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confused..can anyone tell if the girl you dig has a bf? :)


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i was wondering.. actually i'm really confused... i guess i want to know if anyone can tell if the girl you like has a boyfriend.. i've been observing her and all that stuff at school and she seems to be friends with lots of people particularly guys.. again this girl is very popular.. time and again every time i see her she gives me that special attention by saying Hi and How are you... and then she'd leave towards to her friends... i consider myself a cool guy, i think she knows it as well.. but i dunno in the perspective of other people they might think i'm a nerd or something ...if you read my posting on "i really don't know what to do about this situation..help thread it will make you have an understanding of my situation... anyway that's all i wanted to know..before i tell her my feelings towards her.


thanks for listening.


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being shy is badbadbad.you'll never know if she has a bf unless you ask. that is a majorly no-risk question!


itll go something like this, "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" "No" or "Yeah, why?" Then no matter what the answer is you say "Cool" and walk away. That's it. DON'T act embarrassed, that's a dead giveaway that you obsess over her. Or you can ask someone who knows he if she has a boyfriend, but that's the chicken way, and there is always a chance that person'll lie.



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Just ask her if she would like to go to the movies or something like that. And if she has a b/f she will tell you. And if she douse not have a b/f she will go. From what you told us above she likes you too or as a frend both are good. Well good luck and keep us posted.

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hey thanks for your reply cid.. i really wish it was that easy for me to just go up and tell her.. but i almost did try and tell her how i feel on wednesday but then all these nervousness kicked in, i felt numb all over my body.. i just couldn't.. i couldn't because like i said her guy friends intimidate me and i just can't help myself.. that's why i backed up a bit.. i know there's gotta be another way to do this.. but i'm not really sure how.. but i'm still waiting for that best moment where she's alone (i don't know when would that be but, im keeping my eyes open..)

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That will be the best thing for you to do. When she is alone tell her. Humm... this might be a way for you to get her away from her frends and tat is go up to her and say "hey can I talk to you in privet" (I have bad spelling ) like I sead keep us posted.

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to update my current situation.. on friday i talked to her and this is how it went down..


the conversation started like this.. me: "hi".. are you done school"and she said "hi".. i'm waiting for someone...."see ya" as she was going.. so then i said "hey wait..wait" and I told her "i need to tell you something" so the she stops and comes back to me then i said "would you like to take a walk.." then she gives it to me right of the bat.. "i'm waiting for someone" then she says "oh i'm sorry i have a boyfriend" so i'm like "oh" nodding my head.. i was really stunned and speechless.. then i said "alright" nodding my head.. looking at the ground.. i was speechless and i didn't what else to think and say.. then she says "i'm sorry.. see ya" as she was going the other way and me going the opposite way walking out of our school.. man i felt embarrassed right after.. and my heart went down south..


i dunno why this girl is weird.. everytime i see her it's like.. come here and talk to me.. i want you to say hi and talk to me.. she wants to get noticed.. i mean she's got tons of guy friends to make her feel good.. to me it's just pathetic.. and then when i finally did talk to her yesterday friday she just blows me away... was it something i said to her that made her feel uncomfortable.. i'm not really sure.. what i did wrong..


oh well.. i feel like a looser..



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