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he doesn't know me that well, however


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Ok, I have an overactive imagination, but I'll tell you what's going on in my brain. There is this guy I want to ask to the next dance, but I don't really know him that well, and he might be going with someone else. I'm pretty sure he isn't going with anyone, but I'm not positive.


Should I still ask? Will he think we are "going out" as in officially dating or will he see it as just going to the dance? How should I phrase it if I do ask? Should I just out and ask him or lead into the topic first, and if so, how? What if he is going out with someone else, what should I say? And I'm a girl, is it all right for girls to ask guys? If after I ask it is evident he doesn't like the idea so he wants to say no? WHAT IF HE THINKS I"M A LUNATIC?


You don't have to answer all of those, just pick one or five you can actually give some advice for. And I know I will feel really embarrased asking him, it's just my personality.

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It's all right for girls to ask guys to dance's, just ask him go up to him and ask him if he wants to go to the dance with you. If he says "no" or hes going with someone else just say "ok, thats cool" no big deal he won't think your a lunatic but if you get to know him better than you might have alot better chance of getting him to go with you...


Hope that helped, later




PM me if you have any other questions.

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just casually bring it up. like ask him if he's going to the dance. if he says he is going with someone, then you will no, but if he says he wants to go, but doesn't have anyone to go with yet, then ask him if he would want to go with you since you don't have anyone to go with either. if you don't ask, you will regret not knowing what he would say. you never know...he might want to go with you, but be too shy to ask.

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