life. They are the tools of modern romance, where swiping right could lead to finding 'The One' or just an entertaining way to pass the time. As the world continues to evolve, so too do dating apps. They have become more sophisticated, catering to specific demographics, interests, and relationship goals. Whether you are looking for a serious relationship or simply wanting to connect with new people, there is a dating app out there tailored to meet your needs. This article delves into the digital landscape to unearth the five best dating apps of 2023, offering insights on what makes each one stand out in the crowded market. Based on their unique features, user-friendliness, success rates, and general buzz, we provide a comprehensive analysis to help you navigate your way to finding your perfect digital match. Join us as we journey through this technologic landscape of love, examining the highs and lows, the triumphs and pitfalls, and everything in between. This is more than just a review of dating apps; it's a guide to understanding the modern world of digital romance and taking control of your dating destiny. Prepare to revolutionize your romantic journey.

    1. Embracing Individuality: Bumble

    If there's a dating app that takes the crown in empowering users, it's undoubtedly Bumble. Established as a staunch response to the traditional dating norms that typically favor male initiation, Bumble puts women in the driver's seat. This app empowers women to make the first move and control their narrative, which in turn creates a safer and more respectful environment.

    But what is it that makes Bumble the queen bee of the dating app hive? Let's break it down. To begin with, Bumble's user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up a profile, adjust preferences, and start swiping right away. This dating app's focus on authentic and meaningful connections begins with a robust profile set-up. It encourages users to share more about themselves than just a couple of attractive photos. From your aspirations and hobbies to your favorite travel destinations and preferred form of exercise, Bumble allows you to express your personality and values in detail. This fosters deeper connections from the get-go, making it more likely you'll find compatibility beyond surface-level attractiveness.

    Additionally, Bumble has a unique feature - the 24-hour rule. Once a match is made, women have 24 hours to initiate a conversation. If they don't, the match disappears, which encourages timely interaction and reduces the number of inactive or unresponsive matches. This mechanism instills an element of urgency, prompting users to take action and engage with their matches, thereby fostering an environment of active and attentive dating.

    Another aspect that sets Bumble apart is its commitment to safety and inclusivity. The app offers a suite of safety features, including photo verification and blocking and reporting options. Moreover, it is inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations, with options for everyone under the sun. This inclusivity extends beyond dating too, as Bumble also offers platforms for finding friends (Bumble BFF) and networking (Bumble Bizz).

    Finally, it's worth noting that Bumble continues to innovate, with features like video chat and virtual dating tools in response to the changing dating landscape. The continuous evolution, user-centric approach, and emphasis on respect and equality make Bumble a top contender for the title of "best dating app."

    2. Sophisticated Matchmaking: eHarmony

    When you ask, "What is the best app for dating?", there's one name that's stood the test of time: eHarmony. With its roots dating back to 2000, long before the era of swiping, this platform has consistently focused on fostering meaningful relationships. This is the go-to app if you're seeking a long-term relationship or even considering marriage.

    eHarmony's strength lies in its comprehensive, science-based matching system. Rather than leaving users to manually sift through countless profiles, eHarmony does the heavy lifting. Based on the detailed answers given during the sign-up process, eHarmony uses an advanced algorithm to match users with compatible partners. Their Compatibility Matching System considers numerous factors, including personality traits, hobbies, values, and relationship goals.

    The sign-up process on eHarmony may feel daunting to some, but it's this comprehensive personality assessment that sets the stage for more accurate matches. After all, love isn't a game of random chance. It's about finding someone who complements your personality and shares your values. eHarmony's in-depth questionnaire is designed to uncover the intricate details that will ultimately contribute to a successful pairing.

    On top of its remarkable matching system, eHarmony offers a clean and intuitive user interface, comprehensive profile insights, and various communication options including ice breakers, smileys, and guided communication. Their Guided Communication feature helps you understand your match better before you start emailing each other. It allows you to ask preset questions and understand their life values, ensuring you're on the same wavelength before getting serious.

    While eHarmony may not be the trendiest app, it offers serious matchmaking for individuals ready for commitment. It's a platform that rejects the transient nature of modern dating culture, instead celebrating and facilitating the creation of lasting bonds. It's for those who believe in love that lasts, and in a world of fleeting connections, this makes eHarmony truly special.

    3. Modern Approach to Love: Hinge

    Hinge, aptly dubbed "the dating app designed to be deleted," has made a significant splash in the dating pool. Instead of encouraging an endless swiping marathon, Hinge aims to create genuine connections that lead to real-life dates and, eventually, a meaningful relationship. If you're tired of casual dating and ready for something serious, Hinge might be the answer.

    One of the standout features of Hinge is its well-thought-out profile setup. Each user's profile includes six photos or videos, along with answers to three prompt questions. These prompts, which range from "The key to my heart is..." to "I'm overly competitive about...", are designed to showcase users' personalities and facilitate meaningful conversations. You can like and comment on specific parts of someone's profile, making interaction more personal and engaging.

