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Hey guys.


As you remember I posted a day or two ago about telling Jesse I was pregnant. Well, I did. I called him last night we talked and we hung up. I knew I had to. I called back and basically just said:


"what kind of mood are you in" he replied with "sleepy, but why?"


I went on to say, "I have to come clean about something. They didnt take my gull bladder out because of being anemic, it was because they wont put you under on elective surgeries during your first trimester."


He replied with, "Im totally confused... what" I went on and resaid it.... there was a long long pause......


Hes like so,.... Ummm.. Your pregnant? I replied with yes (and a huge sigh of releif!) and went on to say that I didnt expect him to say anything, or do anything. I just felt like it was the right thing todo and I wanted him to know... there was another long pause.....


Hes like wow.. Ok... Hes like dont think it was all you hun.. It was as much me as you.. So we talked a little bit more and he already took his sleeping pill.. So hes calling me tonight to talk more.


Im glad I did. I dont know what we are deciding just yet. I dont know anything. Hes still at work. ](*,)


THanks everyone!!!!!! It ment so much to have a set of ears and advice from people. You guys ROCK!!

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