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A good way to get away from shyness...


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MAN, the best way to get more confidence and less shyness is so simple:




I mean, so much people complain about the fact that they're shy and they can't improve and don't get social contacts... SORRY, but you won't get any contacts to people if you just wait for a fairy who'll cast a spell for you...


LOOOK people in the eyes, smile and if you want to ask something, then JUST DO IT!!! If somebody asks you something - ANSWER!!!


Shyness is such a stupid thing, you produce it with your thoughts about failures...


Imagine there's a switch in your head for shyness - turn it off...

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I really bet most people wish it was that easy. For some including myself, failure/rejection IS the worst thing that can happen and is avoided at all costs. I understand what you are saying, but some people just are not good at keeping a conversation going. Its easy to say just talk but to those who have never been the outgoing types are going to have some trouble. Honestly, if I wasnt so shy and had more confidence in myself, I would probably have a lot more numbers/friends in my phone. I have a very hard time opening up to new people especially girls.

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Hey crazyking!


I think you were half right in what you said. The reality is that many, if not most people who are shy are too afraid to speak. Most suffer from low self confidence which can lead to SOCIAL ANXIETY. Many are afraid of being teased, rejected, and put down. Shyness and social anxiety are interchangeble. In fact many shy people were teased or ridiculed as children, that is why they become shy. I wish it were that easy to just talk. What people who are suffering from shyness need to do is 1. Restructure their negative thinking(cognition). 2. learn to deal with the fear of rejection. 3. Take small steps to recovery. If put in a situation that brings negative consequences before they are ready, it may prolong their recovery indefinatley. 4. I would definitely suggest counseling, if uncomfortable doing self help.


Create a great day!!!

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Hey everyone,


I was shy, I posted about it too , haha but since school has started I forced myself to change, and I gotta tell you, it works! I am taking baby steps of course, not just a full blown change.


I think with shy people, they are worried about looking stupid, but really, if you were less shy, you would sound just like everyone else, and they don't sound too stupid.


I'm not a totally outgoing, constant talking, center of attentention kind of person though either. I'm still building up to being less shy. People will listen to what you have to say, not just ignore you and think of you as a nuesense (which is what I used to think they would).


Trust me, it IS possible, I was worse than alot of people here for my shyness, but now its getting better. Just hang in there, and try to stay confident! If you slowly try to become braver, it'll all work out!

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You know what Warpten has a point. I use to be so shy. And one day I just sead to my self who cares what people think of me. On a differnt note with girls that I like, I am still shy becouse of lack of experance. Over time hopefuly all of us will be over are shyness.

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All the time I'm looking at one of my best friends and thinking how AWFULLY shy he is...


He's always looking on the ground, he talks only a few sentences per day and with only 2 people (In a school of 560 pupils)...


Three years ago he was thinking about suicide... Since I got rid of my shyness, I get FREAKIN' angry when I hear him talking very silent without even a single piece of confidence... Well, maybe it's because he has no brothers or sisters, but I know more people who don't, but they have A LOAD of friends and people to talk to...


He should force himself to talk with other people, but he doesn't... And he complains that all people are stupid and don't care about each other, but it's himself who's guilty for this...


I feel that he has a deep loneliness deppression, I know how big the pain is, I felt like that a few months ago, but I found out that everything depends on the way of thinking... If you think that you're a looser, well, YOU'LL BE A LOOSER...

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