    Hinge's approach to matching also differs from the norm. While it still uses swiping, it's not primarily a swiping app. Instead, Hinge encourages users to explore each other's profiles thoroughly before making a decision, steering clear from the superficial 'hot or not' mentality. It uses a combination of user preferences and its algorithm to suggest potential matches, known as 'Most Compatible.' The algorithm learns your type over time, so the more you use it, the better it gets at suggesting suitable matches.

    For those concerned about safety, Hinge has got you covered. The app requires all users to sign up with either their Facebook account or phone number to ensure authenticity. The app also has a 'Your Turn' feature that reminds users to continue a conversation, reducing the chances of 'ghosting.'

    In terms of price, Hinge strikes a sweet balance. While it offers a premium membership with added benefits, the free version is not only usable but also quite efficient for forming connections.

    In essence, Hinge strips away the frivolity of dating apps, focusing instead on helping real people form real relationships. By encouraging thoughtful engagement, Hinge successfully cultivates an environment that feels closer to a community rather than a digital love marketplace.

    4. Niche Dating Wonder: The League

    In a world teeming with dating apps catering to various needs and interests, The League stands out as a niche platform. Billed as the dating app for the elite and ambitious, The League is designed for those who are picky about their partners and aren't shy about it. If you're seeking someone who matches your ambitious, high-achieving lifestyle, The League might just be the best app for dating for you.

    What sets The League apart from the crowd is its exclusivity. Getting into The League isn't a simple matter of downloading an app and creating a profile. You'll have to apply and pass through a rigorous vetting process, which takes into account factors such as your profession, education, and even your LinkedIn connections. While this might sound intimidating, it's precisely this feature that maintains the high-quality user base that The League is known for.

    Once you're in, The League presents you with a small number of carefully selected potential matches every day, further emphasizing quality over quantity. This curated approach prevents users from feeling overwhelmed and encourages them to spend more time exploring each profile. Additionally, with its video speed dating feature, you can go on short video dates with matches to check for chemistry before investing time in a full-fledged conversation.

    The League also offers a host of other unique features. For instance, it hosts events and parties in several cities, perfect for those who prefer to meet their potential partners in person. The app also offers premium services like profile boosts and read receipts for messages.

    While The League's exclusivity may make it a little inaccessible for some, it serves as a boon for those who make the cut. It filters out those not serious about dating, leaving only those genuinely interested in finding a suitable partner. The League brings together ambitious, driven individuals, fostering an environment where power couples are made.

    5. Innovative and Inclusive: OkCupid

    Rounding out our list of the best dating apps is OkCupid, a pioneer in the online dating space. OkCupid shines with its commitment to inclusivity and its innovative approach to matching. Whether you're looking for a short-term date, a long-term relationship, or just to meet new people, OkCupid provides a dynamic platform that caters to a diverse range of dating desires.

    OkCupid's inclusivity is evident from the moment you sign up. The app offers a whopping 22 gender options and 13 orientation options, making it a standout choice for members of the LGBTQ+ community. The profiles are also designed to showcase your individuality. They include basic bio details and a series of prompts and questions that help convey your personality and beliefs.

    However, it's OkCupid's matching algorithm that truly sets it apart. OkCupid uses a question-and-answer matching system to find users who are compatible based on their responses. These questions range from serious topics like religion and politics to more fun and quirky ones like your pet preferences. The more questions you answer, the better OkCupid is at showing you matches who share your values and interests.

    Furthermore, OkCupid offers a variety of ways to interact with potential matches. You can like and message other users, participate in Double Take (a feature similar to swiping), and use the Discover function to find people who match specific criteria that you set.

    The one potential downside to OkCupid is that it can be time-consuming. Between the in-depth profiles and the numerous questions, using OkCupid can require a significant investment of time. However, for those genuinely interested in finding a compatible match, this time can be seen as a worthwhile investment.

    OkCupid's commitment to inclusivity and its sophisticated matching system make it a standout choice in the dating app scene. By focusing on what makes you uniquely you, OkCupid fosters genuine connections based on shared values and interests.


    The question of "what is the best app for dating?" ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Each of these five apps offers a unique approach to online dating, making them standout choices in their own right. Whether you choose Bumble's empowering platform, eHarmony's science-based matching, Hinge's authenticity, The League's exclusivity, or OkCupid's inclusivity, remember that the key to successful online dating is being yourself. Happy dating!


    1. Ansari, Aziz. Modern Romance. Penguin Press, 2015.
    2. Coles, Joanna. Love Rules: How to Find a Real Relationship in a Digital World. Harper, 2018.
    3. Fisher, Helen E., and Garcia, Justin R. Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray. W. W. Norton & Company, 2016.

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