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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Get Out of the Friend Zone and Find The Love You Deserve

    Do you have a knack for making new friends but are completely stumped when it comes to dating? If your dream girl is sickly sweet and affectionate to everyone else, but pulls away when you come too close, then you’ve probably been reduced to just being her friend. When feelings are stronger than everyone else’s, and yet unrequited, has your love taken the form of friendship? Have you been trapped in the dreaded ‘Friend Zone’?

    The truth is that most of us find ourselves in this situation at least once in our lives. It’s not an easy place to be, as all you want is for her to see you in a different light. But before you jump into action, understand why being in the ‘Friend Zone’ happens to so many of us.

    It is usually a result of a misunderstanding between the two parties involved. You might’ve changed your attitude to the point that she now sees you as a confidant or best friend. Maybe you’re trying to impress her with grand gestures, when what she’s really longing for is to have a comfortable conversation with you. Whatever circumstances conspired to lead you to this place, understand them first before attempting to move out of it.

    Now that you have insight into your position, it’s time to begin strategizing a way out. First and foremost, start acting differently, or at least differently from how you normally act around her. It may mean having to sharply alter behaviors or personalities in order to spark interest in a different kind of relationship, but that is the price to pay for freedom.

    If you’ve been particularly chummy with her for a long time, this shift in behavior will most certainly take her by surprise. As with any shock, be prepared for some turbulence along the way. Depending on how deep the friendship has been all this while, it could complicate matters even more.

    The next step is to show her that you are interested with purpose - use romantic moments to build chemistry. This can be enjoyable, provided you handle yourself in a confident and graceful way. Women need to sense security, safety, and trustworthiness when being wooed. Show her that you are that person - don’t be too pushy, deflect compliments, and maintain your demeanor despite facing any of her rejections.

    Appreciation goes a long way in the dating world. Compliment her, but bring out the finer details - for example, instead of saying she has pretty eyes, say “Your eyes are so bright and beautiful.” Draw attention to facets of her beauty that aren’t often noticed.

    Finally, make sure you pay attention to the communication signals you receive from her. A girl who has one foot firmly in the ‘Friend Zone’ may use subtle ways to tell you she is feeling pressured, flirtatious gestures to let you know it is acceptable to make a move, or complete silence when she’s had enough. As a rule, never do anything that she doesn’t feel comfortable with - respect her boundaries, even if you are trying ever so hard to leave the confines of the Friend Zone.

    Nobody says getting out the ‘Friend Zone’ is easy - but with some thoughtful introspection, strategy, and patience, you can eventually find the love that you deserve.

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