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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Struggling with Drug Addiction? 4 Strategies for Recovery

    When someone is facing a drug addiction, it can feel like completely overwhelming to make the decision to begin recovery. The addiction can feel like a trap that never ends and makes it seem impossible to get out alive. But drug addiction is something that can be overcome– it will take time and effort but it is possible.

    The decision to begin recovery is a massive step towards becoming healthy and happy. To effectively recover from drug addiction, there are certain practices and strategies that can help the process. Here are just a few steps to consider taking when beginning the process of addiction recovery:

    1) Address All Components of Addiction: Drug addiction is more than just the physical urge to use drugs, which is why address all components of addiction- physical, emotional, and mental- will provide the most successful route to full recovery. Take time to assess what triggers have caused you to use drugs in the past, whether it be feeling stressed, being in certain environments or being around certain people. Once you have identified what led you to use drugs, you can begin to come up with plans of how to avoid these triggers or how to cope with them if faced with them.

    2) Build a Support System: During the time of trying to recover from addiction, a good thing to do is to build a support system which includes positive people whom you trust. This could look however you want: a therapist, family members, peers who are also going through addiction/recovery processes, or a combination. Surround yourself with those who will listen without judgement and provide genuine support. This can look like going to an AA meeting or talking to someone on regular basis – whatever it looks like for you that provides support.

    3) Pray or Meditate: Recovery from substance use disorder doesn’t need to involve any religious belief systems. However, for those who do have faith systems such as prayer and meditation, it can be helpful to incorporate this type of practice in the recovery process. Noting down your thoughts and tapping into a mental state that allows you to essentially sit with and accept your current situation can be beneficial in recovery. Even if you don’t practice any faith systems, spending some moments in contemplation out in nature or while breathing in a safe space to center your pscyhe and slow down your mind can be a powerful weapon against triggers, keep addiction at bay, and aid in recovery.

    4) Don’t Give Up: This is essential and critical to remember in the process of recovery: it won’t be easy, but don’t give up. This kind recovery can take months or years. At times it will feel like you are taking 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. Go at whatever pace feels the most comfortable for you and set achievable goals each day and recognition when you achieve them. Taking small steps will eventually lead to big changes.

    Addiction recovery is long, winding journey— there is no quick answer or magical cure for it. It takes patience and persistence, but it is possible to break free from the clutches of drug addiction. As Winston Churchill once said, “if you’re going through hell, keep going.”

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