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I think I've finally come up with the perfect proposal idea that will hopefully bring great joy to my girlfriend. I still would like some input on what everyone thinks.


--My girlfriend and I both attend college and live appx 200 miles apart. However, I visit her almost every weekend, and we always make a saturday night/sunday trip to her parents house (not to far away). I plan to talk with her parents (in which i am pretty close with) and have them plan a family event where the entire family will come over to her parents house for lunch or dinner (they are very family oriented, and i know for a fact that my girlfriend definitely wants her family involved in the proposal.. or at least get to see it). After the entire family is there, and we have all been doing our thing for awhile.. i will have my girlfriend and i go into the room where dinner will be served and sit at the table with me. I will then have her brother come in, and preoccupy her while i leave the room. Then I want each family member to enter the room (one at a time) carrying a tulip (her favorite flower) and hand it to her, and tell her that they love her. Last I will have her mom then her dad enter the room (her dad coming in should definitely bring out the tears seeing how she is a big daddy's girl) and have them hand her something of significance to our relationship. (unsure of what this will be).. while this is taking place i will be in the other room changing into my suit (is the suit a good idea.. i thought it would be neat, but if not let me know) after the last person enters, i will come in, with guitar in hand... sit down in front of her and play "our song" that i learned to play on my guitar to her..(and sing if i can ever get myself to sing it decently) after this, i will tell her how much i love her and what she means to me...then get down on the ol' one knee and ask her to marry me... end of story

please, leave me some feedback on what you think...

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I hope that you make her day beautiful for her, she is a lucky women to have you. From the way you describe how you have the whole thing planned I can tell your romantic. I only wish that my fiancee could have been more creative like you. I wish you both the happiness that a life long commitment brings and heres hoping~to her saying yes. Goodluck.




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Thank you all for your responses. It's such a relief to have finally come up with the idea that I wanted. Just a little update, I asked her parents last night while I was at their house, and they were delighted. Good news for me. Now if I can just keep working on this song...

BTW: does anyone know where I can order Tulips in October? (they are out of season)



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