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sigh* I'm back

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back again... after a long period of absense...

I think I'm depressed again...

I was almost out of it, almost ...

but i think i stumbled and fell,


now I'm right where I've started...

I dunno this is a good thing or a bad one...

I noe the pain, it is still the same after all these times... a familiar face...

but I dunno, I'm so tired... I tried very hard to get out of it...

I was almost feeling normal, after 16 months...

but then it just snap, i just snap... i guess, its still not enough...


i'm so tired and hopless now...

it is so hard to fight alone...

i din see a doc, nor am I on any medication...

i dun not wish to, my parents do not noe either, and i dun wanna them to noe either...


i dunno... i guess i will pick myself up afterawhile... just it seem even harder this time... i dun see a light at the end of the road... but i will still do it, until I'm utterly expired...


but it is kinda hard to cope, when u keep tearing every few minutes or so... and i'm a guy 2 boot... sigh...


my will isn't broken yet, it is just that i feel so tired... and it seem so much easier to just sit down ... i wish the path can be easier... i wish i can feel happy... i wish the sadness can go away... i wish someone would understand... but i guess it is impossible to truly feel another's pain... and there is nothing much anyone can help... although i wished for a better way...


healing starts from self... just gimme some encouragement will ya? I need to build up my fighting spirit again... sigh* maybe i will rest awhile...


anyone has any tips on eating? cuz i realli dun feel like eating most of the time. but i feel hungry, but just dun have the mood to eat. food just dun interest mi much anymore... tried eating all my fav food, but they dun look as nice as in the past anymore...



Oh Time!

the beautifier of the dead,

adorer of the ruin,


and only healer

when the heart hath bled...

Time, the avenger!


~ Lord Byron

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Look life is precious, you need to realise whatever it is that is putting you into these depressed moods, and snap out of it. Life is worth living if you make the effort.


As for engouragement, I encourage you to do one good thing for yourself today and see how that makes you feel. And do one good deed for another and see how that makes you feel. And remember why it is that you are you and why everyone around like your parents all love you.






What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

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