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Birthday date ideas?


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I've been dating a guy for almost 2 months, and his 27th birthday is coming up in two weeks. I would like to ask him out on a date that night and do something nice to him. Since we are not exclusive yet (well, we are in Europe, so maybe the concept doesn't exist, but....), I am thinking something casual yet romantic. Shall I take him out to a restaurant with a view (is it to girly)? Music concert? Live jazz bar? Any cool/fun places?


Guys, your ideas on where do you want to be taken/want to take someone you like on a birthday would be very much appreciated.



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Any idea what his hobbies or dream activities might be?


If he likes sports, try snag some tickets to a smaller local team (not too expensive to see a lower-league team if he`s a soccer fan for instance). Their tickets are more readily available as well than some big-name teams which can be sold out for months or even years.


Anything he ever wanted to try? Go-kart racing, laser tag, skating, boxing, etc? You can create a memorable date by doing something together he is curious about or wanted to try.


Music concert would be good if you know what his favorite type of music is and can get tickets to something in the genre. If he likes heavy metal, a mozart symphony will probably bore him though


A restaurant is good, but I seem to find that guys appreciate casual, but good food as opposed to an expensive restaurant with tiny, artfully arranged portions.

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Hi Aurian,


Thanks for your quick reply. I remember he went to Metallica concert while ago and he is into music (he plays bass in a band), so maybe a concert would be a good idea. He likes soccer (he's Italian) but he is not a fun of any local teams. My guy friends in the US were so into paint ball, but not sure if we can do it here in London. You are right, I think guys like something casual more than going to a romantic restaurant with small portions! Thanks for your help!!

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