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My sex life bond to sink or is there hope


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well i've been dating my boyfriend now for 1yr and 3months and now a days i've noticed how much our whole sex life has changed in the start of it all we had sex alllll the time and when we weren't we where wanting to he would give hints or i would.But now we have it every other day or start then stop because the mood is messed up it doesn't help that he lives with his mom and sister and the walls are paper thin . I just don't know how this will survive i'm 17 and highly sexual as much as a teenage boy would be if not sometimes more and he's in his 20's and isn't as sexual i sugguested viagra but then he just got hurt saying i wasn't insulting his manhood when i just meant that his hormones wheren't as strong.I'd like to have sex everday even if it's just once and i understand he works all day but it sex is a great way to wind down and relax isn't it. I've tried toys with and without him there but its just not the same i just want to held and touched and talked dirty to.i'm afaid for the safety of our relationship in the future i don't want my lust to lead me to another.it's not the sex is bad between us just that i'd like to have it more then 2twice aweek.does anyone know what i should do if theres hope or is anyone in my same spot

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thanks for the advice and i've tired stuff like that we have coupons,toys,games,candles,andrestraints..I dunno i guess it's just that my hormones are rageing and his already have so the blance is off we even tired to this morning but it felt rushed. hopefuly with more talkings and relaxtion we'll be back on track.hes angry now at the fact i even wrote any of this. now i'm fustrated even more

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to disagree with the other poster. I don't know a single heterosexual guy that isn't thinking about sex 99% of the day. I think in every long term relationship, you don't end up having sex as much as you did in the 'early dating stages'. That's almost impossible to keep up. Maybe he's got some pyschological hang-ups to do with his performance or "equipment". Maybe try something a little less "problem-sounding" like Viagra, and try one of the many herbal remedies available. Most come with a money back guarantee, and they do actually contain some ingredients which will HELP blood flow, and stamina. Good Luck!!

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