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This guy that i'm kindof seeing asked me to go out with him on a monday.....i asked my parents if it was okay and they like freaked and said that they didn't know him and that i wasn't okay and that he's gotta be stupid cause i make bad choices...and so on. I was really upset caues he's really super sweet and i really like him. He's the type of guy that gets upset cause you had a bad day and you want a hug but he can't give you cause he's too far away. he's so sweet. HOw do i get my parents to let me go out with him. I mean we go out with out my parents knowledge with friends and stuff but i don't want to constantly go out with my friend and her boyfriend i want some alone time...what should i do?~ Goastbuster

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I'd talk to your parents, as hard as it is. It comforts them and gives you more space. Tell them what you are telling us. Explain what kind of guy he is, and that this would mean a lot to you. And most of all, you wont disappoint them. Yet...don't lie about this stuff. As "dumb" as parents might seem they are, they've been there done that. And no, i'm not a parent, i'm 17 haha. But yea, talk with them.


Communication = Power!



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