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email to "break the ice"..brilliant or stupid


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ugh no. i've done that (only to guys) and lets just say that if i had been brave enough to ask in person, I wouldn't have gone through all the hell i did. he read it, printed it, showed to everybody, laughed about it, said i was a freak, and now whenever he passes me in the halls, he compltely ignores me.


my advice is: hang around with her friends. bring on of your friends with you for moral support. hang around her friends for a couple days, like a week or two, then when you are really comfortable talking to her and her friends, ask her out. it doesn't matter whether there are other people there or not, she'll still say the same answer. trust me, trust me, trust me, this will work a LOT better than an email!

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I think I disagree infact I definitely disagree...Not all people are as mean as that. My ex and I were together for 3 years and our relationship started with an email to break the ice. We both didnt imediately say how we felt we just wrote to eachother and talked about the things we liked didnt like life experiences school and all of that. I think its a good idea but dont blurt out all of your feelings right now just take some time to get to know the person and let them get to know you.

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